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Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection

collage of water well head, lake, water tanks, faucet of running water

The MISSION of the Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division is to protect human health and the environment for this and future generations by managing Vermont’s drinking water supplies; protecting the quality and quantity of Vermont’s groundwater resources; and regulating wastewater disposal activities that could adversely affect groundwater. The Division accomplishes this mission through its outreach, education, assistance and regulatory activities.

The Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division’s main office is in the National Life Building in Montpelier. There are also staff located in five regional offices that regulate Wastewater Systems and Potable Water Supplies.


Boil Water Procedure (Signed April 2024)

Boil-Water Notice Template (non-MCL)

Do Not Drink Policy (Signed April 2024)

*NEW* - Public Notice Certification of Delivery (Online Form)

Hand delivery of the notice to every user as soon as a situation arises is often the best method, but other options such as Front Porch Forum, Facebook, E-mail, website posting, press releases and enrollment of the water system and its users in the VT-Alert system may all be used in conjunction with direct delivery to ensure every user is informed in a timely manner. No matter what method or methods are used, the system needs to be confident that the notice has reached all users of the system.

It is the responsibility of the water system to make sure that all users are aware of what is going on with their water system, what they should do, and that their health is being protected in the response to an actual or potential system contamination event.

Bulk Water Hauling Procedure (Signed April 2024)

*NEW* Bulk Water Hauling Form (Online form)

For additional templates go to our Forms and Application page

Regulatory programs managed by the Division include, but are not limited to:

Groundwater Management efforts are addressed within two rules and an over-arching Strategy: The Groundwater Withdrawal Reporting and Permitting Rule, Groundwater Protection Rule and Strategy, and the Groundwater Management Plan (2018). For more information go to the Groundwater Management Page.

The Division also provides input to Act 250 and Act 248 projects under criteria 1, 2, 3, and 9.

The Division also certifies/licenses:

The above programs all have compliance and enforcement components, as well as permit issuance responsibilities. The Division, along with State-approved regional and national organizations, provides technical assistance and educational opportunities to water system operators and site designers. The Division supports and/or co-sponsors training opportunities that enhance the technical abilities of our regulated communities, as well as our own staff. Within these pages, you will find the rules and regulations under which each program regulates activities, applicable applications, forms, guidance, practices, procedures, information about the training opportunities for the individuals we license, lists of those individuals, and other related links.

The Division maintains several databases where the public can search for:

Contacting the DWGPD

Please go to the Regional Offices Program page to find a map for our regional offices. The map will link to information about the Montpelier, Essex Junction, Rutland, Springfield, and St. Johnsbury offices. Our main office is in Montpelier.

To submit large documents to the division:  FTP data upload instructions  and FTP document ID form.   Be sure to contact Tom Harrington at so the file can be retrieved. 

Note: Our FTP site has recently changed. Please review the FTP data upload instructions to access the new server for FTP submissions.

If you wish to contact DWGPD staff, call the numbers as listed or send an email to staff. You may also contact us by leaving a message on our main line: 802-828-1535.

The Montpelier office fax number is 802-828-1541.

If you wish to meet with staff at the National Life building please call ahead to arrange a time, so staff can greet you in the lobby. All visitors are required to sign in and obtain a visitor's badge.