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Clean Water State Revolving Fund

Vermont's CWSRF Program provides funding for Vermont's Clean Water projects in the form of low interest loans to municipalities and private entities for eligible projects.  Several types of loans are available.  

  • Planning Loans: Term of 5 to 15 years with 0% interest.
  • Final Design Loans: Terms of 5 to 15 years with 0% interest.
  • Municipal Construction Loans: Terms of 20 to 30 years with 2% administrative fee, annually. Terms need to be less than or equal to asset life.
  • Natural Infrastructure project loans, including through Interim Financing and Water Infrastructure Sponsorship Program (WISPr). See the current Intended Use Plan for details.

Note: Most Planning and Final Design Loans are rolled into the construction loan at closing, and administrative fees would apply then.

​Note: Loans involve delayed repayment.

Fact Sheet

Clean Water projects can be described as:

  • Wastewater collection system and treatment facility construction, upgrade, or refurbishment projects
  • Combined Sewer Overflow abatement, monitoring, or elimination projects 
  • Stormwater and wastewater separation projects
  • Stormwater conveyance and/or treatment projects 
  • Community decentralized wastewater disposal systems 
  • Asset management plans, resiliency plans, TMDL related planning and optimization efforts
  • Watershed projects
  • Solid waste projects and brownsfields projects where they relate to water quality
  • Other projects as defined by the PList funding categories or the CWSRF Eligibilities Overview Paper

Clean Water SRF recipients are required to follow the Qualifications-Based Selection Process and Request for Qualifications (QBS-RFQ), develop Fiscal Sustainability Plans (FSP), and Cost and Effectiveness Guidelines (C&E).  

Qualifications-Based Selection Process and Request for Qualifications
Fiscal Sustainability Plan
Cost and Effectiveness

One advantage to a CWSRF loan is that is comes with technical assistance services by the Design and Construction Engineering Section to help guide your project through this process.

Village Wastewater Solutions.  A new interagency initiative assists communities in finding viable wastewater and drinking water solutions to help stimulate opportunities and reinvestment in our small towns.  Visit the web page to find tools, resources and contact information.