Open File Reports include 1:24,000 scale bedrock, surficial, and groundwater maps published between 1963 and the present. Open File reports have a minimal level of review for conformance with editorial standards. All interpretations are those of the author. Many recent maps are Open File Reports and include GIS data.
2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015-2013, 2012-2010, 2009-2007, 2006- 2004, 2003-1999, 1998-1996, 1995-1993, 1992-1961
VG2025-1 Wright, S.F., 2025, Surficial Geologic Map of the Newport Center 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2025-1, 1:24,000-Scale. Report. Surficial Geologic Map plus 3 cross-sections. GIS data (USGS-GeMS Compliant).
VG2024-1 The Surficial Geology of the Montpelier 1:100,000 Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey. VG2024-1, 1:100,000-Scale. GIS data (USGS-GeMS Compliant). Online Web Map.
Plate 1. Springston, G.E. and Wright, S.F., 2024, Surficial Geologic Map of the Montpelier 1:100,000 Quadrangle, Vermont.
Plate 2. Wright, S.F. and Springston, G.E., 2024, Glacial Ice Motion Indicators Map of the Montpelier 1:100,000 Quadrangle, Vermont.
Plate 3. Springston, G.E., 2024, Depth to Bedrock Map of the Montpelier 1:100,000 Quadrangle, Vermont.
Plate 4. Springston, G.E., 2024, Bedrock Elevation Surface Map of the Montpelier 1:100,000 Quadrangle, Vermont.
Report. Wright, S.F., Dunn, R.K., Springston, G.E., and Grigg, L.D., 2024, Field Trip Guidebook for the 85th Reunion of the Northeast Friends of the Pleistocene: The Glacial, Late-Glacial, and Postglacial History of North-Central Vermont. View Interactive FOP Field Trip Story Map.
VG2024-2 Wright, S.F., 2024, Surficial Geologic Map of the Newport 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2024-2, 1:24,000-Scale. Report. Surficial Geologic Map plus 4 cross-sections. GIS data (USGS-GeMS Compliant).
VG2023-1 Wright, S.F., Dunn, R.K., and Springston, G.E., 2023, Surficial Geologic Map of the Waterbury 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2023-1, 1:24,000-Scale. Report. Surficial Geologic Map plus 3 cross-sections. GIS data (USGS-GeMS Compliant).
VG2023-2 Wright, S.F., Springston, G.E., and Dunn R.K., 2023, Surficial Geologic Map of the Middlesex 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2023-2, 1:24,000-Scale. Report. Surficial Geologic Map plus cross-section. GIS data (USGS-GeMS Compliant).
VG2023-3 Wright, S.F., Dunn, R.K., and Springston, G.E., 2023, Surficial Geologic Map of the Warren 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2023-3, 1:24,000-Scale. Report. Surficial Geologic Map plus cross-section. GIS data (USGS-GeMS Compliant).
VG2023-4 Springston, G.E. and Wright, S.F., 2023, Surficial Geologic Map of the Mount Worcester 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2023-4, 1:24,000-Scale. Report - Northwest region. Report - Eastern region. Plate 1 - Surficial Geologic Map plus cross section: Northwest region. Plate 2 - Surficial Geologic Map plus cross section: Eastern region. GIS data (USGS-GeMS Compliant).
VG2023-5 Springston, G.E., 2023, Surficial Geologic Map of the Peacham 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2023-5, 1:24,000-Scale. Report. Surficial Geologic Map plus cross-section. GIS data (USGS-GeMS Compliant).
VG2022-1 Wright, S.F., 2022, Surficial Geologic Map of the Brookfield 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2022-1, 1:24,000-Scale. Report. Plate 1 - Surficial Geologic Map plus 4 cross-sections. Plate 2 - Overburden Thickness Map. Plate 3 - Recharge Potential Map. Plate 4 - Potentiometric Surface Map. Plate 5 - Well Yield Map. GIS Data.
VG2022-2 Wright, S.F., 2022, Surficial Geologic Map of the Mount Ellen 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2022-2, 1:24,000-Scale. Report. Plate 1 - Surficial Geologic Map plus 2 cross-sections. Plate 2 - Overburden Thickness Map. Plate 3 - Recharge Potential Map. Plate 4 - Potentiometric Surface Map. Plate 5 - Well Yield Map. GIS Data.
VG2022-3 Wright, S.F., 2022, Surficial Geologic Map of the Lincoln 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2022-3, 1:24,000-Scale. Report. Plate 1 - Surficial Geologic Map plus 2 cross-sections. Plate 2 - Overburden Thickness Map. Plate 3 - Recharge Potential Map. Plate 4 - Potentiometric Surface Map. Plate 5 - Well Yield Map. GIS Data.
VG2022-4 Springston, G.E., 2022, Surficial Geologic Map of the Barnet 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2022-4, 1:24,000-Scale. Plate 1 - Surficial Geologic Map plus cross-section. GIS Data.
VG2022-5 Springston, G.E., 2022, Surficial Geologic Map of the Woodsville 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2022-5, 1:24,000-Scale. Plate 1 - Surficial Geologic Map plus cross-section. GIS Data.
VG2021-1 Wright, S.F., 2021, Surficial Geology and Groundwater Hydrology of the Lake Carmi Watershed and Map Area A, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2021-1, Scale 1:12,000, Report, Plate 1 - Surficial Map with 3 cross-sections, Plate 2 - Overburden Thickness, Plate 3 - Infiltration Potential. GIS data.
VG2021-2 Springston, G.E., 2021, Landslide Inventory of Caledonia County, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2021-2, Report and Map.
VG2021-3 Dunn, R.K., and Larsen, F.D., 2021, Surficial Geologic Map of the Roxbury 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2021-3, scale 1:24,000. Surficial Map. GIS Data.
VG2021-4 Springston, G.E., 2021, Surficial Geologic Map of the East Corinth 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2021-4, scale 1:24,000. Surficial Map. GIS Data.
VG2021-5 Kim, J.J., and Boyles, J.L., 2021, Derivative maps generated from water well data logs and bedrock outcrops in the Clarendon area, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2021-5, 4 Plates, scale 1:17,000.
Plate A: (Draft) Preliminary Water Well and Bedrock Outcrop Locations in the Clarendon Area, Vermont
Plate B: (Draft) Preliminary Isopach Map (Overburden Thickness) of the Clarendon Area, Vermont
Plate C: (Draft) Preliminary Bedrock Surface Contour Map of the Clarendon Area, Vermont
VG2020-1 Wright, S.F., 2020, Surficial Geology and Groundwater Hydrology of the Stowe 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2020-1, scale 1:24,000, Report plus 5 maps. GIS data.
VG2020-2 Springston, G.E., 2020, Surficial Geologic Map of the Groton 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2020-2, scale 1:24,000, Report (includes hydrogeologic maps), Plate 1- Surficial Map, Plate 2- Depth to Bedrock. GIS data.
VG2020-3 DeSimone, D. J., 2020, Surficial Geologic Map of Clarendon, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2020-3, scale 1:12,000, Report, Plate 1 - Surficial Map, GIS data.
VG2020-4 Springston, G.E., Wright, S.F., and Van Hoesen, J.G., 2020, Major Glacial Lakes and the Champlain Sea, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2020-4. Map.
VG2019-1 Wright, S.F., 2019, Surficial Geology and Groundwater Hydrology of the Richmond 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2019-1, scale 1:24,000, Report plus 5 plates. Report, Surficial Map, Overburden Thickness, Potentiometric Surface, Recharge Potential, Hydrologic Units. GIS Data.
VG2019-2 Kim, J.J., Young, P., and Peterson, N., 2019, Bedrock Zones in Vermont and Radon in Air Test Points and Statistics: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2019-2, Readme file, Plate 1 and Plate 2.
VG2019-3 Springston, G.E., 2019, Surficial Geology and Hydrogeology of the Huntington 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2019-3, scale 1:24,000, Report, Plate 1 - Surficial Map. GIS data (USGS-GeMS Compliant).
VG2019-4 Van Hoesen, J.G., 2019, Surficial Geology and Hydrogeology of the Northern Half of the Proctor 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2019-4, scale 1:24,000, Report plus 9 plates. Report, Surficial Map (VG2019-4A), Plate 2 - Overburden Thickness, Plate 3 -Potentiometric Surface, Plate 4 - Bedrock Well Yield, Plate 5 - Recharge potential (shallow), Plate 6 - Recharge potential (deep), Plate 7- Aquifer Potential, Plate 8- Hydrogeologic Units, Plate 9 - Data points.
VG2019-4A,Van Hoesen, J.G., 2019, Surficial Geologic Map of the Proctor 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2019-4A, scale 1:24,000. GIS data.
VG2019-5 Springston, G.E., Landslide Inventory of Orange County, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2019-5, Report and Map.
VG2018-1 Springston, G.E., 2018, Surficial Geologic Map of the Barre East 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2018-1, scale 1:24,000, Report and 4 plates: Plate 1 - Surficial Geologic Map, Plate 2 - Data points, Plate 3 - Overburden thickness, Plate 4 - Slope map. GIS Data.
VG2018-2 Van Hoesen, J.G., 2018, Surficial Geology and Hydrogeology of the southern half of the Proctor 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2018-2, scale 1:24,000, Report plus 10 plates. Report, Surficial Map (VG2019-4A), Plate 2 - Overburden Thickness, Plate 3 -Potentiometric Surface, Plate 4 - Depth to Bedrock, Plate 5 - Bedrock Well Yield, Plate 6 - Recharge potential (shallow), Plate 7 - Recharge potential (deep), Plate 8- Aquifer Potential, Plate 9 - Hydrogegologic Units, Plate 10 - Data points.
VG2018-3 Springston, G.E., 2018, Surficial Geology and Hydrogeology of the Joes Pond 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2018-3, scale 1:24,000, Report plus 8 plates. Report, Plate 1 - Surficial Map (VG2017-6), Plate 2 - Data Points, Plate 3-Overburden, Plate 4- Well Depth, Plate 5 -Well Yield, Plate 6- Static Water levels, Plate 7 - Hydrogeologic Units, Plate 8 - Aquifer Potential, Plate 9 - Recharge Potential. GIS Data.
VG2018-4 Wright, S.F., 2018, Surficial Geology and Hydrogeology of the Bolton Mountain Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2018-4, scale 1:24,000, Report and 5 plates. Report, Plate 1- Surficial Map, Plate 2- Data Points, Plate 3 - Overburden, Plate 4 - Recharge potential, Plate 5- Flow lines, Also see Chittenden County water resources map (VG2010). GIS Data.
VG2018-5 Wright, S.F., and Dowey, C. W., 2018, Surficial Geology and Hydrogeology of the Jeffersonville Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2018-5, scale 1:24,000, 4 plates.
Plate 1 - Surficial Geologic Map, Plate 2 - Surficial Geologic Cross-Sections, Plate 3 - Isopach Map, Plate 4 - Generalized Groundwater Flow, Report (VG01-2). This supersedes the maps of VG01-2. GIS Data.
VG2018-6 Springston, G.E., 2018, Landslide Inventory of Chittenden County, Northwest Vermont [Report, Map]: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2018-6.
VG2017-8 Larsen, F. D., Surficial Geologic Map of the Northfield 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2017-8.
VG2017-7 Springston, G.E., Landslide Inventory of Washington County, Central Vermont [Report, Plate 1 - Map]: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2017-7.
VG2017-6 Springston G.E. and Dowey, C.W., Surficial Geologic Map of the Joes Pond Quadrangle, Vermont [Report, Plate 1]: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2017-6, scale 1:24,000.
VG2017-5 Wright, S.F., Surficial Geology and Hydrogeology of the Town of Weathersfield, Vermont [Report, Plate 1 - Surficial Map, Plate 2, Plate 3, Plate 4, Plate 5]: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2017-5, scale 1:24,000. GIS data.
VG2017-4A Kim, J. J., 2017, (Draft) Preliminary Bedrock Geologic Map of the Bennington Area, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2017-4A, scale 1:12,000.
VG2017-4B Kim, J. J., 2017, (Draft) Preliminary Fracture Map of the Bennington Area, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2017-4B, scale 1:12,000.
VG2017-3 Kim, J. J., and Dowey, C. W., 2017, Derivative maps generated from water well data logs in the Bennington area, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2017-3, 4 Plates, scale 1:12,000.
Plate A: (Draft)_Preliminary Water Well and Bedrock Outcrop Locations in the Bennington Area, Vermont
Plate B: (Draft)_Preliminary Isopach Map (Overburden Thickness) of the Bennington Area, Vermont
Plate C: (Draft)_Preliminary Bedrock Surface Elevation Contours in the Bennington Area, Vermont
Plate D: (Draft)_Preliminary Potentiometric Surface (Static Water Level) Contours for the Bedrock Aquifer
in the Bennington Area, Vermont
VG2017-2 Thompson, P. J., and Thompson, T. B., 2017, Bedrock Geologic Map of the Mount Mansfield 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open File Report VG2017-2, (Plate 1 - Map, Plates 2 - 3), scale 1:24,000. Supersedes VG99-3. GIS Data.
VG2017-1 DeSimone, D. J., 2017, Surficial Geology of the Bennington Area, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open-File Report VG2017-1, (Plates 1 - 4), scale 1:12,000. GIS Data.
2016 back to top
VG2016-1 Springston, G.E., Kim, J., Gale. M. and Thomas, E., 2016, Geology and hydrogeology of the Town of Calais, Vermont: VGS Open File report VG2016-1, 8 color plates, scale 1:24,000. (Plates 1 & 2, 3 & 4, 5-8). GIS data
VG16-1 (poster) Chirigos, M., Kim, J.J., Klepeis, M., and Van Hoesen, J.G., 2016, Using photogrammetry to analyze structures in a tectonic sliver in the footwall of the Champlain Thrust, Shelburne, Vermont II: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG16-1, 1 plate.
VG2016-2 Van Hoesen, J.G., 2016, Surficial geology and hydrogeology of Monkton, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2016-2, text plus 11 plates (plates 1-5, plates 6-11), scale 1:24,000. GIS data.
VG2016-3 Springston, G.E., 2016, Surficial geology and hydrogeology of the Cabot 7 1/2 minute quadrangle, Vermont [Report, Map plates 1-3, Map plates 4-6, Map plates 7-9 and GIS data] : Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2016-3, text plus 9 plates, scale 1:24,000.
VG2016-4 Springston, G.E., 2016, Final report on a landslide inventory of the Town of Highgate, Vermont [Report, Map Plates 1-2, Map plates 3-4, Map plates 5-6]: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2016-4, text plus 6 plates, scale 1:24,000.
2013, 2014, 2015 back to top
VG2015-1 Kim, J. and Springston, G., 2015, Report on aquifer and aquifer recharge mapping in the Town of Bristol, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2015-1, text plus 8 plates.
VG2015-2 Kim, J., Gale, M., Springston, G., Koteas, C., Defelice, C., and Saitta, N., 2015, Bedrock Geologic Map of the Southern Two-Thirds of the Woodbury Quadrangle, Vermont, Washington County, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2015-2. View text. Paper copy ($10.00).
VG2015-3 Springston, G., Thomas, E., and Kim, J., 2015, Surficial Geologic Map of the Southern Two-Thirds of the Woodbury Quadrangle, Vermont, Washington County, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2015-3. View text. GIS data. Paper copy - $10.00
VG14-1 Kim, J., Gale, M., Chu, K., Cincotta, M., and Cuccio, L., 2014, Bedrock Geologic Map of the northern portion of the South Mountain Quadrangle, Addison County, Vermont: VGS Open File Report VG14-1, scale 1:24,000
VG14-2 Springston, G., Thomas, E., and Kim, J., 2014, Surficial Geologic Map of the northern 2/3 of the South Mountain Quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open File Report VG14-2, scale 1:24,000
VG14-3 Gale, M., Springston, G., Van Hoesen, J., and Becker, L., 2014, A GIS-based approach to characterizing Vermont's groundwater resources: VGS Open File Report VG14-3 (on-line poster)
VG13-1 Kim, J., Weber, E., and Klepeis, K., 2013, Bedrock Geologic Map of the Bristol, VT Quadrangle (Plate 1); Plate 2: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG13-1. Paper copy - $20.00. GIS data
VG13-2 Springston, G. and Kim, J., 2013, Surficial Geologic Map of the Bristol Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG13-2. Paper copy - $10.00. GIS data
VG13-3 Lens, J., DeWolkar, M, Springston, G., and Becker, L., 2013, Seismic hazard for the Burlington and Colchester, Vermont USGS 7-1/2 minute quadrangles: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG13-3. Paper copy - $10.00.
VG13-4 Lens, J., DeWolkar, M., Springston, G., and Becker, L., 2013, Seismic hazard mapping for Williston, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG13-4. Paper copy - $10.00.
2010, 2011, 2012 back to top
VG12-4 Gale, M.H., 2012, Generalized Geologic Map of Vermont, Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG12-4, 1 plate, Scale 1:1,000,000.
VG12-1 Wright, S., 2012, Surficial Geologic Map of the Pico Peak 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont [Report Part One - South; Report Part Two - North]: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG12-1, 1 plate, scale 1:24,000. GIS data.
VG12-3 Gale, M., Kim, J., Ruksznis, A., 2012, Bedrock Geologic Map of the Essex Junction, Vermont 7.5 Minute Quadrangle: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG12-3, 1 plate, scale 1:24,000. GIS data.
VG11-1 Van Hoesen, J., 2011, Surficial Geologic Map of the Town of Dover, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open-File Report VG11-1, 1 color plate, scale 1:24,000. GIS data. Paper copy - $10.00.
VG11-1b Van Hoesen, J., 2011, Surficial Geology and Hydrogeology of the Town of Dover, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open-File Report VG11-1b, 8 color plates and Report, scale 1:24,000. GIS data. Paper copy - $80.00.
VG11-2 Wright, S., Larsen, F., Springston, G., and Gale, M., 2011, Surficial Geology and Hydrogeology of the Town of Randolph, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG11-2, 6 color plates and report, scale 1:24,000. GIS data. Paper copy - $60.00. See also Open File Report VG10-2 for the surficial map.
VG11-3 Kim, J., and Ruksznis, A., 2011, Bedrock Geologic Map of the Plainfield Quadrangle,Washington County, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG11-3, Structure Data-Plate 2 (1 mb pdf), scale 1:24,000. GIS data (Geodatabase). Paper copy - $20.00.
VG11-4 Springston, G., 2011, Surficial Geologic Map of the Plainfield Quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG11-4, 1 color plate, scale 1:24,000. GIS data. Paper copy - $10.00.
Aleinikoff, JN, Ratcliffe, NM, and Walsh, GJ, 2011, Provisional Zircon and Monazite Uranium-Lead Geochronology for Selected Rocks From Vermont: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2011–1309, 46 p., available only online at
VG10-1 Springston, G., Gale, M., Kim, J., Wright, S., Earle, H., Clark, A. and Smith, T., 2010, Hydrogeology of Charlotte, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG10-1, 7 plates, scale 1:24,000. GIS data. Paper copy - $70.00.
VG10-2 Wright, S., Larsen, F., and Springston, G., 2010, Surficial Geologic Map of the Town of Randolph, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG10-2, 1 color plate, scale 1:24,000. GIS data. Paper copy - $10.00 .
VG10-3 Springston, G. and Maynard, D., 2010, Surficial Geologic Map of the Town of Craftsbury, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG10-3, 1 color plate, scale 1:24,000. GIS data. Paper copy - $10.00.
VG10-4 Kim, J., Gale, M., McMillan, M., Zoltos, S., and Springston, G., 2010, Bedrock Geologic Map of the Town of Craftsbury, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG10-4, 3 color plates, scale 1:24,000. Plate 2- Structure Data, Plate 3- Illustrated Stratigraphic Column. Paper copy -$30.00.
VG10-5 Springston, G., Gale, M., Knox, R., and Becker, L., 2010, Thickness of Overburden in Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG10-5, 1 color plate, scale 1:250,000. paper copy- $10.00.
2007, 2008, 2009 back to top
VG09-1 Wright, S., S. Fuller, S. Jones, A. McKinney, S. Rupard, and S.D. Shaw, 2009, Surficial geologic map of the Burlington, Vermont 7.5 minute quadrangle: VGS Open-File Report VG09-1, 2 color plates plus text, Surficial map, Overburden thickness map, scale 1:24000. GIS data. Paper copy - $10.00.
VG09-2 Wright, S., A. McKinney and S. Rupard, 2009, Surficial geologic map of the Colchester, Vermont 7.5 minute quadrangle: VGS Open-File Report VG09-2, 1 color plate plus text (VG09-1), scale 1:24000. GIS data. Paper copy - $10.00.
VG09-3 De Simone, D. and Gale, M., 2009, Surficial geology and hydrogeology of Dorset, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG09-3, 9 color plates, Report, Report on Dorset Springs, scale 1:24,000. GIS data. Paper copy - $75.00.
VG09-4 Kim, J., 2009, Bedrock geologic map of parts of the Eden, Albany, Lowell, and Irasburg quadrangles, VGS Open-File Report VG09-4, 1 plate, scale 1:24000. GIS data. Paper copy - $10.00 . Supersedes VG97-5.
VG09-5 Gale, M., Kim, J., Earle, H., Clark, A., Smith, T., and Petersen, K., 2009, Bedrock Geologic Map of Charlotte, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG09-5, 3 plates, scale 1:24,000. GIS data. Paper copy - $30.00.
VG09-6 Springston, G. and Wright, S., 2009, Surficial geologic map of Charlotte, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG09-6, 1 plate, scale 1:24,000. GIS data. Paper copy - $10.00.
VG09-7 Van Hoesen, J., 2009, Surficial Geologic Map of Rutland, Vermont [Report, Maps]: VGS Open-File Report VG09-7, 9 plates, scale 1:24,000. GIS data. Paper copy - $40.00.
VG09-8 Gale, M., Springston, G., Becker, L. and Knox, R., 2009, Statewide Analyses of Bedrock Water Well Data: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG09-8, 7 plates, scale 1:250,000.
VG09-9 Kim, J., Springston, G., and Charnock, R., 2009, Bedrock control on surficial deposits and groundwater issues in part of the Knox Mtn granite, NE VT: VGS Open File Report VG09-9 (on-line poster).
VG08-1 De Simone, D., 2008, Surficial geology of the town of Brandon, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG08-1, 8 color plates and McConnell Road Report, scale 1:24,000. GIS data. Paper copy - $80.00.
VG08-2 De Simone, D., and Gale, M., 2008, Surficial geology and hydrogeology of the Town Londonderry, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG08-2, 7 color plates, scale 1:24,000. GIS data. Paper copy - $70.00.
VG08-3 Kim, J., Charnock, R., Chow, D. and Springston, G., 2008, Bedrock geologic map of the Knox Mountain pluton area, Marshfield and Peacham, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG08-3, 3 color plates, scale 1:24,000. GIS data. Paper copy - $30.00.
VG08-4 Springston, G. and Kim, J., 2008, Surficial geologic map of the Knox Mountain area, Marshfield and Peacham, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG08-4, 2 color plates, scale 1:24,000. GIS data. Paper copy - $20.00.
VG07-1a Dunn, R., Springston, G., and Donahue, N., 2007, Surficial Geologic Map of the Mad River Watershed, Vermont (northern sheet): VGS Open-File Report VG07-1a, 1 color plate, scale 1:24,000. $10.00.
VG07-1b Dunn, R., Springston, G., and Donahue, N., 2007, Surficial Geologic Map of the Mad River Watershed, Vermont (southern sheet): VGS Open-File Report VG07-1b, 1 color plate, scale 1:24,000. $10.00. To download only the digital surficial materials data, go to VCGI.
VG07-2 Bedrock geologic map of the Hazens Notch and a parts of the Eden and Lowell quadrangles, Vermont: Digitally compiled (Gale) in 2007 from Bothner and Laird (1999), Cady, Albee and Chidester (1963), Doll et. al. (1961), Gale (1980, 1986), Kim (1997), and Schoonmaker (1997): VGS Open-File Report VG07-2, 1 color plate, scale 1:24,000. GIS data. Paper copy - $10.00.
VG07-4 Kim, J., Gale, M., Thompson, P.J., and Derman, K., 2007, Bedrock geologic map of the town of Williston, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG07-4, 1 color plate, scale 1:24,000. GIS data. Paper copy - $10.00.
VG07-5 Springston, G. and De Simone, D., 2007, Surficial geologic map of the town of Williston, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG07-5, 1 color plate, scale 1:24,000. GIS data. Paper copy - $10.00.
2004, 2005, 2006 back to top
VG2006-1 De Simone, D., 2006, Surficial Geology of the Wallingford Quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG2006-1, 4 color plates, scale 1:24,000. GIS data. Paper copy- $40.00.
VG2006-2 Gale, M.H., Kim, J., King, S., Montane, P., and Orsi, C., 2006, Bedrock Geologic Map of the Southern Worcester Mountains Watershed, Middlesex and Stowe 7.5 minute quadrangles, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG2006-2, 3 color plates, scale 1:24,000. GIS data.
VG2006-3 Springston, G. and Dunn, R., 2006, Surficial Geologic Map of the Southern Worcester Mountains Watershed, Middlesex and Stowe 7.5 minute quadrangles, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG2006-3, 1 color plate, scale 1:24,000. $10.00.
VG06-4 Thompson, P. J., 2006, Bedrock Geologic Map of Woodstock, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG06-4, (Plates 1 - 4 and Report), scale 1:24,000. GIS data.
VG06-5 DeSimone, D., 2006, Surficial Geologic Map and Groundwater Resources of Woodstock, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG06-5, 6 color plates, scale 1:24000. GIS data. Bedrock, surficial and groundwater maps.
VG06-7 Kim, J., Gale, M., and Springston, G., 2006, Bedrock Geologic Map of the West Central Worcester Mountains Watershed, Stowe and Waterbury, VT: VGS Open-File Report VG06-7, 1 color plate, scale 1:24,000.
VG04-1 De Simone, D., 2004, Surficial geology and hydrogeology of Manchester, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG04-1, Report and 11 maps, scale 1:24,000. Paper copy: $50.00. GIS data.
VG04-2 Thompson, T.B., Thompson, P. and Doolan, B., 2004, Bedrock Geologic Map of the Hinesburg Quadrangle, Vermont, Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG04-2, scale 1:24,000. GIS data.
VG04-3 Donahue, N, Dunn, R. and Springston, G., 2004, Surficial Geologic Map of the Middlebury River Watershed, West-central Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG04-3, scale 1:24,000.
VG04-4 Springston, G, Maynard, D, and Moll, J, 2004, Surficial geologic map of the Wild Branch Watershed, north-central Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG04-4, scale 1:24,000
1999, 2000, 2001, 2003 back to top
VG03-1 Kim, J, Gale, M, King, S, Orsi, and Pascale, L, 2003, Bedrock Geology of the Montpelier Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG03-1, 1 color plate, scale 1:24,000. See also, Walsh, Kim, Gale and King 2010 (includes GIS data).
VG03-3B Digital data for the Hazens Notch and a portion of the Lowell quadrangles, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG03-3B, Compiled (Gale) in 2003 from Bothner and Laird (1999), Cady, Albee and Chidester (1963), Doll et. al. (1961), Gale (1980), Kim (1997), and Schoonmaker (1997). GIS data
VG03-4B Doolan, B., Cherchetti, L., Holt, J., Ryan, J., Hengstenburg, C., and Rosencrantz, E., 2003, Bedrock Geologic Map of the Underhill quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG03-4B, scale 1:24,000. GIS data
VG2002-1 Kim, Jonathan, 2002, Compilation and assessment of radioactivity data in Vermont: VGS Open File Report VG2002-1, Plates I-IX, Fact Sheet.
VG01-1 Kim, Jonathan and Thomson, Peter J., 2001, Bedrock geology of the Colchester quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG01-1, 4 plates, scale 1;24,000.
VG01-2 Wright, Stephen, 2001, Surficial geology of the Jeffersonville quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG01-2, 1 plate, Report, scale 1;24,000.
VG00-1 Springston, G., 2000, Surficial geologic map of the western half of the Newbury, NH - VT quadrangle: VGS Open-File Report VG00-1, 1plate, scale 1:24000.
VG00-2 DeSimone, D., 2000, Surficial geologic map of the Arlington and Vermont portion of the Shushan quadrangle: VGS Open-File Report VG00-2, 2 plates, scale 1:24000.
Burton, WC, and Ratcliffe, NM, 2000, Digital and preliminary bedrock geologic map of the Wallingford quadrangle, Vermont: U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 99-337-A, scale 1:24,000.
VG99-1 Compilation bedrock geologic map of the Jay Peak quadrangle, Compiled by B. Doolan, 1999: VGS Open-File Report VG99-1, 1 plate, scale 1:24000. GIS Data (Reformatted 2017)
VG99-2 Compilation bedrock geologic map of the Hazens Notch quadrangle, Compiled by M. Gale and J. Kim, 1999: VGS Open-File Report VG99-2, 2 plates, scale 1:24000. Superseded by VG07-2.
VG99-3 Thompson, PJ and Thompson, TB, 1999, Digital bedrock geologic map of the Mt. Mansfield quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG99-3, 3 plates, scale 1:24000. Superseded by VG2017-2.
VG99-4 Doolan, B., Brooks, K., Copans, B., Hengstenberg, C., and Sonenberg, D., 1999, Bedrock geology of the Cold Hollow Mountains quadrangle: VGS Open-File Report VG99-4, 6 plates, scale 1:24000.
VG99-5 Bothner, W. and Laird, J., 1999, Geologic map of the Tillotson-Haystack Area Hazens Notch and parts of the Lowell 7.5 minute quadrangles: VGS Open-File Report VG99-5, 2 plates, scale 1:24000.
VG99-6 Wright, S., 1999, Surficial geologic map of the Barre West quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG99-6, 1 plate, Cross-sections, & text, scale 1:24000.
VG99-7 Larsen, F, 1999, Surficial geologic map of the Montpelier quadrangle: VGS Open-File Report VG99-7, 1 plate & text, scale 1:24000.
VG99-8 Springston, G and Haselton, G, 1999, Surficial geologic map of the eastern portion of the St. Johnsbury quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG99-8, 5 plates and text, scale 1:24000. To download only the digital surficial materials data, go to VCGI.
1996, 1997, 1998 back to top
VG98-1 Springston, G., Kim, J., and Applegate, G.S., 1998, Digital bedrock geologic map of the Morrisville quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG98-1, 2 plates, scale 1:24000. GIS data.
VG98-2 Thompson, PJ and Thompson, TB, 1998, Digital bedrock geologic map of the Johnson quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG98-2, 2 plates, scale 1:24000. GIS Data. (Reformatted 2017)
VG98-3 Kim, J, Springston, G, and Gale, M, 1998, Digital bedrock geologic map of the Eden quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG98-3, 2 plates, scale 1:24000. GIS Data.
VG98-4 Rosencrantz, E, Schoonmaker, A, Copans, B, Holt, J., Ryan, J, Talcott, J, and Sonenberg, D, 1998, Bedrock geology of the Richford quadrangle, Franklin County, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG98-4, 45 p., 6 plates, scale 1:24000.
VG98-5 Schoonmaker, A, 1998, Bedrock geology of the western 1/3 of the Jay Peak 7.5 minute quadrangle, northern Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG98-5, 2 plates, scale 1:24000.
VG98-6 Schoonmaker, A, 1998, Bedrock geology of the western 1/3 of the Hazens Notch 7.5 minute quadrangle, northern Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG98-6, 2 plates, scale 1:24000.
VG98-7 Wright, S and Shaw, SD, 1998, Report on seismic hazard mapping, Burlington, Vermont 7.5 minute quadrangle: VGS Open-File Report VG98-7, 52 p., 4 plates, scale 1:24000.
VG98-121A Ratcliffe, N.M., 1998, Digital and preliminary bedrock geologic map of the Rutland quadrangle, Vermont: USGS Open-File Report 98-121-A, 1 plate, scale 1:24000. GIS data.
VG98-123A Walsh, G. J., 1998, Digital and preliminary bedrock geologic map of the Vermont part of the Hartland quadrangle, Windsor County, Vermont: USGS Open-File Report 98-123A, 1 color plate and text, scale 1:24000. GIS Data. Now available as USGS SIM-3361.
VG98-226A Walsh, G. J., and Ratcliffe, N.M., 1998, Digital and preliminary bedrock geologic map of the Pico Peak quadrangle, Vermont: USGS Open-File Report 98-226-A, 1 plate, scale 1:24000.
VG98-226B GIS data
VG98-330A Ratcliffe, N.M., and Walsh, G. J., 1998, Digital and preliminary bedrock geologic map of the Mount Carmel quadrangle, Vermont: USGS Open-File Report 98-330-A, 1 plate, scale 1:24000.
VG98-330B GIS data
VG98-335A Armstrong, T.R., and Ratcliffe, N.M., 1998, Digital and preliminary bedrock geologic map of the Townshend 7.5 x 15 minute quadrangle, Vermont: USGS Open-File Report 98-335-A, 1 plate, scale 1:24000.
VG98-335B GIS data
VG98-335A Burton, WC, and Ratcliffe, NM, 2000, Digital and preliminary bedrock geologic map of the Wallingford quadrangle, Vermont: USGS Open-File Report 99-337-A, scale 1:24000. GIS Data
VG97-01A Mehrtens, CJ, 1997, Digital compilation bedrock geologic map of the Lake Champlain South one-degree sheet, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG97-01A, scale 1:100000.
VG97-4 Springston, G., 1997, Bedrock geology of the Stowe-Waterbury area, north-central Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG97-4, scale 1:24000.
VG97-04C Stanley, RS, and Roy, D, 1997, Bedrock geologic map of the Jay and North Troy area, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG97-04c, scale 1:24000. Supersedes VG97-04A. GIS data.
VG97-5 Kim, J, 1997, Bedrock geologic map of parts of the Eden, Albany, Lowell, and Irasburg quadrangles, 6 p., 2 plates, scale 1:24000. Superseded by VG09-4.
VG97-6 Mango, H, 1997, Bedrock geologic map of the Orwell quadrangle, 1 plate, scale 1:24,000. Paper copy -$6.00.
VG97-854A Ratcliffe, NM, 1997, Digital and preliminary bedrock geologic map of the Chittenden quadrangle, Vermont: USGS Open-File Report 97-854, 1 plate, scale 1:24000. GIS Data.
VG96-02A Mehrtens, CJ, 1996, Digital compilation bedrock geologic map of the Lake Champlain North one-degree sheet, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG96-02A, 2 plates, scale 1:100000.
VG96-03 Digital compilation bedrock geologic map of part of the Waitsfield quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG96-3A, 2 plates, scale 1:24000. GIS data.
VG96-31A Ratcliffe, N.M., 1996, Digital bedrock geologic map of the Andover quadrangle, Vermont: USGS Open-File Report 96-31-A, 2 plates, scale 1:24000. GIS data.
VG96-33A Walsh, GJ and Falta, CK, 1996, Digital bedrock geologic map of the Rochester quadrangle, Vermont: USGS Open-File Report 96-33-A, 2 plates, scale 1:24000. (now available as USGS Geologic Investigations Series Map I - 2626). GIS data.
VG96-52A Ratcliffe, NM and Armstrong, TR, 1996, Digital bedrock geologic map of the Saxtons River quadrangle, Vermont, USGS Open-File Report 96-52-A, 2 plates, scale 1:24000. GIS data. (Now available as USGS MIS Map I-2552)
VG96-526A Ratcliffe, NM and Burton, WC, 1996, Digital bedrock geologic map of the Weston quadrangle, Vermont: USGS Open-File Report 96-526, 2 plates, scale 1:24000. GIS data.
VG96-733A Walsh, GJ, Armstrong, TR and Ratcliffe, NM, 1996, Digital bedrock geologic map of the Vermont part of the 7.5 x 15 minute Mount Ascutney and Springfield quadrangles, Vermont: USGS Open-File Report 96-733, 1 plate, scale 1:24000. GIS data.
1994, 1995 back to top
VG95-2A Martin, DC, Cua, AC, and Stanley, RS 1995, Digital compilation bedrock geologic map of the Roxbury quadrangle and eastern part of Warren quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG95-2A, 2 plates, scale 1:24000. Paper copy-$10.00.
VG95-3A Stanley, R.S., DelloRusso, V., Tauvers, P.R., DiPietro, J.A., Taylor, S., and Prahl, C., 1995, Digital compilation bedrock geologic map of the South Mountain quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG95-3A, 2 plates, scale 1:24000. GIS data.
VG95-4A Walsh, GJ, Haydock, S, Prewitt, J, Kraus, J, Lapp, E, O'Loughlin, S, and Stanley, RS, 1995, Digital compilation bedrock geologic map of the Warren quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG95-4A, 2 plates, scale 1:24000. GIS data.
VG95-5A Stanley, R, DelloRusso, V, Haydock, S, Lapp, E, O'Loughlin, S, Prewitt, J,and Tauvers, PR, 1995, Digital compilation bedrock geologic map of the Lincoln quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG95-5A, 2 plates, scale 1:24000. GIS data.
VG95-6A Stanley, RS, Walsh, G, Tauvers, PR, DiPietro, JA, and DelloRusso, V, 1995, Digital compilation bedrock geologic map of the Mt. Ellen quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG95-6A, 2 plates, scale 1:24000. GIS data. (Reformatted 2017)
VG95-7A Doolan, B, 1995, Digital bedrock geologic map of the Gilson Mountain quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG95-7A, 2 plates, scale 1:24000. GIS data.
VG95-8A Dorsey, R, Doolan, B, Agnew, PC, Carter, CM, Rosencrantz, EJ, and Stanley, RS, 1995, Digital compilation bedrock geologic map of the Milton quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG95-8A, 2 plates, scale 1:24000. GIS data. Paper map - $10.00
VG95-9A Thompson, PJ and Thompson, TB, 1995, Digital bedrock geologic map of parts of the Huntington, Richmond, Bolton and Waterbury quadrangles, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG95-9A, 2 plates, scale 1:24000. GIS data.
VG95-DM1 Ratcliffe, NM, 1995, Digital bedrock geologic map of the Mount Snow & Readsboro quadrangles, Vermont: scale 1:24000, GIS Data. (view 1994 map or order through USGS - USGS Misc. Inv. Series I-2307)
VG95-203A Ratcliffe, NM, 1995, Digital bedrock geologic map of the Cavendish quadrangle, Vermont: USGS Open-File Report 95-203, 2 plates, scale 1:24000. GIS data. Paper map - USGS Geologic Quadrangle Series Map GQ-1773.
VG95-483A Lyttle, PT, Digital bedrock geologic map of the Arlington quadrangle and a Vermont portion of the Shushan quadrangle, Vermont: USGS Open-File Report 95-483, 2 plates, scale 1:24000. GIS data.
VG95-576A Ratcliffe, N.M., 1995, Digital bedrock geologic map of the Chester quadrangle, Vermont: USGS Open-File Report 95-576, 2 plates, scale 1:24000. GIS data. Paper map-$10.00 (now available as USGS Geologic Investigations Series Map I -2598).
VG94-1 Mango, H, 1994, A geochemical study of Dorset Mountain, 9 p.
VG94-2 Mango, H, Cronan, T, and Slattery, M, 1994, Geologic mapping in the Proctor quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open-File report VG94-2, scale 1:24,000.
VG94-3 Goldberg, J. L., and Mehrtens, C. M., 1994, Bedrock geology of the Port Henry and northwestern portion of the Middlebury quadrangles, 21 p., 1 plate
VG94-4 Westerman, DS, 1994, Bedrock geology of the Northfield quadrangle, Vermont, 1 plate plus text, scale 1:24,000.
VG94-229A Walsh, G.J., Ratcliffe, N.M., Dudley, J.B., and Merrifield, T., 1994, Digital bedrock geologic map of the Mount Holly and Ludlow quadrangles, Vermont: USGS Open-File Report 94-229, 2 plates, scale 1:24000. GIS data.
VG94-654A Walsh, G.J., and Ratcliffe, N.M., 1994, Digital bedrock geologic map of the Plymouth quadrangle, Vermont: USGS Open-File Report 94-654, 2 plates, scale 1:24,000. GIS data.
VG94 Ratcliffe, NM, 1994, Digital bedrock geologic map of the Mount Snow and Readsboro quadrangles, Bennington and Windham counties Vermont: digitized from U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I- 2307, scale 1:24,000. GIS data.
1992 - 1961 back to top
VG92-1 Jerris, RM, and DeSimone, DJ, 1992, Hydrogeology of the Bennington and Shaftsbury area, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG92-1, 89 p., 7 plates.
VG92-2 DeSimone, DJ, and Dethier, DP, 1992, Surficial Geology of the Pownal and North Pownal area, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG92-2, 64 p., 2 plates, scale 1:24000. To download only the digital surficial materials data, go to VCGI.
Hatch, N.L., Jr., 1990, Reconnaissance bedrock geologic map of the rocks northwest of the Monroe fault, Concord quadrangle, Vermont: U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 90-283, scale 1:24,000.
Hatch, NL, Jr., 1991, Reconnaissance bedrock geologic map of the Randolph Center quadrangle, Vermont: U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 91-275, scale 1:24,000.
Hatch, NL, Jr., 1989, Reconnaissance bedrock geologic map of the South Royalton quadrangle, Vermont: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 89-288, scale 1:24,000.
Ratcliffe, NM, and Burton, WC, 1989, Preliminary bedrock geologic map of the Stratton Mountain quadrangle, Vermont: U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 89-200, scale 1:24,000.
VG83-1 Dorsey, RJ, and Vanecek, DM, 1983, Geologic and radiometric survey of the Clarendon Springs Formation and Highgate Formation at the O'Brien Farm, Highgate Springs, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG83-1, 15 p.
VG83-2 Vanecek, DM, and Dorsey, RJ, 1983, Geologic and radiometric survey of the Sweeney Farm, Milton, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG83-2, 15 p.
VG83-3 Vanecek, DM, and Dorsey, RJ, 1983, Geologic and radiometric survey of the Monkton-Starksboro Area, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG83-3, 12 p.
VG82-1 Ratte, CA, 1980, Mineral resource provinces of Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG82-1, 45 p.
VG68-1 Connally, GG, 1968, Surficial geology of the Mount Mansfield 15’ quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG68-1, 33 p.
VG66-1 MacClintock, P, 1966, Glacial geology of the Hanover 15' quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open- File Report VG66-1 (addition to Stewart, DP, 1961, Bull #19), 2 p.
VG66-2 MacClintock, P, 1966, Glacial geology of the Irasburg 15’ quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open- File Report VG66-2, 14 p.
VG66-3 MacClintock, P, 1966, Glacial geology of the Port Henry 15’ quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open- File Report VG66-3, 11 p.
VG66-4 MacClintock, P, 1966, Glacial geology of the Strafford 15’ quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG66-4, (addition to Stewart, D.P., 1961, Bulletin #19), 4 p.
VG66-5 Shilts, WW, 1966, Pleistocene geology of the Bennington area, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG66-5, 27 p.
VG64-1 [includes 64-1, 64-2, 64-3] Cannon, WF, 1964, Pleistocene geology of the Enosburg Falls area, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG64-1, 13 p.
VG64-2 [includes 64-1, 64-2, 64-3]Cannon, WF, 1964, Pleistocene geology of the Vermont portion of the Averill and Guildhall 15’ quadrangles, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG64-2, 7 p.
VG64-3 [includes 64-1, 64-2, 64-3]Cannon, WF, 1964, Pleistocene geology of the northern Champlain Islands and Alburg peninsula, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG64-3, 5 p.
VG63-1 MacClintock, P, 1963, Glacial geology of the Jay Peak 15’ quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open- File Report VG63-1, 11 p.
VGX-8 MacClintock, P, (no date), Glacial geology of the Woodstock 15’ quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VGX-8, (addition to Stewart, D.P., 1962, Bul. #19), 1 p.
VGX-7 MacClintock, P, (no date), Glacial geology of the Rochester 15’ quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VGX-7, 6 p.
VGX-6 MacClintock, P, (no date), Glacial geology of the Northeast Whitehall 15’ quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VGX-6,6 p.
VGX-5 MacClintock, P, (no date), Glacial geology of the Hardwick and Hyde Park 15’ quadrangles, Vermont: VGS Open- File Report VGX-5, 39 p.
VGX-4 MacClintock, P, (no date), Glacial geology of the Castleton 15’ quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VGX-4, 11 p.
VGX-3 MacClintock, Paul, (no date), Glacial geology of the Burke 15’ quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VGX-3, 12 p.
VGX-2 Calkin, P.E., and MacClintock, Paul, (no date), Surficial geology of the Lincoln Mountain 15' quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VGX-2, 11 p.
VGX-1 Calkin, P.E., (no date), Surficial geology of the Middlebury 15' quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open- File Report VGX-1.