Waterbury Dam Spillway Project
Updated: November 2024
Updated: November 2024
Risk reduction measures are planned for Prison Pond Dam in Windsor, VT. A brief overview of these measures and other considerations are provided below.
*The current Phase II process will re-open the existing Administrative Rule to add the Technical Standards and allow the ability to edit or update the existing rule, as needed.
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The Vermont Dam Inventory (VDI) is a database containing spatial, structural, historic, and regulatory information on most dams in Vermont.
*Data from VDI is managed by the VT Dam Safety Program. It is important to note that select fields in the VDI are linked to the ANR Atlas - Dams Layer. This is updated near-real time when updates are made to the VDI database.
In April 2021, risk reduction measures were implemented at Amherst Lake Dam in Plymouth. A brief overview of these measures and other considerations are provided below. For more information, please refer to the 2021 Dam Safety Inspection Report and the Water Control Plan.
The Water Investment Division coordinates investment of State and federal funding to all types of clean water and drinking water infrastructure in Vermont. The Division manages the federal Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Funds (SRF) for clean water and drinking water infrastructure, and the Department’s proportion of annual state Clean Water Fund and Capital Fund dollars that support water infrastructure throughout Vermont. The Division coordinates annual reporting for all funds, publishing annual State Revolving Fund, Clean Water Investment, and Tactical Basin Pl
Introduction: The Water Investment Division coordinates investment of State and federal funding to all types of clean water and drinking water infrastructure in Vermont.
Our vision is that Vermonters equitably benefit from clean water that provides for public health, safety, use, and enjoyment.
Owners of dams capable of impounding more than 500,000 cubic feet of water are responsible for the payment of the annual fee based on the hazard class of the dam. The Dam Safety Program has an active program of dam safety inspections that will be supported with these fees in combination with general funds supported by all Vermont taxpayers. This will ensure continued service to the regulated community in Vermont and to fulfill DEC’s mission: to preserve, enhance, restore and conserve Vermont’s natural resources and protect human health for the benefit of this and future generations.