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Vermont Materials Management Plan Draft Materials Management Plan

The Vermont Materials Management Plan (MMP), formerly referred to as the State Solid Waste Plan, is the State's comprehensive statewide strategy for the management of waste and materials. As mandated by Vermont law (10 V.S.A. § 6604), the plan must be renewed and published by the Agency of Natural Resources at least once every five years. The plan outlines specific deliverables designed to implement the plan's vision through measurable and practical measures. These deliverables must be met by the Agency of Natural Resources and local solid waste management  entities over the course of the plan period. 

Download the Draft 2024 MMP, the 2024 MMP Overview and Key Changes from the 2019 MMPSWME Q&A, and public meeting powerpoint.

SWIP Guidance

SWIP Report Guidance and FAQ for Calendar Year 2023

2020 A-Z Guide Requirements

2022 letter releasing MMP shingles requirement