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Class I Wetlands

Class I Petition Form

Existing Class I Wetlands

Class I wetlands are exceptional or irreplaceable in their contribution to Vermont’s natural heritage.  They provide unmatched environmental functions and values and therefore merit the highest level of protection.  This page provides information about our existing Class I wetlands, what Class I status means, and how to petition for your wetland to receive Class I protections.

Class I Information Brochure

Beaver Meadows Wetland, Ripton and Bristol, Vermont

Chickering Fen Wetland, Calais, Vermont

Dennis Pond Wetlands, Brunswick, Vermont

Dorset Marsh, Dorset, Vermont

Eshqua Bog, Hartland, Vermont

LaPlatte River Wetlands, Shelburne​, Vermont

Northshore Wetland, Burlington, Vermont

Peacham Bog, Peacham, Vermont

​​Sandbar Wetlands, Milton and Colchester, Vermont

Tinmouth Channel, Tinmouth, Vermont

Ward Marsh, West Haven, Vermont

Candidate Class I Wetlands

Black Gum Swamps, Vernon, Vermont

Click here to view our Class I wetland interactive map.  

An overlook view of a wetland surrounded by mountains.  In the center of the image there is a calm body of water which shows a reflection of the sky.. Around this there is a flat are with low green vegetation.  In the background there are hills with trees growing on them and the top third of the image depicts a blue sky with a few white fluffy clouds.