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Corrective Action Plan Available for Review and Comment - OUB Bennington, North Bennington

May 11, 2018

Corrective Action Plan for Private Wells

Corrective Action Area I - Operable Unit B

North Bennington and Bennington 

A Corrective Action Plan (CAP) is being proposed to address the presence of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) in groundwater and certain drinking water supply wells in portions of the Town of Bennington and the Village of North Bennington. The CAP specifically addresses properties in an area designated Corrective Action Area I, Operable Unit B in the Consent Order and Final Judgment between the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources (“ANR”) and Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics, which became effective on October 2, 2017. The CAP includes the following plans: 

  • Well Replacement Plan – addresses potential well replacement and associated activities at properties at which the PFOA concentrations are at or above 20 parts per trillion (ppt).
  • New Well Testing Plan – addresses sampling requirements at properties with newly proposed and installed wells.
  • Bottled Water Plan – addresses interim actions (i.e., supplying bottled water) upon identification of PFOA concentrations at or above 20 ppt in a replacement well or any well in the long-term monitoring plan.
  • POET Operation, Monitoring and Maintenance (OM&M) Manual – addresses POET OM&M requirements at properties with POET systems.
  • Long-Term Monitoring Plan – addresses the sampling requirements for drinking-water wells without POET systems.
  • Long-Term MNA Plan – addresses the long-term plan to monitor natural attenuation (MNA) of PFOA concentrations in soil and groundwater until the associated soil and groundwater performance standards are met; and
  • Institutional Control Plan – addresses the institutional controls associated with CAAI OUB, as applicable.

More detail about this proposed corrective action can be found in the CAP. The CAP is available for review and comment online and at the Bennington Town Offices, located at 205 South Street, Bennington VT 05201. Per the requirements of Investigation and Remediation of Contaminated Properties Rule (IROCPR) § 35-506, interested persons shall have 30 days from the date of the notice to comment on the proposed CAP. Also, any interested person may submit a request to the ANR to have a public informational meeting within 14 days of the date of the notice. If you have any comments on this proposed CAP, please send your comments in writing by June 11, 2018, to Richard Spiese or John Schmeltzer at:

VT ANR/Department of Environmental Conservation

Waste Management and Prevention Division

1 National Life Dr – Davis 1

Montpelier VT 05620-3704

Or by email