Thank you for your interest in hosting an ECO! Host Site Applications for 2025-2026 will open 2/14/2025 and will close 3/14/2025.
What are the requirements for becoming a service site?
Service sites must provide meaningful service opportunities, regular supervision with oversight of service hours and timesheets, office space and office equipment, orientation to the service site, additional training (as needed), and mileage reimbursement.
Service sites must provide a detailed service plan outlining the projects their ECO AmeriCorps member will be assigned. Service projects should address conservation, water-related issues, and protect critical watersheds while providing valuable educational and professional development opportunities for ECO AmeriCorps members. Service Site applications are evaluated by a team from the Department of Environmental Conservation and ECO AmeriCorps to select projects best suited for the program and provide the best experience to the member.
In addition and depending on number of full time employees, each service site will provide a cash match of:
- $10,400 contribution per 0-3 full-time employees
- $11,700 contribution per 4-10 full-time employees
- $13,000 contribution for greater than 10 employees
To be considered, service sites must:
- Be a non-profit, municipality, state agency, tribal government, or educational institution.
- Provide a position description showcasing activities that are appropriate to the mission of ECO AmeriCorps.
- Provide a service environment that is ADA compliant with necessary accessibility accommodations, drug-free, and carries supplies and equipment essential for members to perform their duties.
- Be able to provide the cash match and mileage reimbursement at the GSA rate for service-related travel and professional development resources for the member as requested/required.
- Attend a supervisor orientation and be available for a minimum of two subsequent site visits and check-ins from ECO AmeriCorps staff.
- Notify ECO AmeriCorps staff about conflicts or other issues as they arise.
If interested in applying, applications must adhere to the following guidance:
- AmeriCorps members are not volunteers, interns, or employees, please refer to them as service members.
- A member's role must not conflict with AmeriCorps' Non-duplication or Non-displacement policy, refer to page 38 in the ECO AmeriCorps Handbook for more information.
- The terms "work" or "office" may not be used, refer to the member's responsibilities as "service".
- When describing service tasks, use terms such as "collaborate", "partner", etc.
View our Services Site FAQs for more information
Members serve at sites around the state.
ECO AmeriCorps partners with local municipalities, conservation districts, and non-profits on current effort to monitor water quality, implement projects, and plan future interventions. Potential projects include: building green infrastructure, restoring ecosystems, managing stormwater, stabilizing streams, educating farmers, and landowners about strategies they can use at their properties, and project planning and mapping.
Application Support
If your community or organization needs help in these areas, we want to hear from you!
- An example Host Site Application can be sent upon request.
If you have any questions, please email Dustin Bowman or call (802) 461-5222.