Town and Quadrangle Seismic Hazard Projects in Vermont: Since 1997 the Geological Survey has partnered with DEMHS, UVM, FEMA, Norwich University, NESEC and others to conduct studies and outreach which serve to inform Vermonters and assist with emergency preparedness. Completed projects include site class, amplification and liquefaction hazard maps, seismic vulnerability of critical facilities, HAZUS damage assessments, and outreach to local government, private engineering firms and the general public. The State Geologist serves as Vermont's National Earthquake Program Manager.
Seismic site class, amplification and liquefeaction hazard mapping for the Burlington and Colchester VT 7.5 minutes quadrangles, 2011
Seismic hazard mapping for Williston, VT, 2013, VGS open File Report VG13-4
Washington County, Vermont Multi-Hazard Analysis, NESEC report, 2018
Unreinforced Masonry Buildings, Chittenden County, NESEC Report 2018
Chittenden County, Vermont Multi-Hazard Analysis, NESEC 2019