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Data Summary Graphs


The data summary graphs listed below demonstrate how Vermont's air quality compares to the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). These data summary graphs show the trends relative to the NAAQS through 2023 and are updated on a yearly basis. 

Ozone (O3) 8-Hour Average

Value for each year is the average of the EPA design value* for the previous three-years.

Reference: EPA Design Value Report AMP480 11/1/2024


*Annual fourth-highest daily maximum eight-hour concentration

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Carbon Monoxide (CO) Second Max. 1-Hour Average 

One-Hour average NAAQS, accessed relative to the annual second maximum one-hour average.

Reference: EPA QuickLook Report AMP450 11/1/2024

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Carbon Monoxide (CO) Second Max. 8-Hour Average

Eight-hour average NAAQS, accessed relative to the annual second maximum eight-hour average.

Reference: EPA QuickLook Report AMP450 11/1/2024

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Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) 1-Hour Average 

Value for each year is the average of the EPA design value* for the previous three-years.

Reference: EPA Design Value Report AMP480 11/1/2024


*98th percentile of one-hour daily maximum concentrations

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Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) Annual Average 

Annual average NAAQS, accessed value for each year is the average of the one-hour averages.

Reference: EPA Quicklook Report AMP450 11/1/2024

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Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) 1-Hour Average

Value for each year is the average of the EPA design value* for the previous three-years.

 Reference: EPA Design Value Report AMP480 11/1/2024


*Annual 99th percentile one-hour average.

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Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Second Max. 3-Hour Average

Three-hour average secondary NAAQS, assessed relative to the annual second maximum three-hour block average of one-hour

Reference: EPA Reduced Frequency Report AMP260 11/1/2024

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Fine Particulate (PM2.5) Annual Average

Annual averages for 2001-2014 are based on filter-based samples collected every three days. Annual averages for 2015-2023 are based on continuous one-hour averages. Annual averages presented for each year are the average of EPA design values* for the previous three-years.  

Reference: EPA Design Value Report AMP480 11/1/2024

*Annual mean, averaged over 3 years

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Fine Particulate (PM2.5) 24-Hour Average

Twenty four-hour averages for 2001-2014 are based on filter-based samples collected every three days.  Twenty four-hour averages for 2015-2022 are based on continuous one-hour averages.   Twenty four-hour averages presented for each year are the average of EPA design values* for the previous three-years.  

Reference: EPA Design Value Report AMP480 11/1/2024


*Three-year average of the annual 98th percentile twenty four-hour average.

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