Open File Reports include 1:24,000 scale bedrock, surficial, and groundwater maps published between 1963 and the present. All interpretations are those of the author. Open File reports have a minimal level of review for conformance with editorial standards. Many recent Open File Report maps include GIS data.
2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015-2013, 2012-2010, 2009-2007, 2006- 2004, 2003-1999, 1998-1996, 1995-1993, 1992-1961
VG2025-1 Wright, S.F., 2025, Surficial Geologic Map of the Newport Center 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2025-1, 1:24,000-Scale. Report. Surficial Geologic Map plus 3 cross-sections. GIS data (USGS-GeMS Compliant).
VG2025-2 Wright, S.F., 2025, Surficial Geologic Map of the Sutton 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2025-2, 1:24,000-Scale. Report. Surficial Geologic Map plus 4 cross-sections. GIS data (USGS-GeMS Compliant).
VG2024-1 The Surficial Geology of the Montpelier 1:100,000 Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey. VG2024-1, 1:100,000-Scale. GIS data (USGS-GeMS Compliant). Online Web Map.
Plate 1. Springston, G.E. and Wright, S.F., 2024, Surficial Geologic Map of the Montpelier 1:100,000 Quadrangle, Vermont.
Plate 2. Wright, S.F. and Springston, G.E., 2024, Glacial Ice Motion Indicators Map of the Montpelier 1:100,000 Quadrangle, Vermont.
Plate 3. Springston, G.E., 2024, Depth to Bedrock Map of the Montpelier 1:100,000 Quadrangle, Vermont.
Plate 4. Springston, G.E., 2024, Bedrock Elevation Surface Map of the Montpelier 1:100,000 Quadrangle, Vermont.
Report. Wright, S.F., Dunn, R.K., Springston, G.E., and Grigg, L.D., 2024, Field Trip Guidebook for the 85th Reunion of the Northeast Friends of the Pleistocene: The Glacial, Late-Glacial, and Postglacial History of North-Central Vermont. View Interactive FOP Field Trip Story Map.
VG2024-2 Wright, S.F., 2024, Surficial Geologic Map of the Newport 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2024-2, 1:24,000-Scale. Report. Surficial Geologic Map plus 4 cross-sections. GIS data (USGS-GeMS Compliant).
VG2023-1 Wright, S.F., Dunn, R.K., and Springston, G.E., 2023, Surficial Geologic Map of the Waterbury 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2023-1, 1:24,000-Scale. Report. Surficial Geologic Map plus 3 cross-sections. GIS data (USGS-GeMS Compliant).
VG2023-2 Wright, S.F., Springston, G.E., and Dunn R.K., 2023, Surficial Geologic Map of the Middlesex 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2023-2, 1:24,000-Scale. Report. Surficial Geologic Map plus cross-section. GIS data (USGS-GeMS Compliant).
VG2023-3 Wright, S.F., Dunn, R.K., and Springston, G.E., 2023, Surficial Geologic Map of the Warren 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2023-3, 1:24,000-Scale. Report. Surficial Geologic Map plus cross-section. GIS data (USGS-GeMS Compliant).
VG2023-4 Springston, G.E. and Wright, S.F., 2023, Surficial Geologic Map of the Mount Worcester 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2023-4, 1:24,000-Scale. Report - Northwest region. Report - Eastern region. Plate 1 - Surficial Geologic Map plus cross section: Northwest region. Plate 2 - Surficial Geologic Map plus cross section: Eastern region. GIS data (USGS-GeMS Compliant).
VG2023-5 Springston, G.E., 2023, Surficial Geologic Map of the Peacham 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2023-5, 1:24,000-Scale. Report. Surficial Geologic Map plus cross-section. GIS data (USGS-GeMS Compliant).
VG2022-1 Wright, S.F., 2022, Surficial Geologic Map of the Brookfield 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2022-1, 1:24,000-Scale. Report. Plate 1 - Surficial Geologic Map plus 4 cross-sections. Plate 2 - Overburden Thickness Map. Plate 3 - Recharge Potential Map. Plate 4 - Potentiometric Surface Map. Plate 5 - Well Yield Map. GIS Data.
VG2022-2 Wright, S.F., 2022, Surficial Geologic Map of the Mount Ellen 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2022-2, 1:24,000-Scale. Report. Plate 1 - Surficial Geologic Map plus 2 cross-sections. Plate 2 - Overburden Thickness Map. Plate 3 - Recharge Potential Map. Plate 4 - Potentiometric Surface Map. Plate 5 - Well Yield Map. GIS Data.
VG2022-3 Wright, S.F., 2022, Surficial Geologic Map of the Lincoln 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2022-3, 1:24,000-Scale. Report. Plate 1 - Surficial Geologic Map plus 2 cross-sections. Plate 2 - Overburden Thickness Map. Plate 3 - Recharge Potential Map. Plate 4 - Potentiometric Surface Map. Plate 5 - Well Yield Map. GIS Data.
VG2022-4 Springston, G.E., 2022, Surficial Geologic Map of the Barnet 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2022-4, 1:24,000-Scale. Plate 1 - Surficial Geologic Map plus cross-section. GIS Data.
VG2022-5 Springston, G.E., 2022, Surficial Geologic Map of the Woodsville 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2022-5, 1:24,000-Scale. Plate 1 - Surficial Geologic Map plus cross-section. GIS Data.
VG2021-1 Wright, S.F., 2021, Surficial Geology and Groundwater Hydrology of the Lake Carmi Watershed and Map Area A, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2021-1, Scale 1:12,000, Report, Plate 1 - Surficial Map with 3 cross-sections, Plate 2 - Overburden Thickness, Plate 3 - Infiltration Potential. GIS data.
VG2021-2 Springston, G.E., 2021, Landslide Inventory of Caledonia County, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2021-2, Report and Map.
VG2021-3 Dunn, R.K., and Larsen, F.D., 2021, Surficial Geologic Map of the Roxbury 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2021-3, scale 1:24,000. Surficial Map. GIS Data.
VG2021-4 Springston, G.E., 2021, Surficial Geologic Map of the East Corinth 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2021-4, scale 1:24,000. Surficial Map. GIS Data.
VG2021-5 Kim, J.J., and Boyles, J.L., 2021, Derivative maps generated from water well data logs and bedrock outcrops in the Clarendon area, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2021-5, 4 Plates, scale 1:17,000.
Plate A: (Draft) Preliminary Water Well and Bedrock Outcrop Locations in the Clarendon Area, Vermont
Plate B: (Draft) Preliminary Isopach Map (Overburden Thickness) of the Clarendon Area, Vermont
Plate C: (Draft) Preliminary Bedrock Surface Contour Map of the Clarendon Area, Vermont
VG2020-1 Wright, S.F., 2020, Surficial Geology and Groundwater Hydrology of the Stowe 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2020-1, scale 1:24,000, Report plus 5 maps. GIS data.
VG2020-2 Springston, G.E., 2020, Surficial Geologic Map of the Groton 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2020-2, scale 1:24,000, Report (includes hydrogeologic maps), Plate 1- Surficial Map, Plate 2- Depth to Bedrock. GIS data.
VG2020-3 DeSimone, D. J., 2020, Surficial Geologic Map of Clarendon, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2020-3, scale 1:12,000, Report, Plate 1 - Surficial Map, GIS data.
VG2020-4 Springston, G.E., Wright, S.F., and Van Hoesen, J.G., 2020, Major Glacial Lakes and the Champlain Sea, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2020-4. Map.
VG2019-1 Wright, S.F., 2019, Surficial Geology and Groundwater Hydrology of the Richmond 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2019-1, scale 1:24,000, Report plus 5 plates. Report, Surficial Map, Overburden Thickness, Potentiometric Surface, Recharge Potential, Hydrologic Units. GIS Data.
VG2019-2 Kim, J.J., Young, P., and Peterson, N., 2019, Bedrock Zones in Vermont and Radon in Air Test Points and Statistics: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2019-2, Readme file, Plate 1 and Plate 2.
VG2019-3 Springston, G.E., 2019, Surficial Geology and Hydrogeology of the Huntington 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2019-3, scale 1:24,000, Report, Plate 1 - Surficial Map. GIS data (USGS-GeMS Compliant).
VG2019-4 Van Hoesen, J.G., 2019, Surficial Geology and Hydrogeology of the Northern Half of the Proctor 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2019-4, scale 1:24,000, Report plus 9 plates. Report, Surficial Map (VG2019-4A), Plate 2 - Overburden Thickness, Plate 3 -Potentiometric Surface, Plate 4 - Bedrock Well Yield, Plate 5 - Recharge potential (shallow), Plate 6 - Recharge potential (deep), Plate 7- Aquifer Potential, Plate 8- Hydrogeologic Units, Plate 9 - Data points.
VG2019-4A,Van Hoesen, J.G., 2019, Surficial Geologic Map of the Proctor 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2019-4A, scale 1:24,000. GIS data.
VG2019-5 Springston, G.E., Landslide Inventory of Orange County, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2019-5, Report and Map.
VG2018-1 Springston, G.E., 2018, Surficial Geologic Map of the Barre East 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2018-1, scale 1:24,000, Report and 4 plates: Plate 1 - Surficial Geologic Map, Plate 2 - Data points, Plate 3 - Overburden thickness, Plate 4 - Slope map. GIS Data.
VG2018-2 Van Hoesen, J.G., 2018, Surficial Geology and Hydrogeology of the southern half of the Proctor 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2018-2, scale 1:24,000, Report plus 10 plates. Report, Surficial Map (VG2019-4A), Plate 2 - Overburden Thickness, Plate 3 -Potentiometric Surface, Plate 4 - Depth to Bedrock, Plate 5 - Bedrock Well Yield, Plate 6 - Recharge potential (shallow), Plate 7 - Recharge potential (deep), Plate 8- Aquifer Potential, Plate 9 - Hydrogegologic Units, Plate 10 - Data points.
VG2018-3 Springston, G.E., 2018, Surficial Geology and Hydrogeology of the Joes Pond 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2018-3, scale 1:24,000, Report plus 8 plates. Report, Plate 1 - Surficial Map (VG2017-6), Plate 2 - Data Points, Plate 3-Overburden, Plate 4- Well Depth, Plate 5 -Well Yield, Plate 6- Static Water levels, Plate 7 - Hydrogeologic Units, Plate 8 - Aquifer Potential, Plate 9 - Recharge Potential. GIS Data.
VG2018-4 Wright, S.F., 2018, Surficial Geology and Hydrogeology of the Bolton Mountain Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2018-4, scale 1:24,000, Report and 5 plates. Report, Plate 1- Surficial Map, Plate 2- Data Points, Plate 3 - Overburden, Plate 4 - Recharge potential, Plate 5- Flow lines, Also see Chittenden County water resources map (VG2010). GIS Data.
VG2018-5 Wright, S.F., and Dowey, C. W., 2018, Surficial Geology and Hydrogeology of the Jeffersonville Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2018-5, scale 1:24,000, 4 plates.
Plate 1 - Surficial Geologic Map, Plate 2 - Surficial Geologic Cross-Sections, Plate 3 - Isopach Map, Plate 4 - Generalized Groundwater Flow, Report (VG01-2). This supersedes the maps of VG01-2. GIS Data.
VG2018-6 Springston, G.E., 2018, Landslide Inventory of Chittenden County, Northwest Vermont [Report, Map]: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2018-6.
VG2017-8 Larsen, F. D., Surficial Geologic Map of the Northfield 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2017-8.
VG2017-7 Springston, G.E., Landslide Inventory of Washington County, Central Vermont [Report, Plate 1 - Map]: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2017-7.
VG2017-6 Springston G.E. and Dowey, C.W., Surficial Geologic Map of the Joes Pond Quadrangle, Vermont [Report, Plate 1]: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2017-6, scale 1:24,000.
VG2017-5 Wright, S.F., Surficial Geology and Hydrogeology of the Town of Weathersfield, Vermont [Report, Plate 1 - Surficial Map, Plate 2, Plate 3, Plate 4, Plate 5]: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2017-5, scale 1:24,000. GIS data.
VG2017-4A Kim, J. J., 2017, (Draft) Preliminary Bedrock Geologic Map of the Bennington Area, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2017-4A, scale 1:12,000.
VG2017-4B Kim, J. J., 2017, (Draft) Preliminary Fracture Map of the Bennington Area, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2017-4B, scale 1:12,000.
VG2017-3 Kim, J. J., and Dowey, C. W., 2017, Derivative maps generated from water well data logs in the Bennington area, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2017-3, 4 Plates, scale 1:12,000.
Plate A: (Draft)_Preliminary Water Well and Bedrock Outcrop Locations in the Bennington Area, Vermont
Plate B: (Draft)_Preliminary Isopach Map (Overburden Thickness) of the Bennington Area, Vermont
Plate C: (Draft)_Preliminary Bedrock Surface Elevation Contours in the Bennington Area, Vermont
Plate D: (Draft)_Preliminary Potentiometric Surface (Static Water Level) Contours for the Bedrock Aquifer
in the Bennington Area, Vermont
VG2017-2 Thompson, P. J., and Thompson, T. B., 2017, Bedrock Geologic Map of the Mount Mansfield 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open File Report VG2017-2, (Plate 1 - Map, Plates 2 - 3), scale 1:24,000. Supersedes VG99-3. GIS Data.
VG2017-1 DeSimone, D. J., 2017, Surficial Geology of the Bennington Area, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open-File Report VG2017-1, (Plates 1 - 4), scale 1:12,000. GIS Data.
2016 back to top
VG2016-1 Springston, G.E., Kim, J., Gale. M. and Thomas, E., 2016, Geology and hydrogeology of the Town of Calais, Vermont: VGS Open File report VG2016-1, 8 color plates, scale 1:24,000. (Plates 1 & 2, 3 & 4, 5-8). GIS data
VG16-1 (poster) Chirigos, M., Kim, J.J., Klepeis, M., and Van Hoesen, J.G., 2016, Using photogrammetry to analyze structures in a tectonic sliver in the footwall of the Champlain Thrust, Shelburne, Vermont II: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG16-1, 1 plate.
VG2016-2 Van Hoesen, J.G., 2016, Surficial geology and hydrogeology of Monkton, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2016-2, text plus 11 plates (plates 1-5, plates 6-11), scale 1:24,000. GIS data.
VG2016-3 Springston, G.E., 2016, Surficial geology and hydrogeology of the Cabot 7 1/2 minute quadrangle, Vermont [Report, Map plates 1-3, Map plates 4-6, Map plates 7-9 and GIS data] : Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2016-3, text plus 9 plates, scale 1:24,000.
VG2016-4 Springston, G.E., 2016, Final report on a landslide inventory of the Town of Highgate, Vermont [Report, Map Plates 1-2, Map plates 3-4, Map plates 5-6]: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2016-4, text plus 6 plates, scale 1:24,000.
2013, 2014, 2015 back to top
VG2015-1 Kim, J. and Springston, G., 2015, Report on aquifer and aquifer recharge mapping in the Town of Bristol, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2015-1, text plus 8 plates.
VG2015-2 Kim, J., Gale, M., Springston, G., Koteas, C., Defelice, C., and Saitta, N., 2015, Bedrock Geologic Map of the Southern Two-Thirds of the Woodbury Quadrangle, Vermont, Washington County, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2015-2. View text. Paper copy ($10.00).
VG2015-3 Springston, G., Thomas, E., and Kim, J., 2015, Surficial Geologic Map of the Southern Two-Thirds of the Woodbury Quadrangle, Vermont, Washington County, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2015-3. View text. GIS data. Paper copy - $10.00
VG14-1 Kim, J., Gale, M., Chu, K., Cincotta, M., and Cuccio, L., 2014, Bedrock Geologic Map of the northern portion of the South Mountain Quadrangle, Addison County, Vermont: VGS Open File Report VG14-1, scale 1:24,000
VG14-2 Springston, G., Thomas, E., and Kim, J., 2014, Surficial Geologic Map of the northern 2/3 of the South Mountain Quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open File Report VG14-2, scale 1:24,000
VG14-3 Gale, M., Springston, G., Van Hoesen, J., and Becker, L., 2014, A GIS-based approach to characterizing Vermont's groundwater resources: VGS Open File Report VG14-3 (on-line poster)
VG13-1 Kim, J., Weber, E., and Klepeis, K., 2013, Bedrock Geologic Map of the Bristol, VT Quadrangle (Plate 1); Plate 2: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG13-1. Paper copy - $20.00. GIS data
VG13-2 Springston, G. and Kim, J., 2013, Surficial Geologic Map of the Bristol Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG13-2. Paper copy - $10.00. GIS data
VG13-3 Lens, J., DeWolkar, M, Springston, G., and Becker, L., 2013, Seismic hazard for the Burlington and Colchester, Vermont USGS 7-1/2 minute quadrangles: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG13-3. Paper copy - $10.00.
VG13-4 Lens, J., DeWolkar, M., Springston, G., and Becker, L., 2013, Seismic hazard mapping for Williston, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG13-4. Paper copy - $10.00.
2010, 2011, 2012 back to top
VG12-4 Gale, M.H., 2012, Generalized Geologic Map of Vermont, Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG12-4, 1 plate, Scale 1:1,000,000.
VG12-1 Wright, S., 2012, Surficial Geologic Map of the Pico Peak 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont [Report Part One - South; Report Part Two - North]: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG12-1, 1 plate, scale 1:24,000. GIS data.
VG12-3 Gale, M., Kim, J., Ruksznis, A., 2012, Bedrock Geologic Map of the Essex Junction, Vermont 7.5 Minute Quadrangle: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG12-3, 1 plate, scale 1:24,000. GIS data.
VG11-1 Van Hoesen, J., 2011, Surficial Geologic Map of the Town of Dover, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open-File Report VG11-1, 1 color plate, scale 1:24,000. GIS data. Paper copy - $10.00.
VG11-1b Van Hoesen, J., 2011, Surficial Geology and Hydrogeology of the Town of Dover, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open-File Report VG11-1b, 8 color plates and Report, scale 1:24,000. GIS data. Paper copy - $80.00.
VG11-2 Wright, S., Larsen, F., Springston, G., and Gale, M., 2011, Surficial Geology and Hydrogeology of the Town of Randolph, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG11-2, 6 color plates and report, scale 1:24,000. GIS data. Paper copy - $60.00. See also Open File Report VG10-2 for the surficial map.
VG11-3 Kim, J., and Ruksznis, A., 2011, Bedrock Geologic Map of the Plainfield Quadrangle,Washington County, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG11-3, Structure Data-Plate 2 (1 mb pdf), scale 1:24,000. GIS data (Geodatabase). Paper copy - $20.00.
VG11-4 Springston, G., 2011, Surficial Geologic Map of the Plainfield Quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG11-4, 1 color plate, scale 1:24,000. GIS data. Paper copy - $10.00.
Aleinikoff, JN, Ratcliffe, NM, and Walsh, GJ, 2011, Provisional Zircon and Monazite Uranium-Lead Geochronology for Selected Rocks From Vermont: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2011–1309, 46 p., available only online at
VG10-1 Springston, G., Gale, M., Kim, J., Wright, S., Earle, H., Clark, A. and Smith, T., 2010, Hydrogeology of Charlotte, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG10-1, 7 plates, scale 1:24,000. GIS data. Paper copy - $70.00.
VG10-2 Wright, S., Larsen, F., and Springston, G., 2010, Surficial Geologic Map of the Town of Randolph, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG10-2, 1 color plate, scale 1:24,000. GIS data. Paper copy - $10.00 .
VG10-3 Springston, G. and Maynard, D., 2010, Surficial Geologic Map of the Town of Craftsbury, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG10-3, 1 color plate, scale 1:24,000. GIS data. Paper copy - $10.00.
VG10-4 Kim, J., Gale, M., McMillan, M., Zoltos, S., and Springston, G., 2010, Bedrock Geologic Map of the Town of Craftsbury, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG10-4, 3 color plates, scale 1:24,000. Plate 2- Structure Data, Plate 3- Illustrated Stratigraphic Column. Paper copy -$30.00.
VG10-5 Springston, G., Gale, M., Knox, R., and Becker, L., 2010, Thickness of Overburden in Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG10-5, 1 color plate, scale 1:250,000. paper copy- $10.00.
2007, 2008, 2009 back to top
VG09-1 Wright, S., S. Fuller, S. Jones, A. McKinney, S. Rupard, and S.D. Shaw, 2009, Surficial geologic map of the Burlington, Vermont 7.5 minute quadrangle: VGS Open-File Report VG09-1, 2 color plates plus text, Surficial map, Overburden thickness map, scale 1:24000. GIS data. Paper copy - $10.00.
VG09-2 Wright, S., A. McKinney and S. Rupard, 2009, Surficial geologic map of the Colchester, Vermont 7.5 minute quadrangle: VGS Open-File Report VG09-2, 1 color plate plus text (VG09-1), scale 1:24000. GIS data. Paper copy - $10.00.
VG09-3 De Simone, D. and Gale, M., 2009, Surficial geology and hydrogeology of Dorset, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG09-3, 9 color plates, Report, Report on Dorset Springs, scale 1:24,000. GIS data. Paper copy - $75.00.
VG09-4 Kim, J., 2009, Bedrock geologic map of parts of the Eden, Albany, Lowell, and Irasburg quadrangles, VGS Open-File Report VG09-4, 1 plate, scale 1:24000. GIS data. Paper copy - $10.00 . Supersedes VG97-5.
VG09-5 Gale, M., Kim, J., Earle, H., Clark, A., Smith, T., and Petersen, K., 2009, Bedrock Geologic Map of Charlotte, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG09-5, 3 plates, scale 1:24,000. GIS data. Paper copy - $30.00.
VG09-6 Springston, G. and Wright, S., 2009, Surficial geologic map of Charlotte, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG09-6, 1 plate, scale 1:24,000. GIS data. Paper copy - $10.00.
VG09-7 Van Hoesen, J., 2009, Surficial Geologic Map of Rutland, Vermont [Report, Maps]: VGS Open-File Report VG09-7, 9 plates, scale 1:24,000. GIS data. Paper copy - $40.00.
VG09-8 Gale, M., Springston, G., Becker, L. and Knox, R., 2009, Statewide Analyses of Bedrock Water Well Data: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG09-8, 7 plates, scale 1:250,000.
VG09-9 Kim, J., Springston, G., and Charnock, R., 2009, Bedrock control on surficial deposits and groundwater issues in part of the Knox Mtn granite, NE VT: VGS Open File Report VG09-9 (on-line poster).
VG08-1 De Simone, D., 2008, Surficial geology of the town of Brandon, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG08-1, 8 color plates and McConnell Road Report, scale 1:24,000. GIS data. Paper copy - $80.00.
VG08-2 De Simone, D., and Gale, M., 2008, Surficial geology and hydrogeology of the Town Londonderry, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG08-2, 7 color plates, scale 1:24,000. GIS data. Paper copy - $70.00.
VG08-3 Kim, J., Charnock, R., Chow, D. and Springston, G., 2008, Bedrock geologic map of the Knox Mountain pluton area, Marshfield and Peacham, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG08-3, 3 color plates, scale 1:24,000. GIS data. Paper copy - $30.00.
VG08-4 Springston, G. and Kim, J., 2008, Surficial geologic map of the Knox Mountain area, Marshfield and Peacham, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG08-4, 2 color plates, scale 1:24,000. GIS data. Paper copy - $20.00.
VG07-1a Dunn, R., Springston, G., and Donahue, N., 2007, Surficial Geologic Map of the Mad River Watershed, Vermont (northern sheet): VGS Open-File Report VG07-1a, 1 color plate, scale 1:24,000. $10.00.
VG07-1b Dunn, R., Springston, G., and Donahue, N., 2007, Surficial Geologic Map of the Mad River Watershed, Vermont (southern sheet): VGS Open-File Report VG07-1b, 1 color plate, scale 1:24,000. $10.00. To download only the digital surficial materials data, go to VCGI.
VG07-2 Bedrock geologic map of the Hazens Notch and a parts of the Eden and Lowell quadrangles, Vermont: Digitally compiled (Gale) in 2007 from Bothner and Laird (1999), Cady, Albee and Chidester (1963), Doll et. al. (1961), Gale (1980, 1986), Kim (1997), and Schoonmaker (1997): VGS Open-File Report VG07-2, 1 color plate, scale 1:24,000. GIS data. Paper copy - $10.00.
VG07-4 Kim, J., Gale, M., Thompson, P.J., and Derman, K., 2007, Bedrock geologic map of the town of Williston, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG07-4, 1 color plate, scale 1:24,000. GIS data. Paper copy - $10.00.
VG07-5 Springston, G. and De Simone, D., 2007, Surficial geologic map of the town of Williston, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG07-5, 1 color plate, scale 1:24,000. GIS data. Paper copy - $10.00.
2004, 2005, 2006 back to top
VG2006-1 De Simone, D., 2006, Surficial Geology of the Wallingford Quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG2006-1, 4 color plates, scale 1:24,000. GIS data. Paper copy- $40.00.
VG2006-2 Gale, M.H., Kim, J., King, S., Montane, P., and Orsi, C., 2006, Bedrock Geologic Map of the Southern Worcester Mountains Watershed, Middlesex and Stowe 7.5 minute quadrangles, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG2006-2, 3 color plates, scale 1:24,000. GIS data.
VG2006-3 Springston, G. and Dunn, R., 2006, Surficial Geologic Map of the Southern Worcester Mountains Watershed, Middlesex and Stowe 7.5 minute quadrangles, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG2006-3, 1 color plate, scale 1:24,000. $10.00.
VG06-4 Thompson, P. J., 2006, Bedrock Geologic Map of Woodstock, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG06-4, (Plates 1 - 4 and Report), scale 1:24,000. GIS data.
VG06-5 DeSimone, D., 2006, Surficial Geologic Map and Groundwater Resources of Woodstock, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG06-5, 6 color plates, scale 1:24000. GIS data. Bedrock, surficial and groundwater maps.
VG06-7 Kim, J., Gale, M., and Springston, G., 2006, Bedrock Geologic Map of the West Central Worcester Mountains Watershed, Stowe and Waterbury, VT: VGS Open-File Report VG06-7, 1 color plate, scale 1:24,000.
VG04-1 De Simone, D., 2004, Surficial geology and hydrogeology of Manchester, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG04-1, Report and 11 maps, scale 1:24,000. Paper copy: $50.00. GIS data.
VG04-2 Thompson, T.B., Thompson, P. and Doolan, B., 2004, Bedrock Geologic Map of the Hinesburg Quadrangle, Vermont, Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG04-2, scale 1:24,000. GIS data.
VG04-3 Donahue, N, Dunn, R. and Springston, G., 2004, Surficial Geologic Map of the Middlebury River Watershed, West-central Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG04-3, scale 1:24,000.
VG04-4 Springston, G, Maynard, D, and Moll, J, 2004, Surficial geologic map of the Wild Branch Watershed, north-central Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG04-4, scale 1:24,000
1999, 2000, 2001, 2003 back to top
VG03-1 Kim, J, Gale, M, King, S, Orsi, and Pascale, L, 2003, Bedrock Geology of the Montpelier Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG03-1, 1 color plate, scale 1:24,000. See also, Walsh, Kim, Gale and King 2010 (includes GIS data).
VG03-3B Digital data for the Hazens Notch and a portion of the Lowell quadrangles, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG03-3B, Compiled (Gale) in 2003 from Bothner and Laird (1999), Cady, Albee and Chidester (1963), Doll et. al. (1961), Gale (1980), Kim (1997), and Schoonmaker (1997). GIS data
VG03-4B Doolan, B., Cherchetti, L., Holt, J., Ryan, J., Hengstenburg, C., and Rosencrantz, E., 2003, Bedrock Geologic Map of the Underhill quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG03-4B, scale 1:24,000. GIS data
VG2002-1 Kim, Jonathan, 2002, Compilation and assessment of radioactivity data in Vermont: VGS Open File Report VG2002-1, Plates I-IX, Fact Sheet.
VG01-1 Kim, Jonathan and Thomson, Peter J., 2001, Bedrock geology of the Colchester quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG01-1, 4 plates, scale 1;24,000.
VG01-2 Wright, Stephen, 2001, Surficial geology of the Jeffersonville quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG01-2, 1 plate, Report, scale 1;24,000.
VG00-1 Springston, G., 2000, Surficial geologic map of the western half of the Newbury, NH - VT quadrangle: VGS Open-File Report VG00-1, 1plate, scale 1:24000.
VG00-2 DeSimone, D., 2000, Surficial geologic map of the Arlington and Vermont portion of the Shushan quadrangle: VGS Open-File Report VG00-2, 2 plates, scale 1:24000.
Burton, WC, and Ratcliffe, NM, 2000, Digital and preliminary bedrock geologic map of the Wallingford quadrangle, Vermont: U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 99-337-A, scale 1:24,000.
VG99-1 Compilation bedrock geologic map of the Jay Peak quadrangle, Compiled by B. Doolan, 1999: VGS Open-File Report VG99-1, 1 plate, scale 1:24000. GIS Data (Reformatted 2017)
VG99-2 Compilation bedrock geologic map of the Hazens Notch quadrangle, Compiled by M. Gale and J. Kim, 1999: VGS Open-File Report VG99-2, 2 plates, scale 1:24000. Superseded by VG07-2.
VG99-3 Thompson, PJ and Thompson, TB, 1999, Digital bedrock geologic map of the Mt. Mansfield quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG99-3, 3 plates, scale 1:24000. Superseded by VG2017-2.
VG99-4 Doolan, B., Brooks, K., Copans, B., Hengstenberg, C., and Sonenberg, D., 1999, Bedrock geology of the Cold Hollow Mountains quadrangle: VGS Open-File Report VG99-4, 6 plates, scale 1:24000.
VG99-5 Bothner, W. and Laird, J., 1999, Geologic map of the Tillotson-Haystack Area Hazens Notch and parts of the Lowell 7.5 minute quadrangles: VGS Open-File Report VG99-5, 2 plates, scale 1:24000.
VG99-6 Wright, S., 1999, Surficial geologic map of the Barre West quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG99-6, 1 plate, Cross-sections, & text, scale 1:24000.
VG99-7 Larsen, F, 1999, Surficial geologic map of the Montpelier quadrangle: VGS Open-File Report VG99-7, 1 plate & text, scale 1:24000.
VG99-8 Springston, G and Haselton, G, 1999, Surficial geologic map of the eastern portion of the St. Johnsbury quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG99-8, 5 plates and text, scale 1:24000. To download only the digital surficial materials data, go to VCGI.
1996, 1997, 1998 back to top
VG98-1 Springston, G., Kim, J., and Applegate, G.S., 1998, Digital bedrock geologic map of the Morrisville quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG98-1, 2 plates, scale 1:24000. GIS data.
VG98-2 Thompson, PJ and Thompson, TB, 1998, Digital bedrock geologic map of the Johnson quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG98-2, 2 plates, scale 1:24000. GIS Data. (Reformatted 2017)
VG98-3 Kim, J, Springston, G, and Gale, M, 1998, Digital bedrock geologic map of the Eden quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG98-3, 2 plates, scale 1:24000. GIS Data.
VG98-4 Rosencrantz, E, Schoonmaker, A, Copans, B, Holt, J., Ryan, J, Talcott, J, and Sonenberg, D, 1998, Bedrock geology of the Richford quadrangle, Franklin County, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG98-4, 45 p., 6 plates, scale 1:24000.
VG98-5 Schoonmaker, A, 1998, Bedrock geology of the western 1/3 of the Jay Peak 7.5 minute quadrangle, northern Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG98-5, 2 plates, scale 1:24000.
VG98-6 Schoonmaker, A, 1998, Bedrock geology of the western 1/3 of the Hazens Notch 7.5 minute quadrangle, northern Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG98-6, 2 plates, scale 1:24000.
VG98-7 Wright, S and Shaw, SD, 1998, Report on seismic hazard mapping, Burlington, Vermont 7.5 minute quadrangle: VGS Open-File Report VG98-7, 52 p., 4 plates, scale 1:24000.
VG98-121A Ratcliffe, N.M., 1998, Digital and preliminary bedrock geologic map of the Rutland quadrangle, Vermont: USGS Open-File Report 98-121-A, 1 plate, scale 1:24000. GIS data.
VG98-123A Walsh, G. J., 1998, Digital and preliminary bedrock geologic map of the Vermont part of the Hartland quadrangle, Windsor County, Vermont: USGS Open-File Report 98-123A, 1 color plate and text, scale 1:24000. GIS Data. Now available as USGS SIM-3361.
VG98-226A Walsh, G. J., and Ratcliffe, N.M., 1998, Digital and preliminary bedrock geologic map of the Pico Peak quadrangle, Vermont: USGS Open-File Report 98-226-A, 1 plate, scale 1:24000.
VG98-226B GIS data
VG98-330A Ratcliffe, N.M., and Walsh, G. J., 1998, Digital and preliminary bedrock geologic map of the Mount Carmel quadrangle, Vermont: USGS Open-File Report 98-330-A, 1 plate, scale 1:24000.
VG98-330B GIS data
VG98-335A Armstrong, T.R., and Ratcliffe, N.M., 1998, Digital and preliminary bedrock geologic map of the Townshend 7.5 x 15 minute quadrangle, Vermont: USGS Open-File Report 98-335-A, 1 plate, scale 1:24000.
VG98-335B GIS data
VG98-335A Burton, WC, and Ratcliffe, NM, 2000, Digital and preliminary bedrock geologic map of the Wallingford quadrangle, Vermont: USGS Open-File Report 99-337-A, scale 1:24000. GIS Data
VG97-01A Mehrtens, CJ, 1997, Digital compilation bedrock geologic map of the Lake Champlain South one-degree sheet, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG97-01A, scale 1:100000.
VG97-4 Springston, G., 1997, Bedrock geology of the Stowe-Waterbury area, north-central Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG97-4, scale 1:24000.
VG97-04C Stanley, RS, and Roy, D, 1997, Bedrock geologic map of the Jay and North Troy area, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG97-04c, scale 1:24000. Supersedes VG97-04A. GIS data.
VG97-5 Kim, J, 1997, Bedrock geologic map of parts of the Eden, Albany, Lowell, and Irasburg quadrangles, 6 p., 2 plates, scale 1:24000. Superseded by VG09-4.
VG97-6 Mango, H, 1997, Bedrock geologic map of the Orwell quadrangle, 1 plate, scale 1:24,000. Paper copy -$6.00.
VG97-854A Ratcliffe, NM, 1997, Digital and preliminary bedrock geologic map of the Chittenden quadrangle, Vermont: USGS Open-File Report 97-854, 1 plate, scale 1:24000. GIS Data.
VG96-02A Mehrtens, CJ, 1996, Digital compilation bedrock geologic map of the Lake Champlain North one-degree sheet, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG96-02A, 2 plates, scale 1:100000.
VG96-03 Digital compilation bedrock geologic map of part of the Waitsfield quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG96-3A, 2 plates, scale 1:24000. GIS data.
VG96-31A Ratcliffe, N.M., 1996, Digital bedrock geologic map of the Andover quadrangle, Vermont: USGS Open-File Report 96-31-A, 2 plates, scale 1:24000. GIS data.
VG96-33A Walsh, GJ and Falta, CK, 1996, Digital bedrock geologic map of the Rochester quadrangle, Vermont: USGS Open-File Report 96-33-A, 2 plates, scale 1:24000. (now available as USGS Geologic Investigations Series Map I - 2626). GIS data.
VG96-52A Ratcliffe, NM and Armstrong, TR, 1996, Digital bedrock geologic map of the Saxtons River quadrangle, Vermont, USGS Open-File Report 96-52-A, 2 plates, scale 1:24000. GIS data. (Now available as USGS MIS Map I-2552)
VG96-526A Ratcliffe, NM and Burton, WC, 1996, Digital bedrock geologic map of the Weston quadrangle, Vermont: USGS Open-File Report 96-526, 2 plates, scale 1:24000. GIS data.
VG96-733A Walsh, GJ, Armstrong, TR and Ratcliffe, NM, 1996, Digital bedrock geologic map of the Vermont part of the 7.5 x 15 minute Mount Ascutney and Springfield quadrangles, Vermont: USGS Open-File Report 96-733, 1 plate, scale 1:24000. GIS data.
1994, 1995 back to top
VG95-2A Martin, DC, Cua, AC, and Stanley, RS 1995, Digital compilation bedrock geologic map of the Roxbury quadrangle and eastern part of Warren quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG95-2A, 2 plates, scale 1:24000. Paper copy-$10.00.
VG95-3A Stanley, R.S., DelloRusso, V., Tauvers, P.R., DiPietro, J.A., Taylor, S., and Prahl, C., 1995, Digital compilation bedrock geologic map of the South Mountain quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG95-3A, 2 plates, scale 1:24000. GIS data.
VG95-4A Walsh, GJ, Haydock, S, Prewitt, J, Kraus, J, Lapp, E, O'Loughlin, S, and Stanley, RS, 1995, Digital compilation bedrock geologic map of the Warren quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG95-4A, 2 plates, scale 1:24000. GIS data.
VG95-5A Stanley, R, DelloRusso, V, Haydock, S, Lapp, E, O'Loughlin, S, Prewitt, J,and Tauvers, PR, 1995, Digital compilation bedrock geologic map of the Lincoln quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG95-5A, 2 plates, scale 1:24000. GIS data.
VG95-6A Stanley, RS, Walsh, G, Tauvers, PR, DiPietro, JA, and DelloRusso, V, 1995, Digital compilation bedrock geologic map of the Mt. Ellen quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG95-6A, 2 plates, scale 1:24000. GIS data. (Reformatted 2017)
VG95-7A Doolan, B, 1995, Digital bedrock geologic map of the Gilson Mountain quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG95-7A, 2 plates, scale 1:24000. GIS data.
VG95-8A Dorsey, R, Doolan, B, Agnew, PC, Carter, CM, Rosencrantz, EJ, and Stanley, RS, 1995, Digital compilation bedrock geologic map of the Milton quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG95-8A, 2 plates, scale 1:24000. GIS data. Paper map - $10.00
VG95-9A Thompson, PJ and Thompson, TB, 1995, Digital bedrock geologic map of parts of the Huntington, Richmond, Bolton and Waterbury quadrangles, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG95-9A, 2 plates, scale 1:24000. GIS data.
VG95-DM1 Ratcliffe, NM, 1995, Digital bedrock geologic map of the Mount Snow & Readsboro quadrangles, Vermont: scale 1:24000, GIS Data. (view 1994 map or order through USGS - USGS Misc. Inv. Series I-2307)
VG95-203A Ratcliffe, NM, 1995, Digital bedrock geologic map of the Cavendish quadrangle, Vermont: USGS Open-File Report 95-203, 2 plates, scale 1:24000. GIS data. Paper map - USGS Geologic Quadrangle Series Map GQ-1773.
VG95-483A Lyttle, PT, Digital bedrock geologic map of the Arlington quadrangle and a Vermont portion of the Shushan quadrangle, Vermont: USGS Open-File Report 95-483, 2 plates, scale 1:24000. GIS data.
VG95-576A Ratcliffe, N.M., 1995, Digital bedrock geologic map of the Chester quadrangle, Vermont: USGS Open-File Report 95-576, 2 plates, scale 1:24000. GIS data. Paper map-$10.00 (now available as USGS Geologic Investigations Series Map I -2598).
VG94-1 Mango, H, 1994, A geochemical study of Dorset Mountain, 9 p.
VG94-2 Mango, H, Cronan, T, and Slattery, M, 1994, Geologic mapping in the Proctor quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open-File report VG94-2, scale 1:24,000.
VG94-3 Goldberg, J. L., and Mehrtens, C. M., 1994, Bedrock geology of the Port Henry and northwestern portion of the Middlebury quadrangles, 21 p., 1 plate
VG94-4 Westerman, DS, 1994, Bedrock geology of the Northfield quadrangle, Vermont, 1 plate plus text, scale 1:24,000.
VG94-229A Walsh, G.J., Ratcliffe, N.M., Dudley, J.B., and Merrifield, T., 1994, Digital bedrock geologic map of the Mount Holly and Ludlow quadrangles, Vermont: USGS Open-File Report 94-229, 2 plates, scale 1:24000. GIS data.
VG94-654A Walsh, G.J., and Ratcliffe, N.M., 1994, Digital bedrock geologic map of the Plymouth quadrangle, Vermont: USGS Open-File Report 94-654, 2 plates, scale 1:24,000. GIS data.
VG94 Ratcliffe, NM, 1994, Digital bedrock geologic map of the Mount Snow and Readsboro quadrangles, Bennington and Windham counties Vermont: digitized from U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I- 2307, scale 1:24,000. GIS data.
1992 - 1961 back to top
VG92-1 Jerris, RM, and DeSimone, DJ, 1992, Hydrogeology of the Bennington and Shaftsbury area, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG92-1, 89 p., 7 plates.
VG92-2 DeSimone, DJ, and Dethier, DP, 1992, Surficial Geology of the Pownal and North Pownal area, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG92-2, 64 p., 2 plates, scale 1:24000. To download only the digital surficial materials data, go to VCGI.
Hatch, N.L., Jr., 1990, Reconnaissance bedrock geologic map of the rocks northwest of the Monroe fault, Concord quadrangle, Vermont: U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 90-283, scale 1:24,000.
Hatch, NL, Jr., 1991, Reconnaissance bedrock geologic map of the Randolph Center quadrangle, Vermont: U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 91-275, scale 1:24,000.
Hatch, NL, Jr., 1989, Reconnaissance bedrock geologic map of the South Royalton quadrangle, Vermont: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 89-288, scale 1:24,000.
Ratcliffe, NM, and Burton, WC, 1989, Preliminary bedrock geologic map of the Stratton Mountain quadrangle, Vermont: U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 89-200, scale 1:24,000.
VG83-1 Dorsey, RJ, and Vanecek, DM, 1983, Geologic and radiometric survey of the Clarendon Springs Formation and Highgate Formation at the O'Brien Farm, Highgate Springs, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG83-1, 15 p.
VG83-2 Vanecek, DM, and Dorsey, RJ, 1983, Geologic and radiometric survey of the Sweeney Farm, Milton, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG83-2, 15 p.
VG83-3 Vanecek, DM, and Dorsey, RJ, 1983, Geologic and radiometric survey of the Monkton-Starksboro Area, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG83-3, 12 p.
VG82-1 Ratte, CA, 1980, Mineral resource provinces of Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG82-1, 45 p.
VG68-1 Connally, GG, 1968, Surficial geology of the Mount Mansfield 15’ quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG68-1, 33 p.
VG66-1 MacClintock, P, 1966, Glacial geology of the Hanover 15' quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open- File Report VG66-1 (addition to Stewart, DP, 1961, Bull #19), 2 p.
VG66-2 MacClintock, P, 1966, Glacial geology of the Irasburg 15’ quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open- File Report VG66-2, 14 p.
VG66-3 MacClintock, P, 1966, Glacial geology of the Port Henry 15’ quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open- File Report VG66-3, 11 p.
VG66-4 MacClintock, P, 1966, Glacial geology of the Strafford 15’ quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG66-4, (addition to Stewart, D.P., 1961, Bulletin #19), 4 p.
VG66-5 Shilts, WW, 1966, Pleistocene geology of the Bennington area, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG66-5, 27 p.
VG64-1 [includes 64-1, 64-2, 64-3] Cannon, WF, 1964, Pleistocene geology of the Enosburg Falls area, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG64-1, 13 p.
VG64-2 [includes 64-1, 64-2, 64-3]Cannon, WF, 1964, Pleistocene geology of the Vermont portion of the Averill and Guildhall 15’ quadrangles, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG64-2, 7 p.
VG64-3 [includes 64-1, 64-2, 64-3]Cannon, WF, 1964, Pleistocene geology of the northern Champlain Islands and Alburg peninsula, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG64-3, 5 p.
VG63-1 MacClintock, P, 1963, Glacial geology of the Jay Peak 15’ quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open- File Report VG63-1, 11 p.
VGX-8 MacClintock, P, (no date), Glacial geology of the Woodstock 15’ quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VGX-8, (addition to Stewart, D.P., 1962, Bul. #19), 1 p.
VGX-7 MacClintock, P, (no date), Glacial geology of the Rochester 15’ quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VGX-7, 6 p.
VGX-6 MacClintock, P, (no date), Glacial geology of the Northeast Whitehall 15’ quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VGX-6,6 p.
VGX-5 MacClintock, P, (no date), Glacial geology of the Hardwick and Hyde Park 15’ quadrangles, Vermont: VGS Open- File Report VGX-5, 39 p.
VGX-4 MacClintock, P, (no date), Glacial geology of the Castleton 15’ quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VGX-4, 11 p.
VGX-3 MacClintock, Paul, (no date), Glacial geology of the Burke 15’ quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VGX-3, 12 p.
VGX-2 Calkin, P.E., and MacClintock, Paul, (no date), Surficial geology of the Lincoln Mountain 15' quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VGX-2, 11 p.
VGX-1 Calkin, P.E., (no date), Surficial geology of the Middlebury 15' quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open- File Report VGX-1.