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Current Host Organizations

ECO members serve all around the state with non-profits and municipalities. Below is a list of our current host organizations, links to their websites, and their missions. 

Addison County Regional Planning Commission The mission of ACRPC is to provide a forum for municipalities to discuss and resolve mutual concerns, to provide assistance to municipalities with the planning process and information gathering, to develop a regional plan, and to be a central repository of planning information.

VT Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets The Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets (VAAFM) facilitates, supports and encourages the growth and viability of agriculture in Vermont while protecting the working landscape, human health, animal health, plant health, consumers and the environment.

VT DEC Clean Water Initiative Program The Clean Water Initiative Program (CWIP) funds, tracks, and reports on priority projects to restore Vermont’s waters, and communicates progress toward meeting water quality restoration targets outlined in the Total Maximum Daily Loads (or TMDLs). 

Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative to serve the northeast temperate forest region through improved understanding of long-term trends, annual conditions, and interdisciplinary relationships of the physical, chemical, and biological components of forested ecosystems. 

Middlebury Area Land Trust Working with our community to conserve natural and productive landscapes, and to enhance scenic, recreational, and educational opportunities.

Montpelier Parks, Trees & Conservation To maintain and improve Montpelier's park system to meet the “green space” needs of present, and future, residents and visitors, as well as to plant and care for trees to enhance the environment and improve the quality of life and safety of the residents in Montpelier.

VT DEC Monitoring, Assessment & Planning Program MAPP measures water quality indicators and evaluates these indicators in light of applicable standards or thresholds. MAPP also conducts water quality modeling, oversees water quality remediation planning for regulated entities, and maintains a comprehensive water quality database representing Vermont’s surface waters.

Northwest Regional Planning Commission NRPC provides leadership and technical expertise to encourage cooperative planning within and among the region’s communities and area-wide interests.

NorthWoods Stewardship Center seeks to enhance understanding and appreciation of the role of the natural world, and to inspire direct and positive action in the restoration and conservation of our region’s natural resources. 

Rich Earth Institute A world with clean water and fertile soil achieved by reclaiming the nutrients from our bodies as elements in a life sustaining cycle.

Vermont Land Trust Current and future generations are deeply connected to the land and benefit from its deliberate protection and responsible stewardship.

VT DEC Water Investment Division The Water Investment Division coordinates investment to all types of clean water and drinking water infrastructure in Vermont.