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Lake Score Card

Vermont has over 800 lakes, with 220 of them larger than 20 acres in size. The Lake Score Card currently includes information for 823 Vermont lakes, including all those over 20 acres in size.

Vermont Inland Lake Score Card

Click here to access the Vermont Inland Lake Score Card 

What is the Vermont Inland Lake Score Card?

The Vermont Inland Lake Score Card is a user-friendly interface developed by the Vermont Lakes and Ponds Management and Protection Program (VLPP) to share available data on overall lake health with lake users.   Using Google Earth, viewers can select from more than 800 lakes in the state and learn about four key aspects of lake health:  nutrients, aquatic invasive species, shoreland and lake habitat, and mercury pollution.  Links embedded in the Score Card open deeper views into the underlying data and point to steps Vermonters can take to protect their lakes.

The Vermont Inland Lake Score Card aims to answer the question “how is a lake doing?” with easy-to-interpret graphics and images. The Lake Scores are based on the best available data and information the Vermont Lakes and Ponds Program (VLPP) has currently. While the data upon which a score is based is empirically derived, the actual thresholds differentiating lake scores were based on best professional judgement. Final scores were reviewed by VLPP scientists. 

Those wishing to better understand the scoring process are encouraged to read the ‘How Lakes Are Scored’ sections and watch the recorded webinar on the YouTube channel for the VTDEC Watershed Management Division.  Those wishing to protect a lake’s ‘good’ score, or wishing to restore a lake with a ‘fair’ or ‘poor’ score can refer to the 'Checklist of Lake Protection Actions.'     


Vermont Inland Lake Information Tools

Lake Score Card for Halfmoon Pond