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Watershed Management Division Contacts Table

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Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation
Watershed Management Division
Davis Building - 3rd Floor
1 National Life Drive
Montpelier, VT 05620-3522
Main Telephone: 802-828-1115
Email the Division

You may now submit permit applications, compliance reports and fee payments through our new online form to expedite its receipt and review:

Electronic Application, Reporting and Payment Intake Form

Contact information is listed by program:
Watershed Division Contact Information
Name, Position and Brief Job Description Email Address Phone
Pete LaFlamme - Director 802-490-6190
Bethany Sargent - Deputy Director 802-490-6131
Eric Guzman - Attorney 802-480-1313
Saige Culbertson - Attorney  
Business and Operational Support Services (BOSS)
Shea Miller - Operations Manager
Management of the Business and Operational Support Services Program. Responsible for support of division operations, budget, and business processes. 802-490-8013
David Addeo - Environmental Analyst
Technology/Information Systems support for Division tracking and reporting efforts. Division Records Liaison, responsible for coordinating responses to public records requests, and website administrator. 802-490-6153
Kelcie Bean - Environmental Technician
Permit and application administrative review and support for the Lakes & Ponds and Wetlands Programs. 802-490-6195
Kelly Bixby - Environmental Analyst
Technology/Information Systems support for Division business processes. 802-490-6107
Mari Cato - Environmental Technician
Compliance tracking and data management for the Wastewater Program 802-490-6105
Jill Draper - Environmental Technician
Permit and application administrative review for the Wastewater Program. 802-490-6118
Vacant - Environmental Technician
Compliance tracking and data management for the Stormwater Permitting Program.
Michelle Lavigne - Environmental Technician
Billing/collections and financial account management. 802-490-6108
Megan McIntyre - Environmental Technician
Permit and application administrative review and assistance for the Stormwater Permitting Program. 802-490-6110
Helen Carr - Permit Compliance Unit Supervisor
Supervises permit review and reporting compliance team. Responsible for support of Division’s permit programs application and compliance reporting, and coordinates the roll out of new permits and projects across the Department. 802-490-6147
Alyx Belisle - Environmental Technician
Permit and application administrative and technical support for the Rivers program. Technological assistance for other administrative and technical projects. 802-461-6411
Vacant - Environmental Technician
Accounts receivable and financial account management.
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) Program
Abbi Pajak - Program Manager
Supervision of the Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation program. 802-490-4741
Justin Michaud - Environmental Analyst
Technical review of CAFO permit applications, facility inspection, and compliance. 802-522-2721
Lakes and Ponds Management and Protection Program
Lake and shoreland regional permit analyst district map
Jenny Austin - Program Manager
Supervision and coordination of the Lakes and Ponds Management and Protection Program 802-480-3901
Misha Cetner - Environmental Analyst
Regulatory Section Lead and Regional Permit Analyst for Grand Isle, Orange, Washington (except Town of Cabot), Windham and Windsor Counties, providing technical assistance for the Lake Encroachment and Shoreland Permit Program. 802-490-6199
Kelsey Colbert - Aquatic Biologist
Lake Champlain water quality monitoring, and zebra mussel monitoring on Lake Champlain and selected inland waters. 802-490-6132
Laura Dlugolecki - Environmental Analyst
Regional Permit Analyst for Addison, Bennington, Chittenden, Lamoille, and Rutland counties, providing technical assistance for the Lake Encroachment and Shoreland Permit Program, and Vermont Project WET (Water Education for Teachers) 802-490-6133
Elizabeth Gallagher - Aquatic Biologist
Statewide water quality and aquatic invasive species monitoring; zebra mussel, algae, and cyanobacteria monitoring on inland waters. Coordinates and trains community science volunteers statewide in the Vermont Invasive Patrollers Program and Cyanobacteria Volunteer Monitoring Program. 802-490-6129
Peter Isles - Aquatic Biologist
Lake Champlain water quality monitoring; zebra mussel, algae, and cyanobacteria monitoring on Lake Champlain and selected inland waters. 802-490-6130
Kimberly Jensen - Aquatic Biologist
Aquatic invasive species management, statewide aquatic invasive species monitoring, aquatic nuisance species grant program, and aquatic plant monitoring and identification. 802-490-6120
Alison Marchione - Environmental Scientist
Shoreland Coordinator, providing technical assistance and outreach (Lake Wise), Natural Shoreland Erosion Control Certification, and assistance for lake-watershed action plans (LWAP). 802-490-6128
Ryan Walquist - Environmental Scientist
Monitoring both trends and condition of inland lakes for compliance with the Clean Water Act and Vermont Water Quality Standards. Inland Lake water quality assessments, spring phosphorus sampling, and special studies like littoral habitat assessment. 802-793-0562
Kellie Merrell - Environmental Scientist
Monitoring both trends and condition of inland lakes for compliance with the Clean Water Act and Vermont Water Quality Standards. Inland Lake water quality assessments, spring phosphorus sampling, and special studies like littoral habitat assessment. 802-490-6194
Mark Mitchell - Limnologist
Lake Assessment and Lay Monitoring Program Coordinator. 802-490-6126
Olin Reed – Aquatic Biologist & Permit Specialist
Leads the Issuance of Aquatic Nuisance Control Permits including review of permit applications, coordinates the statewide VT Public Access Greeter Program and trainings, assists with statewide surveys and monitoring for AIS, and develops geospatial maps to improve public access to statewide programmatic and monitoring information. 802-622-4323
Laura Woods - Environmental Analyst
Regional Permit Analyst for Caledonia, Essex, Franklin, and Orleans counties, and the Town of Cabot in Washington County, providing technical assistance for the Lake Encroachment and Shoreland Permit Program. 802-490-6100
Rivers Program
River managment engineer districts map, River Scientist Regions map, Floodplain manager regions map
Rob Evans - Program Manager
Supervision and coordination of the Rivers Programs, including the River Corridor and Floodplain Protection, River Science, Restoration & Mapping, Flow Protection and River Management sections. 802-490-6152
Evelyn Boardman - River Scientist
Provides technical assistance for geomorphic assessment, corridor planning, corridor easement acquisition, fluvial erosion hazards and restoration projects in central Vermont. 802-272-4343
Jaron Borg - River Management Engineer
River management and natural river channel design technical assistance and stream alteration permits in central and western Vermont. 802-371-8342
Asa Brayton, CFM - Floodplain Manager
Technical assistance, education, and outreach to ensure compliance with the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and state regulatory requirements in southeastern Vermont communities. 802-522-4999
Christopher Brunelle - River Management Engineer
River management and natural river channel design technical assistance and stream alteration permits in northwestern Vermont. 802-777-5328
Josh Carvajal, PE, CFM - River Management Engineer
River management and natural river channel design technical assistance and stream alteration permits in southwestern Vermont. 802-490-6163
Jeff Crocker - Streamflow Protection Coordinator
Coordination and supervision of the Streamflow Protection Section including programs related to dam removal, hydroelectric power and artificial regulation of stream flows and lake and reservoir levels. 802-490-6151
Eric Davis - River Ecologist
Analyses of the ecological impacts of projects and activities that affect streamflow and water level regulation, including large development projects, hydroelectric projects, water withdrawals and dams. 802-490-6180
Jim Deshler - Aquatic Biologist
Expertise areas include biological assessments of fish communities and aquatic macroinvertebrate identification for Ambient Biomonitoring Network. 802-490-6136
Vacant - Supervising Aquatic Biologist
Provides strategic leadership, programmatic support, and scientific expertise for the Biomonitoring and Aquatic Studies Section.
Blaine Hastings - Division Hydrologist
Hydrological analysis to support pollution loading studies, reservoir operation, and regulatory compliance. 802-490-6156
Meaghan Hickey - Environmental Analyst
Coordinator of the LaRosa Partnership Program community science program and supports biological monitoring of rivers and streams through surveying fish and aquatic macroinvertebrate communities. 802-622-4819
Scott Jensen, PE - River Management Engineer
River management and natural river channel design technical assistance and stream alteration permits in southeastern Vermont. 802-490-6962
Heather Kennedy - Rivers Program Mapping Specialist
Provides floodplain and river corridor mapping, analysis, and database support to the Rivers Program. 802-490-6161
Vacant - River Management Engineer (contact Jaron Borg)
River management and natural river channel design technical assistance and stream alteration permits in northeastern Vermont. 802-371-8342
Kyle Medash - Floodplain Manager
Technical assistance, education, and outreach to ensure compliance with the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and state regulatory requirements in western Vermont communities. 802-490-6154
Todd Menees, PE - River Management Engineer
River Restoration Engineer River management and natural river channel design technical assistance and statewide flood-response assistance. Review dam removals, engineering assistance to Stream Flow Protection section, and coordinate training programs for public assistance and outreach with VTrans. 802-345-3510
Sacha Pealer, CFM - Floodplain Manager
Technical assistance, education, and outreach to ensure compliance with the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and state regulatory requirements in northeastern Vermont communities. 802-490-6162
Rebecca Pfeiffer, CFM - Manager, River Corridor and Floodplain Protection Program / NFIP Coordinator
Coordination and supervision of the River Corridor and Floodplain Protection Section including support to municipal, Act 250, and State Floodplain Rule permitting and the FEMA National Flood Insurance Program. (NFIP). 802-490-6157
Staci Pomeroy - Lead River Scientist
Coordination and supervision of the River Science, Restoration, and Mapping Program. Technical assistance for geomorphic assessment, corridor planning, corridor easement acquisition, fluvial erosion hazards and restoration projects in northwestern Vermont. 802-490-6191
Vacant - River Scientist
Provides technical assistance for geomorphic assessment, corridor planning, corridor easement acquisition, fluvial erosion hazards and restoration projects in central Vermont.
Shannon Pytlik - River Scientist
Technical assistance for geomorphic assessment, corridor planning, corridor easement acquisition, fluvial erosion hazards and restoration projects in southern Vermont. 802-490-6158
Vacant - River Management Engineer
River management and natural river channel design, technical assistance, and stream alteration permits in northeast Vermont.
Connor Quinn - Environmental Technician
Conducts biological and chemical monitoring of rivers and streams throughout the state and laboratory processing of macroinvertebrate samples. 802-261-5922
Betsy Simard - River Ecologist
Analyses of the ecological impacts of projects and activities that affect streamflow and water level regulation, including large development projects, hydroelectric projects, water withdrawals and dams. 802-585-8189
Ned Swanberg, CFM - Floodplain Manager
Technical assistance, education, and outreach to ensure compliance with the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and state regulatory requirements in central Vermont communities. Coordination and support of flood resilience planning. 802-490-6160
Tessa Yip - Engagement & Community Support Floodplain Manager 802-461-9060
Stormwater Program
stormwater district contacts map
Kevin Burke - Program Manager
Supervision of stormwater management program.  
Tom Benoit - Construction and Industrials Section Supervisor
Coordination of all State construction stormwater permitting. Technical review of permit applications, technical design assistance and jurisdictional determinations for all construction stormwater permits in Caledonia, Essex, Franklin, Grand Isle, Lamoille, and Orleans counties. 802-490-6164
Terry Purcell - Operational Section Supervisor
Coordination of State operational stormwater permitting. 802-490-6166
Ashley Carver - Environmental Analyst
Program Coordinator for the Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) and Initial 3-Acre NOI Reviewer. 802-490-6906
Aaron Ferraro - Environmental Analyst
Technical review of permit applications, technical design assistance and jurisdictional determinations for State (operational) stormwater permits in Addison county, and the towns of Burlington, Charlotte, Hinesburg, Saint George, Shelburne, South Burlington, Williston, and Winooski. 802-490-6168
Taylor Flanagan - Environmental Analyst
Technical review of permit applications, technical design assistance and jurisdictional determinations for al construction stormwater permits in Addison, Bennington, Chittenden, and Rutland counties. 802-490-6167
Brodie Haenke - Environmental Analyst
Technical review of permit applications, technical design assistance and jurisdictional determinations for State (operational) stormwater permits in Essex, Grand Isle, Franklin, and Orleans counties, and the towns of Bolton, Colchester, Essex, Essex Junction, Huntington, Jericho, Milton, Underhill, and Westford in Chittenden County. 802-461-6028
Sam Hughes - Environmental Analyst
Technical support to the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) program, including permit development, technical review, and outreach. 802-261-1865
Chad McGann - Environmental Analyst
Technical support to municipalities on municipal road stormwater best management practices; Coordinates and develops the Municipal Roads General Permit. 802-636-7239
Bryce McKim - Environmental Analyst
Technical review of permit applications, technical design assistance and jurisdictional determinations for all construction stormwater permits in Orange, Washington, Windham, and Windsor counties. 802-272-9428
Ashley Preston - Environmental Analyst
Technical review of permit applications, technical design assistance and jurisdictional determinations for State (operational) stormwater permits in Caledonia, Lamoille, Orange, and Washington counties. 802-490-6170
Emily Schelley - Environmental Analyst
Impaired Watersheds Permit Development. 802-490-6172
Drew Shatzer - Environmental Analyst
Compliance coordinator for State operational stormwater permitting statewide. Technical review of operational permit renewal applications and related reporting, inspection of permitted operational stormwater systems, post-issuance compliance tracking and outreach, investigation of complaints, and enforcement for permit violations. 802-261-5602
Scott Tobias - Environmental Scientist
Technical review of permit applications, technical design assistance and jurisdictional determinations for State (operational) stormwater permits in Bennington, Rutland, Windham, and Windsor counties. 802-490-6113
Christy Witters - Environmental Analyst
Coordinator of the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit, Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP), Transportation Separate Storm Sewer System Permit (TS4), and TMDL implementation. 802-490-6173
TMDLs, Assessment, Standards, and Compliance Program (TASC)
Vacant - Program Manager - Program Manager
Supervision and coordination of the TMDLs, Assessment, Standards, and Compliance Program.
Tim Clear - Assessment Section Supervisor and Water Quality TMDL Coordinator
Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) development including: pollutant loading studies, TMDL documents, work plans for contracted TMDL related activities, and contract oversight, technical support. 802-490-6135
Vacant - Environmental Scientist
Limnologist and Aquatic Ecologist focused on the impacts of acid precipitation on waterbodies.
Anna Gallagher - Environmental Analyst
Technical review of surface water, sediment chemistry and biological data to make regulatory and non-regulatory decisions and determine compliance with Vermont Water Quality Standards. Conduct on-site assessments for contaminant spills and releases and special water quality and biological studies. 802-490-6148
Sean Regalado - Environmental Analyst
Water quality and aquatic habitat assessments for rivers and streams statewide, and water quality protection technical assistance to municipalities. 802-490-6201
Wastewater Program
Wastewater regional facility assignments
Heather Collins - Program Manager
Supervision of the Wastewater program. 802-261-5678
Jamie Bates - Environmental Analyst
Facility Assignments: Addison, Essex, Grand Isle Counties,and the following Chittenden County Facilities: Champlain Water District (S. Burlington), Global Foundries, Greer Family LLC (S. Burlington), Hinesburg, IBM (Essex), Richmond, S D Ireland - Green Acres Quarry (S. Burlington), South Burlington - Airport Parkway, South Burlington - Bartlett Bay
Responsible for WWTF, Industrial, Direct Discharge Facility Permitting, Inspections, and O&M 802-490-6183
Garrett Walsh - Environmental Analyst
State Pretreatment Program Coordinator
Responsible for Industrial User Pretreatment Permit Determinations and Pretreatment Facility Permitting, Inspections, and O&M for the following counties:
Chittenden, Franklin, Grand Isle, Lamoille, and Orleans 802-490-6186
Ashley Hellman - Environmental Analyst
ARPA – Pretreatment Initiative Lead
Primary contact for the American Rescue Plan Act – Pretreatment Initiative. Responsible for awarding ARPA grant funds to municipalities and industrial users for wastewater-pretreatment projects. 802-522-9721
Sherri Kasten - Environmental Analyst
Facility Assignments: Caledonia and Windham counties, and the following Washington County Facilities: Cabot, Marshfield, Waterbury, Northfield
Responsible for WWTF, Industrial, Direct Discharge Facility Permitting, Inspections, and O&M
Lake Champlain TMDL Issues 802-490-6182
Michelle Kolb - Environmental Analyst
Direct Discharge Section Supervisor
Facility Assignments: Windsor county 802-490-6165
Aaron Krymkowski - Environmental Analyst
Facility Assignments: Bennington and Lamoille Counties, and Rutland County Municipal Facilities, and the following Chittenden County Facilities: Burlington Electric, Burlington Main, Burlington North, Burlington Riverside, Essex Junction, Fortieth Burlington LLC, Global Companies (Burlington), Milton, Shelburne 1 - Crown Road, Shelburne 2 - Harbor Road, St. Michaels College - Colchester Lime Quarry, Whitcomb Construction (Colchester), Winooski
Responsible for WWTF, Industrial, Direct Discharge Facility Permitting, Inspections, and O&M 802-490-6184
Kyle Lanzit - Environmental Analyst
Responsible for Industrial User Pretreatment Permit Determinations and Pretreatment Facility Permitting, Inspections, and O&M for the following counties:
Addison, Bennington, Caledonia, Essex, Orange, Rutland, Washington, Windham, and Windsor 802-461-7107
John Merrifield - Environmental Analyst
Facility Assignments: Franklin, Orange, Orleans counties, and Rutland County Industrial Facilities, and the following Washington County Facilities: Barre City, Montpelier, Montpelier Swimming Pool, Montpelier Water Treatment Plant, Plainfield, Rock of Ages, Waterbury Water Treatment Plant, Worcester FD1
Responsible for WWTF, Industrial, Direct Discharge Facility Permitting, Inspections, and O&M 802-490-6188
Vacant - Compliance and Enforcement Specialist (Contact Garrett Walsh) 802-490-6186
Wetlands Program
Wetlands Districts Map
Laura Lapierre - Program Manager
Supervision and coordination of the Wetlands Program. 802-490-6177
Rebecca Chalmers - District Wetlands Ecologist
Wetland evaluation and protection in Windham and Bennington Counties, BUT NOT towns of Dorset, Peru, Rupert, Winhall, Manchester, and Sandgate. Windsor County, BUT NOT towns of Landgrove, Rochester, and Stockbridge.
Request Project Review – fill out this form to streamline review. 802-490-6192
Zapata Courage - District Wetlands Ecologist
Wetland evaluation and protection in Addison and Rutland Counties. Towns of Dorset, Peru, Rupert, Winhall, Manchester, and Sandgate in Bennington County. Towns of Landgrove, Rochester, and Stockbridge in Windsor County.
Request Project Review – fill out this form to streamline review. 802-490-6179
Julie Follensbee - District Wetlands Ecologist
Wetland evaluation and protection in Orange, Caledonia, and Franklin Counties.
Request Project Review – fill out this form to streamline review. 802-490-6175
Tina Heath - District Wetlands Ecologist
Wetland evaluation and protection in Chittenden County.
Request Project Review – fill out this form to streamline review. 802-490-6202
Charlie Hohn - Wetlands Scientist
Wetlands Bioassesment Program 802-505-3883
Shannon Morrison - District Wetlands Ecologist
Wetland evaluation and protection in Washington, Lamoille, Orleans, and Essex Counties.
Request Project Review – fill out this form to streamline review. 802-490-6178
Elijah Schumacher - District Wetlands Ecologist
Wetland evaluation and protection in Grand Isle County and statewide ARPA-funded projects (i.e., Healthy Homes, 3-acre stormwater).
Request Project Review – fill out this form to streamline review. 802-461-8615
Krystal Sewell - District Wetlands Ecologist
Wetland evaluation and protection in Franklin County.
Request Project Review – fill out this form to streamline review. 802-490-6758
Lauren Sopher - District Wetlands Ecologist
Wetland evaluation and protection.
Request Project Review – fill out this form to streamline review. 802-798-6634