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Emergency Preparedness and Security

security fence around buildings with 'no unauthorized personnel' sign


Safe and secure drinking water is the highest priority, and water systems are continuing to assess their vulnerabilities and taking action to maintain and improve emergency response and security. The Drinking Water & Groundwater Protection Division is working to provide systems with training and tools necessary to continue to protect the state’s drinking water and meeting new emergency planning and security challenges.

Owners and operators are encouraged to contact the DWGWPD for further information on how they can protect their public water supply system, including making an appointment for a  vulnerability assessment and/or assistance in the preparation/revision of an emergency response plan.

DWGPD Emergency Contact Information:

Emergency Planning & Response Tools

Water Security Resources

For More Information

Vermont Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

Rural Community Assistance Partnership (RCAP)

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