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Vermont PFOA Contamination Response


  • March 20, 2020 - Corrective Action Plan Available for Review and Comment - Bennington and North Bennington Corrective Action Area I and II - Operational Unit B
    Corrective Action Plan 2 (CAP2) has been developed to address the presence of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in groundwater and certain drinking water supply wells in portions of the Towns of Bennington and Shaftsbury and the Village of North Bennington.  CAP2 specifically addresses properties in an area designated Operable Unit B in Corrective Action Area I and Corrective Action Area II pursuant to the Consent Order and Final Judgment between the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources (ANR) and Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics, dated May 28, 2019. CAP2 includes the following plans:
    • Well Replacement Plan – addresses potential well replacement and associated activities at properties at which the PFAS concentrations are at or above the groundwater enforcement standard.
    • New Well Testing Plan – addresses sampling requirements at properties with newly proposed and installed wells.
    • Bottled Water Plan – addresses interim actions (i.e., supplying bottled water) upon identification of PFAS concentrations at or above the groundwater enforcement standard in a new or replacement well or any well subject to the long-term monitoring plan.
    • POET Operation, Monitoring and Maintenance (OM&M) Manual – addresses point of entry treatment (POET) system OM&M requirements at properties with POET systems.
    • Long-Term Monitoring Plan – addresses the sampling requirements for drinking-water wells without POET systems.
    • Long-Term MNA Plan – addresses the long-term plan to monitor natural attenuation (MNA) of PFAS concentrations in soil and groundwater until the associated soil and groundwater enforcement standards are met; and
    • Institutional Control Plan – addresses the institutional controls associated with Corrective Action Area I OUB and Corrective Action Area II OUB, as applicable.
  • March 19, 2020 - Corrective Action Plan Available for Review and Comment - Bennington Corrective Action Area II - Operational Unit C
  • March 10, 2020 - Corrective Action Plan Available for Review and Comment - Former Chemfab Building at 1030 Water Street in North Bennington
    • The Corrective Action Plan (CAP) for the removal of PFOA from building materials inside the old Chemfab building located at 1030 Water Street in North Bennington is out for public comment. The cleanup includes the removal and disposal of all insulation and soft materials and cleaning of hard surfaces using hot, high pressure water washing with collection of the water and treatment before discharge. This work will occur from April through June of 2020 with all work planned on being completed by July of 2020. Public comments on this CAP are due by April 9, 2020. Comments can be sent to the DEC through the ENB or by emailing Richard Spiese or by calling at 802-249-5083.
  • October 18, 2019 - Water Street Facility - Documents Related to Evaluation of Corrective Action Alternatives
  • July 26, 2019 - Memo documenting Corrective Action Plan finalized
  • July 16, 2019 - Final 2019 PFAS Sampling Plan, Responsiveness Summary to PFAS Statewide Sampling Plan
  • June 27, 2019 - Soil Management Plan finalized - Excess Soils Management Plan, Approval Letter

June 7, 2019 - Proposed Corrective Action Plan Available for Review and Comment - Public Water System Extensions Area II Operable Unit A Bennington 

Quick Links

Call 211.Questions or concerns about PFOA?
Call the switchboard at 802-828-1138. 
The special PFOA call line 802-828-1038 is no longer in operation. 

Information for communitiesFind maps, bottled water pick-up, and testing info for:
Bennington, North Bennington, Shaftsbury, and Pownal
Go to community info.

Agriculture questions related to PFOAInfo on gardening, raising livestock, & agriculture:
Learn about agricultural products and PFOA
View FAQs from the Agency of Agriculture 

Health infoPFOA Health Information
More response information at Vermont Department of Health PFOA page, or call toll-free at 800-439-8550.
More information on PFAS in drinking water at Vermont Department of Health PFAS page, or call toll-free at 800-439-8550.

Weekly Community Updates

Rulemaking Process: Final Rules Published

The final adopted Vermont Hazardous Waste Management Rules and Groundwater Protection Rule and Strategy are now available.