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Stormwater Contacts and Fees

Stormwater Contacts

The Stormwater Program has separate Contacts for each stormwater section. Please find the appropriate contact based on your needs. 


Stormwater Program Manager:

Kevin Burke:  802-261-7903


Operational Permit - Treatment of Impervious Surfaces, 3-Acre Rule, INDS, 9050 :

Terry Purcell (Supervisor):  802-490-6166

Aaron Ferraro:  802-490-6168

Ashley Preston:  802-490-6170

Brodie Haenke:  802-490-6028

Samuel Hughes:  802-261-1865

Drew Shatzer:  802-261-5602


Construction Section - Construction Related Earth Disturbance, INDC, 9020:

Thomas Benoit (Supervisor):  802-490-6164

Taylor Flanagan:  802-490-6167

Bryce McKim:  802-272-9428


Municipal Roads Section - Municipal Road Drainage, MRGP:

Christy Witters (Supervisor):  802-490-6173

Chad McGann:  802-636-7239


Multi-Sector General Permitting Section - Industrial Stormwater Discharge, MSGP:

Thomas Benoit (Supervisor):  802-490-6164

Ashley Carver:  802-490-6906


Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Section - Urbanized Area Stormwater Discharge, MS4:

Christy Witters (Supervisor):  802-490-6173

Emily Schelley:  802-490-6172

Samuel Hughes:  802-261-1865


Transportation Separate Storm Sewer System Section - State Roads Stormwater Discharge, TS4:

Thomas Benoit (Supervisor):  802-490-6164

Aaron Ferraro:  802-490-6168


There are separate district contact maps below for the Operational and Construction Sections. Click the images below for a larger view.

A screenshot of the stormwater construction district contacts map.  An outline of the state of Vermont is seen with different areas shaded in different colors.  The southwest is orange, the southeast is pink and the northern third is a steel blue. A screenshot of the stormwater operation district map.  An outline of the state of Vermont is seen with different areas of the state shaded in different colors.  The northern section is green.  West central is blue, east central is purple, Rutland county is red and Windsow, Bennington, and Windham counties are Orange.

Note: the applicable map should always be used for an initial contact, however applications for projects located within a district area may be reviewed by others within the Section as needed depending on staff workload and/or availability.


Stormwater Fees