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Rapid Inspection Program

The Rapid Inspection Program

Following the July 2023 Flood event in Vermont, the Dam Safety Program performed a Rapid Inspection Program targeting over 400 dams in our regulatory jurisdiction to determine their post-flood status. To carry out the Rapid Inspections, the DSP coordinated emergency deployment of nine inspection teams with support from DEC staff as well as the NY Power Authority, Massachusetts of Dam Safety, and NYDEC Dam Safety. The goal of the Rapid Inspection Program was to identify any worsened or new deficiencies as a result of the recent flooding. This information was used to direct appropriate response to actionable conditions. Refer to the link below to view the Rapid Inspection Reports.

Public Dashboard for Rapid Inspection Results

Public Dashboard for Rapid Inspection Results (

  Rapid Inspections Completed
High 40
Significant 120
Low 228
Totals 388
  Storm Damaged Dams
High 8
Significant 18
Low 27
Minimal 1
Totals 54

Storm Damaged Dams*

Failed/Breached 5
Auxilliary Activated 26
Overtopped 25

*Double Counting Exists for these Categories, Total Above of 54 is Correct.