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Wastewater Management Program

Cybersecurity information and guidance are now available to wastewater and water entities to protect against the mounting cybersecurity threat. The Wastewater Management Program encourages all Permittees and Operators to review and adopt the recommended mitigations provided by the EPA and WaterISAC.

Wipes clog pipes info-graphicThe Wastewater Management Program provides regulatory oversight for and technical assistance to Vermont's wastewater treatment facilities in cooperation with State, regional and national organizations. 

Vermont's 91 municipal wastewater treatment facilities process more than 15 billion gallons of wastewater per year. Municipal wastewater, originating from a combination of domestic, commercial, and industrial activities, is conveyed to centralized wastewater treatment facilities and treated to established standards before discharge into a receiving water. 

Some towns in Vermont utilize combined sewers where stormwater and wastewater are directed to and flow together through the sewer system to the treatment facility.  Occasionally, as a result of precipitation events that surpass the capacity of the sewer collection system, combined sewer overflows (CSOs) may occur. For a list of recent sewer overflows that have been reported to the Wastewater Management Program, view Recently Reported Sewer Overflows.

The EPA recently released its Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for Lake Champlain and wastewater treatment facility discharges to Lake Champlain now have stricter phosphorus limits. For more information, please see our frequently asked questions (FAQ)  relating to the Lake Champlain TMDL and wastewater treatment facilities.

Click on the icons below to link to the programs, sections, permitting requirements and public notifications maintained by the Wastewater Management Program.


This section oversees the operation of Vermont's municipal, private and industrial wastewater treatment facilities (WWTFs) through periodic on-site inspections of facility operations, effluent data collections and laboratory testing procedures. The section is involved in technical review of many aspects of WWTF management, including twenty-year engineering evaluations, design review for upgrades, complaint investigations, emergency response plans, etc.

Facility Analyst Assignments and Information

Wastewater Inspector facility assignments are based on county.

To see a list of inspector facility assignments please visit our contact page.

To see a map of permitted wastewater facilities and outfalls check out our ArcGIS web map (created on 6/13/2024).