Rules:!["Image of Stormwater Pond"](/sites/dec/files/wsm/stormwater/images/Stormpond2.jpg)
- Chapter 22 Stormwater Protection Rule - Includes standards, BMPs, and permitting requirements for the management of stormwater runoff from construction sites and other land disturbing activities.
- Vermont Stormwater Construction General Permit (3-9020) - Authorizes permittees to discharge stormwater runoff from construction activities.
- Vermont Standards and Specifications for Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control - Assist designers in creating Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Plans that meet the requirements of the 3-9020.
- Stormwater Construction Permit Application Requirements - Ensures all Construction Permitting applications are uniform and establishes guidance on application preparation and submittal.
- Low Risk Handbook - Required EPSC Plan for construction activity that is determined to be "Low Risk" under the 3-9020.
*Please use this link for special form language requests ANR Language Access Card*
- ANR Online - Application submittal link.
- Plan Set Reference and Requirements - To be submitted through ANR Online with EPSC Plans when required.
- Appendix A (ANR Online) - To be completed through ANR Online but included here as a Tool.
- Soils Evaluation Tool - To be submitted through ANR Online when required.
- INDC NOI - To be submitted through ANR Online for INDC applications.
- Notice of Addition of Co-Permittee (ANR Online) - to be submitted for additional permittee's, other than the owners.
- Notice of Transfer of Authorization (ANR Online) - to be submitted for transfer from an existing permittee to a new permittee, when project ownership changes.
- Notice of Termination of Co-Permittee - to be submitted to a District Analyst when a Co-Permittee seeks to be removed from an authorization following project completion.
- Notice of Termination of Project - To be submitted to a District Analyst when there is a new operator, temporary or final stabilization has been achieved, or the project is transferred to new ownership who has new permit coverage.
- Notice of Revocation - To be submitted to a District Analyst when the project authorized has not and will not be constructed, so a permit is no longer required.
- Notice of Winter Construction - To be submitted to a District Analyst when land disturbance activities will occur between Oct 15 and Apr 15 and was not previously planned.
- Pre-Construction Meeting Checklist - To be submitted to a District Analyst and used as guidance for the Pre-Construction Conference Call.
- Notification of Onsite Plan Coordinator/EPSC Specialist - To be submitted to a District Analyst prior to construction for Moderate Risk and INDC Permits.
- OSPC/EPSC Inspection Report - To be submitted to a District Analyst by the OSPC and the EPSC for Moderate or INDC projects to outline the construction activities as the project progresses.
- *Inspection Report (Spanish Form)
- Discharge Report - To be submitted to a District Analyst by the Permittee or OSPC after observation of visibly discolored stormwater leaving the construction site.
- *Discharge Report (Spanish Form)
- Amendment Record - To be completed and retained as record for minor EPSC Plan changes or other minor project changes, that do not constitute a permit amendment.
- Stormwater Treatment Request - To be submitted to a District Analyst by the OSPC and the EPSC for projects with active stormwater treatments, including flocculants and chlorides, requesting changes to the stormwater treatments.
- ANR Online Stormwater Construction Application Submittal Instructions
- Class A and B Water Classifications
- 303d List
- Outstanding Resource Waters
- Vermont Water Quality Standards and Wetland Rule
- Turbidity Monitoring Guidance
- ANR Natural Resources Atlas
- Web Soil Survey
- Environmental Notice Bulletin (ENB)
- BEAR Environmental Compliance Incident Reporting
- National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
- ANR Online Subscriber Agreement
- EPA's Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Rule
- Act 250
- Section 248