For Non-Drinking Water Groundwater Withdrawal Reporting and Permitting:
This class of permits and reporting requirements are for groundwater withdrawals that do not meet the exemption criteria listed in Act 199 as follows: withdrawals used exclusively for fire suppression, or other public emergencies; domestic, residential use; farming; dairy processing and milk handlers licensed in accordance with 6 V.S.A. subsection 2721; closed loop, standing column, or similar non-extractive geothermal heat pumps; public transient and non-transient, non-community water systems not withdrawing more than 57,600 GPD for commercial, industrial, purposes; for the investigation or remediation of a release of a hazardous material that is being supervised by the Secretary under 10 V.S.A., Section 6615b or 10 V.S.A., Chapter 159, subchapter 3; and public community water systems as defined in 10 V.S.A. subsection 1671.
Bulk and bottled water suppliers of any size are required to obtain a Source Water Permit pursuant to the Environmental Protection Rules (EPR), using Chapter 21, the Water Supply Rule and the requirements of Chapter 24, the Groundwater Withdrawal Reporting and Permitting Rule.
Existing or new groundwater withdrawals of greater than 20,000 gallons per day need to be reported annually for the water usage during the preceding calendar (i.e., on or before September 1, 2010, the water usage for 2009 needs to be reported). A Groundwater Withdrawal Reporting Form (see below) needs to be submitted for each individual groundwater source each reporting year.
Please e-mail groundwater withdrawal reporting forms to Julia Beaudoin,
A new or increased groundwater withdrawal of greater than 57,600 gallons per day from a single tract of land or place of business will need a Groundwater Withdrawal Permit. For previously unpermitted withdrawals, an increase in the rate of withdrawal after July 1, 2010 from a well or spring on a single tract of land or at a place of business of 25% of the baseline withdrawal or an increase of 57,600 gallons of groundwater withdrawn, whichever is smaller, will need a permit. The baseline withdrawal shall be the highest amount withdrawn by a person on a single tract of land or place of business within a 24 hour period between 1/1/2005 and 12/31/2010.
Applications & Forms
- Groundwater Withdrawal Permit Application for greater than 57,600 gallons per day: This form initiates the permitting process for a non-potable water supply source, typically for industrial and commercial uses, where the withdrawal will be more than 57,600 gallons per day. If the source will be used for potable water use, then additional permits may also be required from DEC. The application fee is $2,300 per source. If the source will be used for Bulk or Bottled water use, then a Source Permit (see application for Public Community Water Source) will be required from DEC using criteria from the Groundwater Reporting and Withdrawal Rule (V.S.A. Chapter 24).
- Source Testing Review Application
- Well ID Sheet-Production Well
- Well ID Sheet-Observation Well or Spring
The following findings must be made before Groundwater Withdrawal Permit issuance:
- applicant complied with all public notice requirements;
- applicant submitted a complete application;
- groundwater is used efficiently;
- safe yield for the withdrawal is established and is consistent with town and regional plans and state policy;
- no undue adverse effect on existing uses, permitted public water systems, significant wetlands or other hydrologically interconnected water resources will occur;
- will not violate Vermont water quality standards; and
- any other consideration that the Secretary determines necessary for the conservation of water or protection of groundwater quality.
Other Related Applications & Forms:
- Application for Renewal of Groundwater Withdrawal Permit
- Application for Minor Amendment for Groundwater Withdrawal Permit
- Groundwater Closure or Conversion Notice
Examples of businesses that may need to report or receive Groundwater Withdrawal permits: Country clubs (golf courses), ski areas, energy generators, beverage companies (wineries, breweries, and soft drinks), car washes, manufacturing facilities, paper and wood product companies, food manufacturers and /or processors, mine and rock quarries, nurseries, bulk and bottled water suppliers.
Fees: Facilities that are permitted to withdraw groundwater pursuant to 10 V.S.A., Section 1418, will be billed annually per facility. For further assistance or questions, please call the Division main line at 802-828-1535.