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Publications and Resources

A summary of DEC program publications and informational resources available to the public

Air Quality & Climate Division Publications 

Available document topics include General Air Quality and Climate Information, Emission Monitoring, Mobile Sources, and Wood Burning.

Environmental Assistance Publications

The Environmental Assistance office has a variety of programs that provide factsheets, brochures, worksheets, guides and handbooks.

Facilities Engineering Division Publications

including the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program publications

Vermont Geological Survey Publications Catalog and GIS On-Line

The Vermont Geological Survey publishes maps and reports about the geology and topography of Vermont. The publications catalog includes technical publications and a number of general interest booklets and provides internet access to many of the published maps. Links to digital maps are also listed.

Waste Management & Prevention Division Publications 

The Waste Management & Prevention Division offers information on its programs in the form of guidance documents and fact sheets. Topics include: Sites Management, Waste Generation & Management, Underground Storage Tanks, Soild Waste Management, Construction Waste Reduction and a variety of Fact Sheets: Federal Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Regulation, W ashwater Discharges from Vehicle Washing, Managing Waste Paint Booth Filters, Managing Treated Wood Waste, Fluorescent Lamps: Handling and Disposal Guidelines, Waste Mercury-Added Devices: Handling & Disposal Guidelines, USDOT Regulation Affects Hazardous Waste Generators, Used Oil, Shop Rags & Oily Wastes, Oil Filters, Antifreeze, Parts Cleaning Solvent, Paints & Thinners, Spills, Floor Drains, Lead Acid Batteries

Drinking Water & Groundwater Protection Division

Some Wastewater permitting programs go through a public comment process prior to making final determination on an application. This Division coordinates with the Watershed Management Divsion to provide Public notices, fact sheets and draft permits/certifications for applications currently under consideration; these are available in PDF format and may be downloaded. The public notice document describes the proposed activity being regulated and explains how to submit comments. Conditions for conducting the proposed activity can be found in the draft permit or certification.

Division publications include :  guidance documents for drinking water systems and operators, planning documents, and operator training information.

Watershed Management Division Resources

The Watershed Management Division Resources searchable database includes hundreds of published reports, fact sheets, brochures, videos and other media available from the Watershed Management Division. The database is searchable by keyword, title, topic, year, media type or division section.

In addition to the Resources Database, the Division has a page for Public Notices, Public Meetings, and Draft Documents. This page allows you to search for information on current activities of the Watershed Management Division: notices of public hearings or other public meetings, draft or final regulatory decisions, and recently-issued documents (i.e., permits, decisions, plans).