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PCWS, NTNC, TNC and Domestic Bottled and Bulk Water Operating Permits


All Public Water Supply Systems (PCWS, NTNC, TNC) are required to have a source water permit for any new source, hydrofracturing or deepening of an existing source, or any increase in withdrawal of an existing source. Applicants for a permit must comply with the Water Supply Rule Chapter 21.

The Source Permit Program Map indicates which hydrogeologist is responsible for which county.

Permit Review Process Steps


The Source Water Permit application starts the review process for:

  • Public Community Water System (PCWS)
  • Non-Transient Non-Community Water System (NTNC)
  • Transient Non-Community Water System (TNC)
  • Domestic Bottled or Bulk Water Source Water

In addition, a source permit is required for any new, proposed water source, increase in withdrawal, and deepening or hydrofracturing of an existing permitted water source. 

Fact Sheet- Source Water Permit Application Process

The Certification of Water Source Likely Affected by Agricultural Lands  form is to be completed and submitted by the source permit applicant for any new public water source if there are any agricultural lands in the area that may affect the proposed water source. 


A Source Testing Review application initiates the review and approval process for studies and testing to be conducted on source(s) to serve proposed or changes to existing public community water supplies.  The Initial Source Water Quality Testing list indicates which water quality compounds are to be sampled during the source permitting process. 

This application is required to qualify for a Groundwater Under the Direct Influence of Surface Water (GWUDI) exemption from performing a microscopic particulate analysis (MPA) test. 

A Home Owner Letter is available for consultants when setting up a source pumping test program 

Well ID Sheets-For Use Following a Pump Test For: 

Well ID Sheet-Production Well   

Well ID Sheet-Observation Well  

Electronic Submittal Procedure for Source Protection Areas (SPAs)

This format is to be used for all submittals of new or changed SPAs, and is to be included along with the Source Evaluation Final Report.

GIS Data Template

Source Protection Area Data Standard 

FTP Submittal  Instructions

For Multiple Water Sources – Each water source is to have a specific SPA associated with it. It is recognized that some SPAs may include areas that overlap with another source’s SPA. That is acceptable.


The Construction Permit Program Map shows which engineer is responsible for which county.

Construction Permit

Prior to performing any construction on the water system, including connection of a new water source, the system must apply for, and recieve a permit to construct from the DWGWPD.


The water system must apply for an Operating Permit prior to serving water to the public.