Recreational Use
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From 2016-2023, the Vermont Geological Survey participated in the Water Use and Data Research (WUDR) Program, funded by the United States Geological Survey. A major goal of the WUDR program is to improve the availability, quality, compatibility, and delivery of water-use data collected or estimated by states to support National water-use assessments.
The maps are a summary of data by county of existing bedrock well information as shown on the statewide maps. Maps based on surficial information are in progress. Detailed groundwater resource projects at a scale of 1:24,000 are listed under the Town/Quadrangle projects and Open-File reports.
What is drought? A period of unusually dry weather that persists long enough to cause problems such as crop damages or water shortages. There is meteorological, agricultural and hydrologic drought. Impacts of drought on groundwater may lag behind the decrease in precipitation and agricultural drought. For tips on what to do during drought, has information about all hazards.
Links to drought information: