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Fish Hatcheries

The Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department operates five fish culture stations (otherwise known as hatcheries) throughout the state and releases approximately 1.5 million fish into Vermont lakes, ponds, and streams every spring. This creates plentiful fish populations, which ensures a healthy future for the native fish species and creates more recreational angling opportunities. Agency Facilities works closely with the Fish and Wildlife Department to design, permit, and construct hatchery improvements. 

Optimal breeding success requires conditions similar to those found in a natural habitat, and it is heavily dependent on water temperature, quality, and light cycling. Therefore, it is essential that these hatcheries are properly designed and constructed to ensure prosperous fish populations. Our work allows hatchery staff to harbor and propagate a captive population humanely and with the highest level of sanitation. Our cooperation directly translates to cultured fish success in the wild. Previous projects include water treatment facilities (including ozone treatment), water supply systems, oxygen storage and delivery systems, and new raceways. Agency Facilities also provided consultation services for the reconstruction of the Roxbury hatchery destroyed by Tropical Storm Irene. 

To find out more, or to tour a hatchery near you, please visit the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department website.