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BRELLA Application

Pre-application Meeting

Persons who are interested in applying to the Program must attend a pre-application meeting.  This requirement is intended to provide applicants with information about the Program and the Department’s expectations.  It also gives applicants an opportunity to discuss their project and get answers to questions they may have about the Program and brownfields reuse generally.

Eligibility Determination

The next step is an eligibility determination.  To obtain that determination, the applicant submits a completed application and a non-refundable $500 application fee.  The applicant will receive an eligibility determination within 30 days.

An applicant must provide the public with notice of its intent to apply to the Program. The public notice requirement is satisfied by posting a notice in the Town Clerk’s office and by publishing the notice in a newspaper with a general circulation in the community where the brownfield property is located. A link to the public notice form is provided below. 

The application form is hosted in ANR Online, and can be directly accessed at the following address:

You will be prompted to create a log-in before completing the application and payment. 

If you do not have access to a computer for online completion of the application and payment,  you must submit an explanation in writing in advance of submitting a paper check and/or an application. Without prior approval, all checks will be sent back to sender. 

Click here for the BRELLA Application Form

Click here for the Public Notice Form

RDC, RPC, and Municipality Exemption from Liability Form