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Operational Stormwater Discharge Permit Application Materials

Reference Materials
General Application Information
Application Forms

Applicants should always consult this page for the most recent application forms and guidance prior to submitting an application.

I. Reference Materials

Stormwater Detention Basin

Each new application shall meet all applicable criteria for water quality, groundwater recharge, channel protection, overbank flood protection, and extreme flood protection as outlined in  the  2017 Vermont Stormwater Management Manual (VSMM). 

Under Section 4.4 of the VSMM, designers may propose the use of alternative treatment practices. More information on the submittal guidelines, review process, and allowable alternative practices are available on the Alternative Treatment Practices Page linked below.

The Vermont State Stormwater Discharge Permits are based on the Stormwater Permitting Rule (effective 3/15/2019). Please refer to this document as needed. 

To confirm cold vs. warm habitat, A vs. B waters, etc..., refer to the 2022 Vermont Water Quality Standards document linked below.

II. General Application Information

All permit applications must be submitted via ANR Online. Fee payments should be made at the time of application, via ANR Online. Application submittals will not be accepted via email or through external ftp sites. Unless full scale paper copies of site plans are specifically requested by the Stormwater Program, electronic versions of site plans are preferred.

An application will be considered administratively incomplete and will not proceed onto technical review until a complete application is received. See below for more information regarding what a complete application entails. Application forms and worksheets are updated as necessary. They must be downloaded from this website each time you submit a new application. Submitted applications using out-of-date forms may be rejected.

Application Fees

Full NOI - $240 admin processing fee AND $860 for Class B waters (minimum review fee of $440) AND/OR $1,400 for Class A waters (minimum review fee of $1,400) per acre of impervious to be permitted.

Application Requirements

A complete application is comprised of an eNOI, all required attachments (see below under Application Materials for forms), and applicable fees. All must be submitted via ANR Online.. 

Refer to the Application Requirements for Operational Permits document (UPDATED January 2022) for more detailed information on application submittals.


Applicant Certification/Signature Page- each applicant must complete and sign this form to submit a complete eNOI

Attachments must be submitted as a separate PDF and named as stated below:






YYYY-MM-DD_Plan Set Reference

Examples of completed applications are available on our Trainings & Examples page.

**An additional attachment, named YYYY-MM-DD_Engineering Feasibility Analysis and prepared in accordance with Part 4 of General Permit 3-9050, shall be provided only in support of the following projects:

(a) applications submitted for impervious surfaces of three or more acres requiring permit coverage under Subpart 1.3(D) of General Permit 3-9050, or

(b) applications submitted for discharges of regulated stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces of less than three acres to a stormwater-impaired water, when the project has been informed that upgrades to an existing stormwater system are necessary.

III. Application Forms

Notice of Intent

  • General Permit Notice of Intent (NOI) Forms 
    • NOI for General Permit 3-9050

             Applicant Certification/Signature Page- each applicant must complete and sign this form


  • Narrative  (docx) - Use this word document as a template for the narrative of any new project. This attachment should include a soils map and a location map. Required for all new applications. 


  • STP Selection Tool (xlsx) - This workbook shall be used for all projects to identify the highest performing practices for meeting the Water Quality Treatment Standard based on site feasibility.
  • Standards Compliance Workbook (xlsx) UPDATED 8/28/2018 - This workbook is required for all projects except for certain projects permitted under the Chapter 6.0 Public Linear Transportation. It details compliance with the stormwater treatment standards for each discharge points and summarizes compliance at the site level. (This workbook replaces Schedule A's and individual standards worksheets) 
  • Public Transportation Workbook (xlsx) - UPDATED 7/15/2020 -  A workbook meant for projects applying under Chapter 6.0 of the 2017 VSMM for public linear transportation projects. The Standards Compliance Workbook may also be required for certain Redevelopment with Expansion - Public Transportation projects and New Construction projects. See Appendix 1 of the Application Requirements for Operational Permits document for more information.


Plan Set Reference

  • Plan Set Reference (PDF) - Use this form to provide a complete list of all plans applicable to the stormwater management design, operational standards, and application requirements associated with an application to the State of Vermont for coverage under General Permit 3-9050. Please follow the naming format outlined on the form. This form shall be included as an additional, separate attachment in the Plans Attachment section of the eNOI. This form can be used for either a full or initial NOI submission and should be updated as plans change either in form or in revision. 

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