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Residential AST Removal/Replacement Program


You are eligible to apply for AST removal/replacement assistance if you meet the following criteria:

  1. The tank is located at a single family residential property in the state of Vermont.

  2. You own the home and reside there year-round (property tax bill must be in your name).

  3. Tank is used to provide heat to a single family residence.

  4. Previous year's income was less than $75,000.

  5. The tank work still needs to be done. Please note that tank replacement work that is done before an assistance award is made is not eligible.

Application and Selection Process

To apply, submit the following information to the contact at the bottom of this webpage:

  1. Completed application form.

  2. Proof of ownership of the property or mobile home. A copy of a tax bill is best.

  3. Proof of income – a copy of your most recent Federal 1040 form or a social security statement. State tax returns, pay stubs, or W2’s will not be accepted.

  4. Submit all required documents as one package to the contact listed at the bottom of this page.  Please note, applications that are received without all required documents will not be considered for assistance.

What to Do if Your Application is Selected

If your application is selected, you will receive a letter from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation approving your application to receive assistance. The letter will indicate the amount of assistance and how long the award is good for. The award offer is dated and will expire if not used within the allotted time, as outlined in the approval letter.

  1. Schedule the work to be done with a contractor of your choice.
  2. After the work is complete it will need to be inspected by a certified tank inspector. The inspector needs to fill out an inspection checklist.
  3. Submit completion paperwork – this includes a copy of the invoice, inspection checklist, and a direct payment form (this form needs to be signed by the applicant in BOTH sections one and two). Please submit everything as one package.

If your application is not selected you will receive a denial letter.

Receiving Payment

Once completion paperwork is received and deemed complete, a check will be sent directly to the contractor. Payment can be expected within four to six weeks.

More Information

Contact Information

Please submit application forms to the following:


Attn: Kristin Schultz

1 National Life Drive – Davis 1

Montpelier VT 05620-3704

Storage Tanks Section

Hazardous Materials Program

Waste Management and Prevention Division

Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation

1 National Life Drive – Davis 1

Montpelier, VT 05620-3704
