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Basin 6 - Missisquoi Bay Tactical Basin Plan

Upper Missisquoi River - Troy, Vermont

What's New?

The Water Investment Division completed the 5-year update of the Missisquoi Bay Tactical Basin Plan, including an updated list of strategies from the 2016 plan. 

 READ THE PLAN and the Missisquoi Bay Watershed STORY MAP. 


2021 Missisquoi Bay Tactical Basin Plan

The Missisquoi Bay Tactical Basin Plan was developed with the purpose of both improving and protecting water quality and aquatic habitats, and presents the recommendations of State and federal resource agencies, watershed partner organizations, planning commissions, municipalities, and individual citizens. The Plan includes the following information:

  • Assessment of the health of the Missisquoi Bay watershed
  • Strategies to protect very high quality waters as well as address water quality issues in the basin 
  • Lake Champlain Phosphorus TMDL targets for the basin by sector in five-year increments as well as other Phase 3 requirements

The strategies can be found in the implementation table summary, a central component of the Tactical Basin Plan. Over 1000 individual related projects that address strategies are included in the VT Watershed Projects database.

A responsiveness summary addressing public comments is included in the plan as Appendix C.  For assistance using the Plan, please contact Karen Bates by email at or phone at 802-490-6144.

The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources has prepared an online mapping tool, the ANR Natural Resources Atlas, that allows the reader to identify the locations of many Basin features.

Plan Links

Additional Resources