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Clean Water Initiative Program Funding Policy

Flood Response and Recovery

Vermont has experienced catastrophic rain and flooding events statewide that have severely impacted local communities, businesses, organizations, and homes. As we move from response to recovery post flooding, DEC needs to assess the extent of damage to state funded clean water projects to understand what impact these storms have had on our collective progress towards meeting Vermont’s water quality goals.

DEC sets no requirement for partners to visit and assess projects for flood impacts at this time. We recognize, however, that partners may have already done this or plan to do this type of work. As part of our flood response efforts, DEC is asking partners who are visiting or who have visited DEC-funded clean water projects, to share the information they have gathered on the status and condition of the project in a standard format. The Clean Water Project Flood Response survey (flood response project survey) and protocol as outlined in the below guidance document, provides DEC’s standard format.

The goals of the flood response project survey are to:

  • Support partners in examining the extent of damages to clean water projects and establishing workload priorities for maintenance, repair, and/or relocation of projects,
  • Assess the extent and location of damages as it informs funding gaps and priorities,
  • Identify high priority areas for future verification visits, and
  • Learn which projects did or did not succeed and why (if determinable).

Flood Response Project Survey Resources:

Application Assistance Tools and Guidance

  • Clean Water Portal: An online platform that houses a variety of clean water tools to assist with project planning, searching existing projects, funding opportunities, and more. Listed below are some of the items that are helpful for project proponents (note: may be linked elsewhere as resource).

    • Clean Water Project Explorer: The Clean Water Projects Explorer is an interactive application that allows interested parties to geographically search for details about individual state-funded clean water projects such as project funding, project outputs, and nutrient reductions. The Explorer includes potential projects in various stages of development identified through Tactical Basin Planning as listed in the Watershed Projects Database. In addition, the Explorer complements the Vermont Clean Water Initiative 2022 Performance Report, containing data from across 6 state agencies on projects funded or completed from State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2016 to 2022.

    • Watershed Projects Database Search: The Watershed Projects Database Search is a publicly accessible search interface for the Watershed Project Database (WPD), which includes Clean Water Initiative Program funded projects, as well as potential projects in various stages of development identified though Tactical Basin Planning.

    • Water Quality Projects Screening Tool: The tool provides the contact information of your local Watershed Planner, River Scientist, and natural resource regulatory staff including the Stormwater Analyst and the Act 250 coordinator in your area.

    • Stormwater Treatment Practice Calculator: The Stormwater Treatment Practice (STP) Calculator estimates the total phosphorus load reduction from a stormwater treatment practice based on practice parameters (e.g., storage volume).

  • Proposed Projects by Basin: This link queries the Watershed Projects Database for potential/proposed projects filtered to exclude ineligible project types for Clean Water Service Providers (CWSPs). To use this query, first select the basin you wish to search, then select “View Report”. The report shows a list of project names, types, descriptions, and parent projects. The report can be exported to Excel for further filtering. Important note: This report provides a list of potential projects that are categorized as an eligible project-type for CWSP funding, but these projects may not actually be eligible for CWSP funding. All projects must meet all eligibility requirements outlined in the current Funding Policy and guidance documents.

  • Interim Phosphorous Reduction Calculator Tool. This spreadsheet tool has been developed to provide estimated annual phosphorus load reductions based on anticipated project implementation metrics to support project prioritization and initial cost effectiveness calculations. This tool is subject to change, please confirm the version of the tool you are using matches this website. DEC will calculate final phosphorus reduction credit following project closeout and confirmation of final project metrics as implemented. 

  • Natural Resources Screening Instructions: Refer to these instructions to create a project location map file with natural resources screening on the ANR Natural Resources Atlas or to assist with project eligibility screen #4 – Natural Resource Impacts.  Project locator maps indicate a projects latitude/longitude and help to identify potential natural resource conflicts. Applicants should make every effort to avoid these conflicts.

  • The Vermont Historic Sites Spreadsheet: Use this spreadsheet and accompanying guidance in the State Historic Preservation Review section of the Funding Policy to determine whether your clean water project will require Preliminary and Final Project Review by the Vermont Division of Historic Preservation. Learn more about VDHP review of CWIP Clean Water Projects here: 

  • Administration and Innovation Division (AID) Resources Page: The Department of Environmental Conservation’s Administration and Innovation Division maintains a separate page of resources pertinent to all DEC grant recipients. This includes invoicing guidance, standard attachments, and forms.

Final Reporting and Guidance Materials

  • CWIP Clean Water Project Data Reporting Standards (updated June 25, 2024): This document specifies the clean water project type and practice type definitions, minimum standards, applicable performance measures, and data required to be reported for the purpose of estimating pollutant reductions. 

  • Clean Water Project Forms User Guide

  • ANR Online Clean Water Project – New Project Form: This form provides the minimum amount of information needed to enter new projects into the Watershed Projects Database (WPD). This form must be completed at the close of any assessment/project identification or project development work to upload newly identified projects into the WPD, as well as at the close of any preliminary or final design phase for projects that are recommended to proceed to the next phase. This form might also be needed during project application processes. This form replaces the Batch Import File (BIF).

  • ANR Online Clean Water Project – Update Form (coming soon): This form is used to enter project funding information and update the Watershed Projects Database (WPD) with the funding status, to link projects to parent projects, and to update dollar amount of existing agreements in the event of an amendment. 

  • ANR Online Clean Water Project – Project Closeout Form (coming soon): This project closeout form is required for all CWIP agreements and sub-agreements and allows CWIP to collect the data needed to report on progress towards achieving water quality goals. The ANR Online Clean Water Project - Project Closeout Form supplants the Final Performance Report as a deliverable in any subsequent agreements or sub agreements.   

  • Project Development Findings Report (PD-FR): This excel form is a required deliverable for all specific project development efforts. The form is to be used by Project Development sub-grantees to document the data they gather while developing any clean water projects under any applicable DEC Project Development Block Grant. (Current Version: V.2; Date Updated: 12.6.23)                                                                                                               

  • Vermont Division for Historic Preservation (VDHP) Project Review Form: This form is a required deliverable for all projects not exempt from project review by the Vermont Division for Historic Preservation. Learn more about VDHP review of CWIP Clean Water Projects here: 

  • Transfer of Ownership Request Letter Template: This is a standard deliverable for equipment grants. This link provides access to an optional template.

  • DEC’s Equipment Ownership Request form: Any eligible equipment purchased or furnished with CWIP funds under a direct grant agreement from the state is provided on a loan basis only and remains the property of the state. Grant recipients must submit an Equipment Ownership Request / Approval Form to retain the equipment at no later than the end of the agreement term.

Assessment Protocols/Tools

  • Unified Scoring Prioritization for Stormwater Master Plans (SWMPs): This document provides a standardized method to score and prioritize projects identified in SWMPs.  It is to be used in all SWMPs going forward (as of 9/11/2020, Matrix Updated 2023).

  • Road Erosion Inventory (REI): Road implementation project types require a pre- and post- construction REI assessment of the road segments to be treated. The data collected through the REI is necessary to complete the final reporting for the roads project type, but the inventory data does not need to be submitted as a final deliverable. REIs should use the REI template

  • Stream Geomorphic Assessment: Please visit the DEC Rivers Program webpage for more information about this project type.

  • Lake Wise and Lake Watershed Action Plans: Please visit the DEC Lakes and Ponds Program webpage for more information.

  • Forest Assessment work (coming soon)

Operation and Maintenance

Clean water projects funded through CWIP (other than the Water Quality Restoration Formula Grant Program; see Access License or Easement section below) should complete and execute an Operation & Maintenance (O&M) Plan. Project proponents should use the DEC Operation and Maintenance Manual (coming soon) or an engineering firm for guidance on expected Operation and Maintenance practices to include in the Operation and Maintenance plan.

Older Resources

  • Batch Import File (BIF): Please "enable content" before using this file. This form provides the minimum amount of information needed to enter new projects into the Watershed Projects Database (WPD). The BIF must be completed at the close of any assessment/project identification project type to upload newly identified projects into the WPD. The BIF must be completed at the close of any preliminary or final design phase for projects that are recommended to proceed to the next phase and that need a new WPD-ID for the proceeding phase. Please contact your regional watershed planner or your technical project manager before submitting the BIF so they can help ensure the accuracy of project information, avoid entering duplicate projects and answer questions. The New Project Form will replace the BIF and a BIF should not be listed as a deliverable in any new agreements once the New Project Form is available.

  • Final Performance Report Spreadsheet: This is a required final deliverable for all Clean Water Initiative Program block grants. This Excel file replaces the Final Performance Report for block grants and includes the Stormwater Best Management Practice Report and the Riparian Buffer Planting BMP Report. Please enter each design and implementation project with a WPD ID as its own row in this file. All projects should already have been entered to the Watershed Projects Database via the Batch Import File or ANR Online New Project Form (updated December 2024).

  • The Project Development Batch Import File (BIF): This is a reporting spreadsheet specific to the Project Development Block Grant. Project proponents should request more guidance from their Funding Program Administrators on how to complete this form.

  • Clean Water Project Signs Guidance: The State of Vermont Legislature directed Vermont state agencies to post signs that identify clean water projects funded by the State of Vermont (Act 84 of 2017, Section 35a).

  • Outreach Tracking Instructions and Reporting Form Link: This form is a requirement for all outreach activities conducted within the scope of an Ecosystem Restoration Grant.