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Public Notice - Proposed Corrective Action Plan for Area II Operable Unit A Bennington Available - June 2019

June 7, 2019

Public Notice

Interim Measure Corrective Action Plan for Public Water System (PWS) Extension- Corrective Action Area II Operable Unit A Bennington VT

June 7, 2019


A Corrective Action Plan (CAP) is being proposed that authorizes an interim corrective action measure for the selected long- term drinking water remedy in Corrective Action Area II-Operable Unit A (CAA II OU A), as described in the State of Vermont Consent Order (Consent Order) with Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics (Saint-Gobain) entered as final judgement May 28, 2019. CAA II OU A includes homes/businesses on Squaw Hill Road, Michaels Drive, Transport Drive, Willow Road, portions of Harwood Hill Road (including two residences on Settlers Road), and on roads within the Apple Hill Subdivision.

The long-term remedy selected for CAA II OU A is the extension of public water systems (PWS) to homes and businesses. This selected long-term remedy for CAA II OU A protects human health by eliminating the drinking water pathway for people living in locations where drinking water from individual water wells has been found to contain the combined concentrations of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS), perfluorohexane sulfonate (PFHxS), perfluoroheptanoic acid (PFHpA), and perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA) at or above the Vermont Groundwater Enforcement Standard, which is currently 20 ppt. Currently, one hundred sixty-six homes or businesses are eligible to be connected to the public water system within this operational unit.

More detail about this proposed corrective action in CAA II OU A can be found in the CAP. Other CAP(s) for the remainder of CAA II will be prepared separately.

The CAP for CAA II OU A, which includes a map showing the proposed water line extensions and the engineering design for the proposed extension to the Bennington public water system, is available for review and comment online and at the Bennington Town Offices, located at 205 South Street, Bennington VT 05201.

Per the requirements of Investigation and Remediation of Contaminated Properties Rule (IROCPR) § 35-506, interested persons shall have 30 days from the date of the notice to comment on the proposed CAP. Also, any interested person may request ANR to have a public informational meeting within 14 days of the date of the notice.

If you have any comments on this proposed CAP, please visit the Environmental Notice Bulletin (ENB) or send your comments in writing by July 8, 2019, to Richard Spiese or John Schmeltzer at the address on the above letterhead or by email: