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Contact Information

Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation
Water Investment Division
Davis Building - 3rd Floor
One National Life Drive
Montpelier, VT 05620-3510
Main Telephone: 802-828-1550
Fax: 802-828-1552
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Water Investment Division Contact Information
Name, Position and Brief Job Description Email Address Phone
Neil Kamman, Division Director
Strategic direction, supervision of management staff, and development of policy for water investment, including targeting of resources to highest-value pollution control opportunities. Coordination of interagency and cross-organization policy and initiative development, and legislative support. Development of Clean Water Service Delivery Act initiatives. 802-490-6137
Eric Blatt, PE - Director for Engineering
Supervises Division chiefs and staff. Develops proposed Rule and Statute changes relating to water infrastructure and capital expenditures, and provides related testimony at the legislature, participates in Department Management efforts, resolves technical and eligibility issues within the Division. 802-585-4901
Vacant - Administrative Assistant
Provides office administrative support to this Division and two others.
email phone
Agency Facilities Engineering Section
David Webb, PE - Section Chief, Environmental Engineer
Supervises Agency Facilities Section staff and works to develop engineering designs for Agency infrastructure projects.
Develops engineering designs for Agency infrastructure projects. Duties include development of basis of design, approval and issuance of final plans and specifications, bid assistance, construction oversight, project closeout. Also provides planning level engineering and technical assistance to Agency programs. 802-595-9896
Jennifer Gilbert, PE - Environmental Engineer
Develops engineering designs for Agency infrastructure projects. Duties include development of basis of design, approval and issuance of final plans and specifications, bid assistance, construction oversight, project closeout. Also provides planning level engineering and technical assistance to Agency programs.  802-622-4302 
Vincenzo Riva, PE - Environmental Technician
Conducts Topographic Surveys, produces site plans utilizing CAD and GIS, and assists Facilities Engineering with development of Project Specifications, permit acquisitions, estimates and budgets, staging procurements, and conducts construction site layout, project construction phase oversite, and other duties as assigned. 802-622-4159
John Roman - Environmental Technician
Conducts Topographic Surveys, produces site plans utilizing CAD and GIS, and assists Facilities Engineering with development of Project Specifications, permit acquisitions, estimates and budgets, staging procurements, and conducts construction site layout, project construction phase oversite, and general Project Management as assigned. 802-490-6233
Edward Haynes - Environmental Technician
Conducts Topographic Surveys, produces site plans utilizing CAD and GIS, and assists Facilities Engineering with development of Project Specifications, permit acquisitions, estimates and budgets, staging procedures, and conducts construction site layout, project construction phase oversite, and general Project Management as assigned. Section lead on wetlands issues and shoreland stabilization projects. 802-461-7230
Clean Water Initiative Program
Emily Bird - Program Manager
Manage the Clean Water Initiative Program (CWIP). Oversee CWIP’s mission to align and coordinate clean water efforts statewide, develop financial and technical resources to implement projects, and capture and assess data to communicate progress and impact of clean water efforts. Coordinate Vermont’s interagency Clean Water Initiative (10 V.S.A. § 1387) by providing staff support to Vermont’s Clean Water Board, administering Vermont’s Clean Water Budget process, and coordinating the Clean Water Initiative Interagency Finance and Reporting Workgroup. 802-490-4083
Hank (David) Ainley - Environmental Analyst
Conduct inventories, mapping, and assessment of municipal stormwater and municipal wastewater collection infrastructure and manages a geodatabase of that infrastructure. Conduct related GIS analysis. Administer Woody Buffer, Stormwater Master Planning, and Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination grants and contracts. 802-490-6119
Jezra Beaulieu - Lake Champlain Basin Program Grants Manager
Assist with the management and administration of the Lake Champlain Basin Program (LCBP) State of Vermont grant from the U.S. EPA; create Request for Proposals (RFPs), and grant and contract agreements; develop grant monitoring systems; serve as Technical Project Manager for LCBP-funded projects; and help track and account for clean water projects. phone
Daniel Bouwens - American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) 3-Acre Stormwater Project Technician
Coordinate ARPA funding for “3-Acre Sites” subject to General Permit 3-9050. Manage permit obtainment funding assistance applications for engineering and permit services and provide support to ensure landowners can access assistance programs. 802-461-5098
Sarah Coleman - Vermont Coordinator to the Lake Champlain Basin
Provide program coordination between the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (VTDEC), the Lake Champlain Basin Program (LCBP), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for development, administration, tracking, and reporting of clean water projects. 802-272-1491
Kait Jones - Agriculture Grant Program Coordinator
Responsible for coordination of the Regional Conservation Partnership Program grant opportunity.  Assist with additional agricultural water quality programs. 802-505-1635
Claire Madden - TMDL Tracking and Accounting Supervisor
Oversee the Clean Water Initiative Program’s tracking, accounting, and reporting functions to capture, assess, and communicate the progress and impact of clean water efforts. Coordinate the development and communications of the Vermont Clean Water Initiative Annual Performance Report. Oversee clean water project data management in the Watershed Projects Database. Support the administration of Clean Water Initiative Program funding programs. Serve as the Vermont Nonpoint Source Coordinator to EPA, overseeing Vermont’s Section 319 Nonpoint Source funding and reporting. 802-636-7536
Colleen Miller - American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Clean Water Coordinator 
Serve as the Program's primary consultant to coordinate with American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) program leads to meet state-required clean water performance reporting requirements. Provide general support for the development, implementation, operation, and communications of annual clean water funding initiatives. 802-622-4467
Mary Perchlik - Lake Champlain Basin Program Projects Specialist
Assist with the management and administration of the Lake Champlain Basin Program (LCBP) State of Vermont grant from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); create Request for Proposals (RFPs) and grant and contract agreements; serve as a Technical Project Manager; and help track and account for clean water projects. 802-261-7260
Gianna Petito - Clean Water Initiative Grants Supervisor
Responsible for design and oversight of funding opportunities available through the Clean Water Initiative Program, development and maintenance of CWIP Funding Policies and annual Spending Plan, and financial and progress tracking of funding initiatives. 802-636-7547
Sloane Sullivan - Clean Water Communications Specialist (ECO AmeriCorps)
Assist with program communications including coordination of the Clean Water Conversation Series, and development of social media posts, e-newsletters, and plain language fact sheets. 802-522-4042
Marli Rupe - Agricultural Water Quality Section Chief
Responsible for assisting with development and implementation of agricultural projects, programs, and funding within the Clean Water Initiative Program and with local, state, and federal partners. Responsible for agricultural water quality issues, technical assistance, and program coordination. Responsible for management of the Regional Conservation Partnership Program grant opportunity. 802-490-6171
Madeline Russell - American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) 3-Acre Stormwater Program Lead 
Coordinate ARPA funding for "3-Acre Sites" subject to General Permit 3-9050. Technical project manager for 3-acre Public-Private Partnership projects. Manage grants and contracts for engineering and construction services and provide support to ensure landowners can access assistance programs. 802-261-5739
Jill Sarazen - Green Infrastructure Collaborative Coordinator
Facilitate all aspects of the Green Infrastructure Collaborative (GIC), a partnership between Lake Champlain Sea Grant (LCSG) and the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (VTDEC) to combine efforts to bridge the gap between research, extension, and application of Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) and natural asset management in Vermont. 802-656-2508
Vacant - Data Management and Operations Specialist 
Coordinate the tracking, accounting, and reporting functions of the Clean Water Initiative Program’s work to capture, assess, and communicate the progress and impact of clean water efforts in Vermont.
Rachel Wood - Verification and Maintenance Specialist 
Responsible for developing and implementing the clean water project Verification and Maintenance Program. Provide general support in development and implementation of other annual clean water funding initiative priorities and funding program operations. Supervise CWIP's ECO AmeriCorps member. 802-461-7395
Dam Safety Program
Ben Green, PE - Section Chief, Dam Safety Engineer
Administer the Dam Safety Program under 10 VSA Chapter 43. Review applications to construct or alter dams, conduct inspections, and perform other regulatory functions. Oversee operation, maintenance, and capital projects at 14 Department owned Dams. Work with dam owners regarding dam construction, maintenance, rehabilitation, and removal. 802-622-4093
Steve Hanna - Dam Safety Engineer
Administer the Dam Safety Program under 10 VSA Chapter 43. Review applications to construct or alter dams, conduct inspections, and perform other regulatory functions. Assist with operation, maintenance, and capital projects at 14 Department owned Dams. Work with dam owners regarding dam construction, maintenance, rehabilitation, and removal. 802-490-6123
Andrew Sampsell, PE – Dam Safety Engineer
Assist with dam safety program duties including hydrologic and hydraulic analyses, inspections, policy, hazard classification determination, assist with operations and maintenance at State owned dams, and other related functions. 802-636-7031
Russell McGinnis - Dam Safety Engineer
Assist with dam safety program duties including State dam asset management, operations and maintenance at State owned dams, Dams Inventory management, inspections, policy, hazard classification determination, and other related functions. 802-636-7099
Engineering Section
Jeff Fehrs, PE - Engineering Program Manager, CWSRF Program Manager 802-798-2094
Don Haddox - Chief Construction Engineer
Supervises construction engineers. Reviews Step III engineering scopes of service, final design plans and specifications for biddability and constructability for projects funded by CWSRF and DWSRF, monitors DBE efforts, Davis-Bacon pay requirements, and AIS requirements, attends monthly project meetings, bid openings, and project milestones. 802-760-0370
Hugo Martínez Cazón, PE - Pollution Control Design Engineer
Reviews engineering scopes of service, preliminary engineering reports, environmental information documents, and final design plans and specifications for projects funded by the Clean Water State Revolving Fund and performs NEPA environmental review and pollution control design assistance. 802-522-5564
Lynnette Claudon, PE - Senior Water Infrastructure Program Engineer, Engineering Planning Advance Project Lead, Clean Watersheds Needs Survey Coordinator, and Chair Village Water and Wastewater Committee
Reviews engineering scopes of service, preliminary engineering reports, environmental information documents, and final design plans and specifications for projects funded by the Clean Water State Revolving Fund, Vermont Pollution Control Grants, select Clean Water Initiative Grants, and performs NEPA-like environmental review and pollution control design assistance. Vermont Clean Watersheds Needs Survey Coordinator. Engineering Planning Advance Program Lead, Village ARPA Program Lead, performs outreach and technical assistance to unsewered communities. 802-490-6226
Vacant - Environmental Engineer
engineering scopes of service, preliminary engineering reports, environmental information documents, and final design plans and specifications for projects funded by the Clean Water State Revolving Fund and performs NEPA environmental review and pollution control design assistance. Technical Project Manager for Village ARPA Grants.
Vacant - Design Engineer
Reviews engineering scopes of service, preliminary engineering reports, environmental information documents, and final design plans and specifications for projects funded by the Clean Water State Revolving Fund and performs NEPA environmental review and pollution control design assistance.
Cynthia Parks, PE - Construction Engineer
Reviews Step III engineering scopes of service, final design plans and specifications for biddability and constructability for projects funded by CWSRF and DWSRF, monitors DBE efforts, Davis-Bacon pay requirements, and AIS requirements, attends monthly project meetings, bid openings, and project milestones. 802-585-4913
Allison Murphy, PE - Construction Engineer
Reviews Step III engineering scopes of service, final design plans and specifications for biddability and constructability for projects funded by CWSRF and DWSRF, monitors DBE efforts, Davis-Bacon pay requirements, and AIS requirements, attends monthly project meetings, bid openings, and project milestones. 802-272-2449
Winn Wilson - Construction Engineer
Technical Project Manager for ARPA CSO Grants. Reviews engineering scopes of service, preliminary engineering reports, environmental information documents, and final design plans and specifications for projects funded by the Clean Water State Revolving Fund, Vermont Pollution Control Grants, and ARPA CSO Grants. WID website editor. Reviews Step III engineering scopes of service, final design plans and specifications for biddability and constructability for projects funded by CWSRF and DWSRF, monitors DBE efforts, Davis-Bacon pay requirements, and AIS requirements, attends monthly project meetings, bid openings, and project milestones. 802-490-8019
Financial Management and Loan Section
Padraic Monks - Financial and Loan Programs Manager
Water Infrastructure Finance Program staff and manages multiple programs including the State Revolving Fund (SRF) loan programs and the ARPA 3-acre stormwater grant program. 802-490-6169
Tom Brown - CWSRF Program Lead
project priority list development, adoption, and modification. Receives and processes clean water planning, design and construction loan applications and applications for municipal water pollution control grants. Coordinates engineering service agreement reviews and provides technical, managerial, and financial capacity assistance to loan and grant recipients. Provide outreach, training, and marketing services for the Water Infrastructure Financing Programs. (for priority list applications only)
Amy Galford - Drinking Water SRF Project Developer
Processes DWSRF loan applications. (for priority list applications only)
Katie Parrish - Drinking Water SRF Project Developer
Processes DWSRF loan applications including those for service line inventories. (for service line inventory applications only)
Sarah Bayer - Drinking Water SRF Project Developer
Processes DWSRF loan applications including those for asset management plans or source protection land purchases. 802-522-2434
Rod Gelio - Drinking Water SRF Administrative Technician
Performs advanced environmental program administrative work for the Department of Environmental Conservation. Duties involve the gathering, processing and management of technical data and records using computerized systems and related technologies. 802-863-7651
Looking for Mercedes Piñón or Denise Eagan? See AID Contacts.
Water Infrastructure Planning and Pollution Accounting Program
Tactical Basin Planning District Map (opens in new tab)
Ethan Swift - Program Manager
Management of the Monitoring, Assessment and Planning Program. Expertise areas include monitoring program design, statewide and local water quality assessment, the Surface Water Management Strategy and Tactical Planning, and Water Quality Standards. 802-490-6141
Angela Allen - Watershed Coordinator
Rutland Office
Job Description: Watershed planning and watershed restoration projects in the Poultney Mettowee watershed, Otter Creek watershed, and Battenkill-Hoosic-Walloomsac watershed. 802-490-9081
Karen Bates - Watershed Coordinator
Essex Office
Watershed planning and watershed restoration projects in the Lamoille River Basin and the northern Lake Champlain watershed. 802-490-6144
Marie Levesque Caduto - Watershed Coordinator
Springfield Office
Watershed planning and watershed restoration projects in the West, Williams and Saxtons Rivers, the Ottauquechee and Black Rivers, the Deerfield River and the Lower Connecticut River. 802-490-6142
Ben Copans - Watershed Coordinator
St. Johnsbury Office 
Watershed planning and watershed restoration projects in the Passumpsic River Watershed, the Upper Connecticut River Watershed and the Lake Memphremagog Watershed. 802-490-6143
Phillip Jones - Environmental Modeler
Focused on the statistical and geospatial analysis of data relating to surface water quality, hydrology, aquatic ecology, and watershed management. 802-490-8006
Keith Fritschie - Watershed Coordinator
Watershed planning and watershed restoration projects in the Winooski River Watershed, the White River Watershed, and the Stevens, Wells, Waits, Ompompanoosuc Watershed. 

Chris Rottler - Water Investment Coordinator
Technical project manager for Clean Water Service Providers/Formula Grants. Supervises WISPr program. Provides direct assistance to loan applicants through the Onsite Loan Program. Division Liaison for Environmental Justice. 802-461-6051
Katherine King - Nonpoint Source Project Developer
Non-point source project developer, processing WISPr sponsorship and interim financing applications to the CWSRF. Provides related outreach, coordination, and program development support. 802-261-5840