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Vermont's "Bottle Bill"

Why does Vermont have a beverage container law?

Vermont’s Beverage Container and Redemption Law ("the Bottle Bill") began as a litter law intended to clean up Vermont’s roadsides.  Over the years, the Bottle Bill evolved into a successful recycling program. Under the law, anyone can return a covered bottle or can to a retailer or redemption center to redeem the deposit (5-15 cents)

Where can I redeem my empty containers?

Certified Redemption Centers: Consumers may bring any empty containers that were purchased in Vermont and carry the Vermont redemption message to a Certified Redemption Center. Certified Redemption Centers must accept all covered beverage containers that are clean and unbroken. Find one near you: 

List of Certified Redemption Centers in Vermont

Map of Certified Redemption Centers in Vermont

Retailers: All Retailers of beverages are required to take back empties for beverage brands that they sell (regardless of whether the container was purchased at that location), so long as they were purchased in Vermont and are clean and unbroken. Retailers may apply for an exemption to this requirement if there is a nearby Certified Redemption Center able to meet the public need for redemption.

List of Currently Exempt Retailers in Vermont

What beverages ARE covered under the Bottle Bill Law?

When purchased in Vermont:
  • Beer, wine coolers, other malt beverages, and pre-mixed spirits cocktails (5-cent deposit)
  • Carbonated non-alcoholic beverages, including sodas, sparkling waters and juices, and carbonated sports and energy drinks (5-cent deposit)
  • Liquor and spirits (15-cent deposit)

What beverages ARE NOT covered under the Bottle Bill Law?

  • Wine and hard cider 
  • Non-carbonated non-alcoholic beverages, including water, milk, juice, sports and energy drinks
  • Beverages purchased out of state

What happens when I return a container to a retailer or redemption center?

Retailers and redemption centers collect empty containers from the public and return the deposit refund (5-15 cents). Learn more in "How the Money Flows: What Happens to a 5 Cent Bottle Deposit." Distributors, or a third-party agent acting on behalf of distributors, pick up empty containers from the retailers and redemption centers and recycle them.