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Construction Permits

Permit to Construct

A Construction Permit is required for all new public water system proposals and for all construction, modification, alteration or renovation of infrastructure of a Public Water System. In addition, In-state bottled and bulk water collection, treatment and distribution facilities are required to obtain a construction permit prior to construction of or modification to existing infrastructure. Draft permit notification shall be posted on the Environmental News Bulletin (ENB) for a minimum of 14 days prior to issuance or denial of the permit application.

Key Highlighted Steps:

  1. Visit the DWGPD contacts page to contact a Division Engineer to discuss the proposed project;
  2. Submit a Construction Permit Application. Eligibility for a general permit will be determined via responses to qualifying questions in the application;
  3. Following a determination that the project design is technically complete, the draft permit will be posted on ENB for public comment. If the application does not meet the Water Supply Rule, a draft denial may be posted on ENB for public comment;
  4. After any public comments are addressed and the final permit is signed and issued, construction may commence. Construction permits typically expire after two years and may be renewed prior to their expiration;
  5. After construction is completed, the Water System and design engineer shall submit all relevant performance testing, certifications, and other information required by the construction permit conditions to the Division. Some permits may require an inspection before the new infrastructure is put into service.

The Water System should contact the Community Operations or Non-Community Operations program to determine if there are any changes to operational requirements, such as a new Permit to Operate, as a result of the project.


General Water Main Construction Permit

For certain water main projects water systems may be eligible for coverage under the General Water Main Construction Permit. Eligibility for coverage under the General Permit is determined in the ANR Online application form for the Construction Permit.

General Storage Tank Rehabilitation Construction Permit

For certain existing storage facilities, water systems may be eligible for coverage under the General Storage Tank Rehabilitation Construction Permit. Eligibility for coverage under the General Permit is determined in the ANR Online application form for the Construction Permit.