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Licensed Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Designers

Designers of water supply and wastewater treatment systems regulated under the Environmental Protection Rules, Chapter 1, Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Rules (WWR), are described in Subchapter 7 - Designer Licensing.

The Agency of Natural Resources will continue to administer the exams, while The VT Secretary of State is now administering all licenses.

There are four classes of Designers licensed to design wastewater systems and potable water supplies:

  • Class 1 Designer is a professional engineer with a license issued to practice in the State of Vermont and who is compliant with the Designer License.
  • Class BW Designer is licensed to design the same systems and supplies as a Class B designer and may design potable water supplies for 1350 gallons per day or less for two or more single family residence or other buildings or structures or campgrounds. 
  • Class B Designer is licensed to design wastewater systems that may require site modifications or the use of general approved innovative and alternative products and to design one potable water supply that will serve one single family residence. The wastewater system or water supply is limited to a design flow of 1350 gallons per day or less.
  • Class A Designer is licensed  to design wastewater systems that do not require site modifications and to design one potable water supply that will serve one single family residence. The wastewater system or water supply is limited to a design flow of 1350 gallons per day or less.

Finding a Designer:

List of Licensed Potable Water and Wastewater System Designers, current for the year 2024.  Class A Designers may design simple, inground wastewater systems.  Class B Designers may design more complicated wastewater systems.  Class BW Designers may design water supply systems that supply more than a single home or business.

List of Class 1 Designers - Professional Engineers who are "ANR Soil compliant" - sorted by town, current for the year 2023.  Professional Engineers who are ANR Soil compliant may design any size system including high strength wastewater systems.

(If you are a designer and would like to update your info with us, please contact Cristin Ashmankas).

Note: Septic System Installers are not currently licensed by the State of Vermont.

How to become a Designer:

How to Become a Class A, B or Class BW Designer

An application, fee, and exams are required as part of the licensing program.

Class A, B and BW Licensed Designers must renew their license through The Secretary of State.

Designer Continuing Education:

Continuing Education Training

All Designers in the State of Vermont are required to complete ongoing Professional Development Trainings in order to remain licensed.

Contact Information: Cristin Ashmankas  802-522-3257
