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Step 2: State Revolving Fund - Final Design

Step 2: Final Design

During the Final Design phase the project is developed from the conceptual stages to a point where the project is permitted and ready to be put out to bid.  The focus of the final design is the creation of the final design plans, the technical specifications, and the contract documents as well as the permit approvals and eligibility determinations.


The CWSRF loan agreement requires the municipality hold project coordination meetings at the 30% complete, 60% complete, and 90% complete stages in order to qualify for reimbursement up to those levels.  The municipal representatives, system operators, consultants, regulatory staff, funding representatives attend these meetings to discuss the project.  Funding representatives include Division staff as well as other interested co-funders, which may include USDA RD and/or Efficiency Vermont.  DWSRF is now adopting similar practices on a project by project basis.

For small projects we recommend negotiating fewer meetings.  For larger projects, more meetings may be included in the scope of services.


It is the expectation of the CWSRF Program that all design work substantially conform to accepted engineering design standards. Any deviations from the Standards need to be called out to the Pollution Control Design Section Engineer or Drinking Water Engineer. Those known in advance of the Step 2 agreement, need to be called out as deviations in the PER.

Permits and Approvals

Permits and approvals are sought prior to finalization of the deliverables, many at the 90% progress level. Permits may involve local, state, and federal approvals. Use the Permit Navigator tool to identify the required environmental permits and approvals for projects on a single parcel. If it is a linear, polygon, or multi-parcel project, contact a Community Assistance Specialist to get started.

Environmental Review

The Consultant prepares an Environmental Information Document (EID) to demonstrate that the preferred alternative is either eligible for a Categorical Exclusion or Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI), in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act.  Some Environmental Review actions need to take place during Step 1, others in Step 2.  Aspects of Environmental Review that have potential to require avoidance as a mitigation measure should be identified prior to design.  See Environmental Review page for more details.


  • Meeting Agenda, Submittals, Minutes & draft construction documents
  • Final Design Plans
    • 30% Preliminary Alignments, Layouts, Hydraulic Profiles, Standard Notes
    • 60% Profiles, Elevations, Completed Alignments, Layouts, and Hydraulic Profiles, Standard Details
    • 90% Final Profiles, Elevations, Alignments, Layouts, and all Details.
    • Final stamped and signed by a Vermont Registered Professional Engineer
  • Technical Specifications
    • 30% Table of Contents
    • 60% Standard Technical Specifications
    • 90% Specialty Technical Specifications 
    • Final stamped and signed by a Vermont Registered Professional Engineer
  • Contract Documents
    • 90%  Draft EJCDC Front End Documents
    • Final, documents ready to bid, complete with dates for meetings and bids coordinated and accepted by the WID Construction Engineer.
  • Project Cost Summary at 90%

Reimbursement Holds

Reimbursement levels are held based on the meeting benchmarks, to assure that the designs are not progressing out of pace with the administrative project requirements.

Example: If reimbursement requests are made at 35% of project and the 30% project meeting has not been held, then the accounting staff will only reimburse up to the 30% level.


All Engineering Service Agreements and SRF Loan Applications shall be submitted through ANR Online

All Deliverables submitted to DCE shall go through the File Sharing Portal

Allow a minimum of 45 days for DCE review of deliverables


Step 2 Detailed Tasks
X = Required, S = Situationally Required

Task # Task Description and Guidance Document Link FAQs Check List CW DW
1 Apply to the Project Priority List (Repeat this task annually.)     X X
2 Select a Consultant (Request for Qualifications, if not completed in Step 1)     X X
3a Submit: 1) Draft Step 2 Engineering Services Agreement (ESA), 2)Level of Effort (LOE), 3) Project Cost Summary, 4) DEC Certification (TIP: Include an NTE allowance for Historic Preservation Consultant) Submit via: Note: PCS required for all projects.   X X
3b DCE Engineer reviews draft ESA and LOE and sends comments     X X
3c Make any requested changes     X X
3d Finalize ESA and LOE     X X
3e Execute ESA and Send to WID Project Lead     X X
4a Submit Completed Step 2 Funding Application (YOU MUST RIGHT CLICK, 'SAVE LINK AS', and save remotely before completing). VT SRF application submission is now online! 
Visit to get started.
    X X
4b Receive Finding of Complete Application     X X
4c Receive Loan Approval Documents     X X
5a Execute Loan Documents     X X
5b Request Payment for Documented Expenses (Monthly)     X X
6a Consultant Starts Step II Work     X X
6b Consultant Submits draft Basis of Final Design for review and approval     X S
6c Submit Draft Environmental Information Document (EID)/Environmental Report for WID Environmental Review (If not submitted in Step I)     X/S X/S
7a 30% Final Design Submittal (For WWTF and WTF Projects, Process/Site and MEP submittals may be separate)     X S
7b 30% Final Design Meeting  (For WWTF and WTF Projects, Process/Site and Mechanical/Electrical/Plumbing (MEP) meetings may be separate)     X S
7c State Engineer Reviews 30% Submittal and Sends Comments (Allow 45 days)     X S
7d Request Payment for Documented Expenses (Monthly - up to 30%)     X X
8a Submit scope of work for Historic Preservation Consultant to DCE Design Engineer for review by VDHP.  Historic Preservation Review webpage     X/S X/S
8b Historic Preservation Consultant to perform Archeological Resource Assessment     X/S X/S
8c The Consulting Engineer sends completed ARA to DCE Engineer     X/S X/S
8d DCE will submit ARA with updated Section 106 Review Form to SHPO (this initiates minimum 30-day VDHP review)      X/S X/S
8e SHPO will provide concurrence or additional comments      X X
8f SHPO may require additional investigation (Phase 1) prior to concurrence (additional submittals require VDHP review)     X/S X/S
9a 60% Final Design Meeting (For WWTF and WTF Projects, Process/Site and MEP meetings may be separate)     X X
9b 60% Final Design Submittal (For WWTF and WTF Projects, Process/Site and MEP submittals may be separate)     X X
9c Request Payment for Documented Expenses (Monthly - up to 60%)     X X
9d State Design & Construction Engineers Review 60% Submittal and Send Comments     X X
10a Submit Final Environmental Information Document (EID)/Environmental Report     S X
10b Division Performs Environmental Review     S X
10c Public Notification, 30-day Comment Period     S S
10d Public Hearing (situational)     S S
10e Division Issues Decision on Environmental Review     S X
11a 90% Final Design Meeting (For WWTF and WTF Projects, Process/Site and MEP meetings may be separate)     X X
11b 90% Final Design Submittal (For WWTF and WTF Projects, Process/Site and MEP submittals may be separate     X X
11c  Submit plan of operations to Wastewater Management Program for review and approval (required for WWTFs or WTFs with NPDES permits)     S S
11d Request Payment for Documented Expenses (Monthly - up to 90%)     X X
11e State Design & Construction Engineers Review 90% Submittal  and Project Cost Summary and Send Comments     X X
11f Submit 90% plans for any necessary local, state, or federal permits, including Water Supply Permit to Construct     X X
11g Final SHPO Submittal for Section 106 Review  to DCE Engineer with Final Area of Potential Effect - sign-off or mitigation measures will be provided at this time     X X
11h Consultant Obtains Disadvantaged Business Enterprise List for Notification 30-days prior to Bid Advertisement Date from Construction Section Engineer (Applies if Step 3 funds will be used)     S S
11i Consultant Coordinates Bid Phase Dates with Construction Engineer to include in Final Specifications and ensure attendance: Bid Advertisement Date, Pre-Bid Meeting Date, Bid Opening Date (Applies if Step 3 funds will be used)     S S
11j Consultant Notifies Disadvantaged Business Enterprises 30-days prior to Bid Advertisement Date (Applies if Step 3 funds will be used)     S S
11k All Permits are Obtained     X X
12a Consultant Finalizes Documents     X X
12b Consultant Submits Finalized Bid Documents     X X
12c State Design & Construction Engineers Review Final Submittal and Send Comments     X X
13 Division Sends Final Design Approval Letter, Permit to Construct, and Approval to Advertise     X X