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Funding Assistance for "Three-Acre Sites"


  • The Agency’s primary assistance was the Permit Obtainment Assistance (POA) program, funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). This program provided financial support for engineering design and permit obtainment costs for eligible 3-acre sites and closed the application period on September 23rd, 2024. Upcoming programs will prioritize funding for high-needs communities, such as 3-acre manufactured housing communities and public schools. For more information on future funding opportunities, visit:
  • The Green Schools Initiative program, funded with Lake Champlain Basin Program, ARPA, and State Clean Water Fund dollars, provides financial assistance to public schools subject to the 3-acre site requirements. This program is underway and most public school 3-Acre sites have already enrolled in the program. For more information visit:
  • For sites that do not qualify for upcoming programming, alternative funding options include low-interest loans through the Vermont Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF), with municipally led or sponsored projects taking priority. Additionally, some 3-acre sites may be eligible for non-state-funded grants, such as those offered through the Lake Champlain Basin Program (LCBP) in partnership with a local Regional Planning Commission, watershed group, or conservation district. 
  • Additionally, the State Fiscal Year 2026 Clean Water Budget will soon open for public comment, and regulated communities are encouraged to share their funding needs. The Clean Water Board has made these communities a priority, and depending on funding availability, support may be offered. To stay informed, property owners can join the Clean Water Initiative Program Stakeholders Listserv for updates on the public comment period opening in October 2024.

For additional information, please contact Daniel Bouwens at or at (802) 461-5098.