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Permit Navigator Trainings

still pond reflecting a line of trees on the shoreline on a partly sunny day

The Environmental Assistance Office (EAO) offers targeted trainings and open office hours to town officials, state officials, non-profits, business owners, designers, engineers, consultants, regulated communities, homeowners, and other members of the public to learn more about Permit Navigator, how to use it, and answer any questions.

Permit Navigator Office Hours

This summer, the EAO is holding weekly open office hours for anyone to attend and learn more about Permit Navigator.

Join our Community Assistance Specialist online on Microsoft Teams on the following date(s):

Permit Navigator Trainings

The EAO offered Permit Navigator training to all towns and cities in Vermont. Between March 2022 and February 2023, Community Assistance Specialists held multiple Permit Navigator Trainings for small groups of municipal officials. In June 2022, EAO held a training for Regional Planning Commissions, Chambers of Commerce, and Development Corporations. If you have not received an invite and would like to join a training, please contact your regional Community Assistance Specialist.

Permit Navigator Custom Trainings

The EAO is available to schedule a custom Permit Navigator training with your organization. Our staff can then focus on answering questions about the Permit Navigator from you and your staff. If you are interested in scheduling a Permit Navigator training, please contact your regional Community Assistance Specialist.