Dam Orders (Permits)
Dam Orders
Various certifications and permits required by either state or federal rules and regulations. Permits for various wastewater and drinking water programs are linked below along with certifications and licenses for individuals.
All Public Water Supply Systems (PCWS, NTNC, TNC, Domestic Bottled/Bulk Water) are required to have a source water permit for any new source, hydrofracturing or deepening of an existing source, or any increase in withdrawal of an existing source. Applicants for this permit must comply with the Water Supply Rule Chapter 21 and if applying for a Domestic Bottled or Bulk Water Permit, it must also comply with the requirements of the Groun
The application portal is located here: ANR Online. To begin filling out an application, click on the title of the Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit Application. Further instructions are located on the opening pages of that form.
Permit to Construct
Effective July 1, 2014, the Vermont Legislature passed the Shoreland Protection Act (Chapter 49A of Title 10, §1441 et seq.), which regulates shoreland development within 250 feet of a lake’s mean water level for all lakes greater than 10 acres in size.
Lake Encroachment Permits (LEP) are issued under 29 V.S.A Chapter 11 (Management of Lakes and Ponds), which regulates Encroachment in public waters. The goals of this program are to minimize the encroachment on public waters as well as ensure that projects do not adversely affect the public good and are consistent with the Public Trust Doctrine.