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Discharge Permits

National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permits

All municipal, industrial and commercial facilities that discharge wastewater directly from a point source (such as a pipe, ditch or channel) into a receiving waterbody (lake, river, or ocean) are issued an NPDES permit. Facilities that discharge to a wastewater treatment facility, which in turn discharges into the receiving waterbody, are not subject to NPDES permits; rather they are controlled by the national pretreatment program.  The state of Vermont has assumed the NPDES program from the federal government and issues permits through the Wastewater Management Program. 

To view  a list of issued permits (and related documents), please click here to visit Vermont's Wastewater NPDES Permits webpage.

Federal Pretreatment Permit

The Wastewater Management Program's Pretreatment Section issues permits under the Federal Pretreatment Permit program for certain industrial and commercial discharges to municipal wastewater treatment facilities (WWTF) which may interfere with the operation of municipal treatment facilities.  The Wastewater Program requires the owner of a business or facility that generates and discharges or hauls process wastewater to a VT municipal WWTF to request a Pretreatment Permit determination prior to: 

  • Discharging or hauling any process or industrial wastewater to a VT municipal WWTF; 
  • Increasing the volume, pollutant loading, or changing the wastewater characteristics of an existing process wastewater discharge to a VT municipal WWTF.  

Use the Pretreatment Permit Determination Form to submit a request for a Pretreatment Permit determination.  The Pretreatment Section will review the information submitted via this form to determine if the business or facility requires a state Pretreatment Permit to connect and/or discharge to the POTW. 

Those issued a pretreatment discharge permit may submit monthly reports through ANR Online.

Additional Pretreatment Resources: 

To view  a list of issued pretreatment permits (and related documents), please click here to visit Vermont's Wastewater Pretreatment Permits webpage.

NPDES and Pretreatment Permit Application Forms

**IMPORTANT Notice - As of January 1, 2018, certain types of permits, certifications and registrations are required to be noticed publicly on the new Environmental Notice Bulletin (ENB) and must follow new procedural rules under Act 150 (10 V.S.A. Chapter 170), a law that standardized and consolidated DEC public notice and comment processes.**  Click here to view the new Environmental Notice Bulletin

NPDES and Pretreatment permit applications use the same form.  Click here for some helpful application information

Applicants must submit a WR-82 Application form and either a Schedule A form or a Schedule B form

General Permits for Discharges from Petroleum Related Remediation Activities

The  Wastewater Management Program issues two types of general permits for discharges from petroleum related remediation activities:

  1. General Permit 3-9004 for direct discharges to surface waters from petroleum related remediation activities and;
  2. General Permit 3-9016 for discharges from petroleum related remediation activities into municipal wastewater treatment facilities.

Applicants who need coverage under either general permit must apply on a special Notice of Intent (NOI) application and must satisfy a 14-day public comment requirement. The fee associated with either general permit is $240.00 per application.

General Permit 3-9004 (direct discharges) - renewed October 1, 2022; expires September 30, 2027.

General Permit 3-9016 (discharges to a WWTF) - effective July 1, 2024; expires June 30, 2029.

Application for Termination of Coverage  - used to apply for termination of coverage under either general permit.

Current List of Authorizations to Discharge under General Permits 3-9004 and 3-9016

Submit* completed report forms with original signatures to:

Business and Operational Support Services Program

Watershed Management Division

1 National Life Drive, Davis 3

Montpelier VT 05620-3522

* Note: e-mail submissions can not be accepted at this time - original signatures are required.  

Regulations, Policies and Procedures


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