Legal Authority
General Policy
Facility Classification
Training Opportunities
Through the passage of Act 156, the legislature transferred the licensing of Wastewater (Pollution Abatement) Facility Operators from the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) to the Secretary of State’s Office of Professional Regulation (OPR).
As of January 1, 2017, OPR manages ALL pollution abatement facility operator licenses. For answers to questions, please visit OPR's webpage where you will find the statutes and rules which govern the profession, application instructions and frequently asked questions.
- DEC is no longer issuing or providing administrative support to pollution abatement licenses. Please visit OPRs website at:
- DEC will continue to review and approve wastewater courses for the requisite continuation credits for your certification.
- All questions related to Pollution Abatement Facility Operator licensing contact:
- Amy Polaczyk: 802-490-6185 & Jill Draper: 802-490-6118 (for DEC related technical or course assistance)
- Current list of all wastewater treatment facilities with an active permit from the wastewater program (includes those where a certified operator is required)
Legal Authority
In accordance with standards established by OPR administrative rule, legal authority of licensing pollution abatement (wastewater) operators has transferred to OPR.
General Policy
A facility having a discharge permit issued pursuant to 10 V.S.A. Sections 1263 or 1265 or a permit or certificate of compliance issued pursuant to 10 V.S.A. Section 1973, requiring facility operation by certified operators shall employ chief operator, assistant chief operator and operator(s).
Facility Classification
For a determination of classification specific to your treatment process and design flow, please see the Wastewater Treatment Facility Operator Certification Rule.
Domestic wastewater treatment facilities have five (5) classification levels. Class 1 facilities have simplified treatment processes with low design flows. Class 5 facilities are more complex treatment processes with design flows of greater than 5.0 MGD.
Industrial treatment facilities are classified in three categories; dairy, metal, and paper. There are also three (3) levels to each classification (1, 2, & 4). Each level of industrial classification is based on treatment process and design flow.
Training Opportunities
Training opportunities provided by partner organizations are available to attain the requisite credit requirements. A list of approved courses is available below with a list of common providers. DEC recommends you consult directly with these organizations for course availability.
- List of Online Study Resources for Wastewater Exam
- DEC 'Pre-approved' Course List
- Green Mountain Water Environment Association (GMWEA)
- National Rural Water Association (NRWA)
- New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission (NEIWPCC)
- New England Water Environment Association (NEWEA)
- State of New Hampshire, Department of Environmental Services (NH DES)
- Vermont Rural Water Association (VRWA)
- VTDEC Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division (Water System Operator Certification links may contain information pertinent to wastewater treatment facility operators.)
- Current list of all wastewater treatment facilities with an active permit from the wastewater program (includes those where a certified operator is required)
- Water Environment Federation (WEF)