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Zero Emission Vehicles

Vermont’s Low Emission Vehicle (LEV) program, authorized under section 177 of the Clean Air Act, has been a centerpiece of Vermont’s air quality efforts since 1996.  The Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) program, which is a technology-forcing component of the LEV program, has been a major contributor to the successful commercialization of battery electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicle, hybrid-electric vehicles and ultra-low-emission technologies. To date, 16 states have adopted the ZEV Program (California, Colorado, Connecticut, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington). 

The ZEV program requires increasing sales of ZEVs over the next decade.  The annual sales requirements in state programs are modest at the outset, but increase over time, anticipating that consumer demand will expand as consumers become more familiar with a growing range of continually improving ZEV products.  The ZEV program provides manufacturers substantial flexibility through mechanisms such as credit banking and trading, alternative compliance options, cross-state credit pooling, and by allowing manufacturers to develop their preferred compliance strategy using Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs), Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs), Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEVs), or some combination.   


To help address the misinformation circulating about the ZEV program, specifically the ZEV component of Advanced Clean Cars II, please see our fact sheet, Claims vs. Facts.

Electric Vehicle Count

The number and type of ZEV models available will continue to increase as car companies develop a portfolio of ZEV technologies to match their full product lines, which will further enhance consumer choice and market growth. While not all ZEV models are currently offered for sale in Vermont, substantial growth in the number of electric vehicles has occurred in Vermont.


The EValuateVT dashboard is made possible through a collaborative partnership between the VT DEC and Atlas Public Policy to provide analytics regarding the state of transportation electrification in Vermont.  VT DEC provides limited DMV vehicle registration data to Atlas Public Policy quarterly and Atlas Public Policy obtains demographic data from the US Census Bureau, charging station data from the US Department of Energy and utility information, including retail electricity prices, from the US Energy Information Administration.   The information below is a small snapshot of what is available in the EValuateVT dashboard. Note: numbers may vary from the passenger EV count above because additional EV types are included in the dashboard, such as motorcycles, neighborhood vehicles, and heavy-duty trucks.


ZEV Credits - In complying with the ZEV Regulation, Large and Intermediate Volume manufacturers supply vehicles in Vermont which generate credits based on vehicle type. Small Volume manufacturers without a formal obligation to supply vehicles may also earn credits that may be banked or sold. 

Drive Electric Vermont - A statewide coalition of stakeholders from the business, nonprofit, and government sectors dedicated to promoting the spread of electric transportation in Vermont. DEV provides information (buying guides, incentives, charging station locator, etc.) and hosts events and demo days around the state to educate Vermonters about electric vehicle technology and its benefits to our transportation sector.

Vermont ZEV Action Plan - In 2013, Vermont and seven other states agreed to create a collaborative Zero Emission Vehicle program aimed at putting 3.3 million ZEVs on the road by 2025. A Vermont Zero Emission Vehicle Action Plan has been created in response, which includes Vermont-specific actions that address the goals put forth in the eight-state action plan.  As a result of the Vermont ZEV Action Plan, the Guidance for Requirements to be Included in State Grants for Publicly Funded Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) was created.

Multi-State ZEV Task Force - Vermont is collaborating with seven other states to promote ZEVs. The states have committed to having 3.3 million of these vehicles on the road by 2025. The signatory governors created a multi-state ZEV Program Implementation Task Force to development an action plan. The Task Force, composed of state officials, serves as a forum for coordination and collaboration on the full range of program development, support, and implementation issues to promote effective and efficient implementation of ZEV regulatory initiatives. 

Multi-State Medium- and Heavy-Duty Zero-Emission Vehicle Action Plan - Seventeen states, the District of Columbia, and Quebec worked together under the Multi-State ZEV Task Force, facilitated by NESCAUM, to produce an Action Plan for accelerating a transition to zero-emission trucks and buses.