Bulletins consist of illustrated text, maps and cross-sections. Most are bedrock reports from 1950-1969 at a scale of 1:62,500. Paper copies were lost in the flood in 2011.
Georeferenced map images for the Bulletins and the Environmental Geology Series are posted at http://geothermal.isgs.illinois.edu/ArcGIS/rest/services/aasggeothermal
#1 Geology of the Bradford-Thetford area, Orange County, Vermont [VT part of Mt. Cube NH-VT 15 quadrangle], Jarvis V. Hadley, 36 p., 2 plates, 1950.
#2 Stratigraphy and structure of the Castleton area, Vermont [Castleton VT 15 quadrangle], Philip Fowler, 83p., 2 plates, 1950
#3 Geology of the Memphremagog quadrangle and the southeastern portion of the Irasburg quadrangle, Vermont, Charles G. Doll, 113 p., l plate, 1951
#4 A study of Lakes in Northeastern Vermont [Lake depths and bottom topography; mapping at various scales], John Ross Mills, 54 p., 14 plates, 1951
#5 The Green Mountain anticlinorium in the vicinity of Rochester and East Middlebury, Vermont, Philip Henry Osberg, 127 p., 2 plates, 1952
#6 The geology of the Rutland area, Vermont [Rutland VT 15' quadrangle], William F. Brace, 120 p., 3 plates, 1953
#7 The geology of the Bennington area, Vermont, John A, MacFayden, Jr., 72 p., 3 plates, 1956
#8 The geology of the Lyndonville area, Vermont [Lyndonville VT 15' quadrangle], John G. Dennis, 98 p., 3 plates, 1956
#9 The geology of the limestone of Isle La Motte and South Hero Island, Vermont, Robert B. Erwin, 94 p., 3 plates, 1957
#10 Bedrock geology of the East Barre area, Vermont [East Barre VT 15' quadrangle], Varanasi R. Murthy, 121 p., 3 plates, 1957
#11 Geology of the Concord-Waterford area, Vermont [VT part of the Littleton VT-NH 15' quadrangle], John H. Eric & John G. Dennis, 66 p., 3 plates, 1958
#12 Geology of the Mount Mansfield quadrangle, Vermont, Robert A. Christman, 75 p., 3 plates, 1959
#13 The geology of the St. Johnsbury quadrangle, Vermont and New Hampshire, Leo M. Hall, 105 p., 5 plates, 1959
#14 Bedrock geology of the Central Champlain Valley (text) of Vermont, Charles W. Welby, 296 p., 5 plates, 1961. Map Plates
#15 Geology of the Camels Hump quadrangle, Vermont, Robert A. Christman and Donald T. Secor, Jr., 70 p., 3 plates, 1961
#16 Geology of the Plainfield quadrangle, Vermont, Ronald H. Konig, 86 p., 1 plate, 1961
#17 The Green Mountain anticlinorium in the vicinity of Wilmington and Woodford, Vermont , James W. Skehan, S.J., 159 p., 3 plates, 1961
#18 Geology of the Equinox quadrangle and vicinity, Vermont, Philip C. Hewitt and Richard F. LaBrake, 83 p., 6 plates, 1961
#19 The Glacial Geology of Vermont, David P. Stewart, 124 p., 2 plates, 1961
#20 Geology of the Island Pond area, Vermont, Bruce K. Goodwin, 111 p., 3 plates, 1963
#21 Bedrock geology of the Randolph quadrangle, Vermont, Ernest Henry Ern, Jr., 96 p., 2 plates, 1963
#22 Geology of the Lunenburg-Brunswick-Guildhall area, Vermont, Warren I. Johansson, 86 p., 2 plates, 1963
#23 The geology of the Enosburg area, Vermont [Enosburg Falls VT 15' quadrangle and parts of Jay Peak VT 15 and St. Albans VT 7.5' quadrangles], John G. Dennis, 56 p., 3 plates, 1964
#24 The geology of the Hardwick area, Vermont, Ronald H. Konig and John G. Dennis, 57 p., 2 plates, 1964
#25 Stratigraphy and structure of a portion of the Castleton quadrangle, Vermont [parts of Castleton VT 15' quadrangle, including Poultney VT and West Rutland VT 7.5' quadrangles, and part of Proctor VT 7.5' quadrangle], E-an Zen, 70 p., 2 plates, 1964
#26 The geology of the Milton quadrangle, Vermont, Solon W. Stone and John G. Dennis, 79 p., 1 plate, 1964
#27 Geology of the Vermont portion of the Averill quadrangle, Vermont, Paul Benton Myers, Jr., 69 p., 2 plates, 1964
#28 The geology of the Burke quadrangle, Vermont [Burke VT 15' quadrangle], Bertram G. Woodland, 151 p., 5 plates, 1965
#29 Bedrock geology of the Woodstock quadrangle, Vermont [Woodstock VT 15' quadrangle], Ping Hsi Chang, Ernest H. Ern, Jr., and James B. Thompson, Jr., 65 p., 2 plates, 1965
#30 Bedrock geology of the Pawlet quadrangle, Vermont [Pawlet VT 15' quadrangle], Robert C. Shumaker and James B. Thompson, Jr., 98 plates, 1967
#31 The surficial geology and Pleistocene history of Vermont, [Glacial geology of the state; can accompany the Surficial Geologic Map of Vermont], David P. Stewart and Paul MacClintock, 251 p., 1969
#32 Bedrock geology of the Brattleboro quadrangle, Vermont-New Hampshire , J. Christopher Hepburn, Newell J. Trask, John L. Rosenfeld, and James B. Thompson, Jr., 162 p., 2 plates, 1984