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Licensed Designers Program Training and Continuing Education


An affidavit must be submitted to the Office of Professional Regulation every two years confirming completion of 12 Continuing Education credit hours, including at least 4 credit hours of practical soil training.  The credit hours for each course or conference must be endorsed by the Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division of the DEC. The following tables provide a list of pre-endorsed courses and conferences for 2024.

If you would like to request credit hours for training not listed below please email the course details (organization, title, location, date, duration, and content) to Cristin Ashmankas.



The courses provided in this list are for reference only. The Department of Environmental Conservation is not responsible for course changes or incorrect links on third party websites. Every effort will be made to keep this list updated. It is the responsibility of the licensee to find and obtain the required CEs.

ONLINE: The courses in the table below are completely virtual and may be taken at any time. Please note that there is a limit of 6 credits that may be asynchronous per renewal.
Table of asynchronous continuing education classes for wastewater designers
Soil Credits Non-Soil Credits Course Name and Description Information and Registration Links
  1 NPCA: 5 Keys to Watertight Precast Concrete Septic Tanks Registration Information
  1 NPCA: Building Smarter with Climate Resilient Infrastructure Registration Information
  4 C07-002: Wastewater Treatment Processes and Systems Registration Information
  4 C08-003: Wastewater Treatment System Performance Requirements Registration Information
  2 URI/OWRC OWT 160: Nitrogen in the Environment and OWTS Registration Information
  4 Challenges and Strategies for Implementing Environmental Sequence Stratigraphy Registration Information
  2 Water Well Basics: Things to Keep in Mind Managing Lands with Wells Registration Information
  3 NOWRA Introduction to Onsite & Wastewater Registration Information
  1 NOWRA Operation and Maintenance  Registration Information

NOWRA Soil Evaluation, Treatment, and Dispersal

Registration Information
  1 NOWRA Troubleshooting Flows Registration Information
  1 NOWRA Troubleshooting Tanks Registration Information
  1 NOWRA Troubleshooting Pumps and Controls Registration Information
  1 NOWRA Troubleshooting Soil Treatment Areas Registration Information
  1 NOWRA Troubleshooting Media Filters Registration Information
  1 NOWRA Troubleshooting Microbiology Registration Information
  1 NOWRA Troubleshooting Aerobic Treatment Units Registration Information
  1 NOWRA Troubleshooting Drainfield Malfunctions Registration Information
  2 NOWRA Design: Soil Properties Registration Information
  2 NOWRA Design: Soil Water Movement Registration Information
  1 NOWRA Design: Septic Tanks Registration Information
  1 NOWRA Design: Aerobic Treatment Registration Information
  1 NOWRA Design: Making Infiltrative Decisions Registration Information
  1 NOWRA Design: Pressure Distribution Registration Information
  1 NOWRA Planning for Sustainability Registration Information
  2 NOWRA Assessments and Solutions Registration Information
  2 NOWRA Alcohol and Beer Wastewater Treatment Registration Information
The courses in the table below have specific date and times and may be offered in-person, virtual, or some combination.
Table of set date continuing education courses for wastewater designers





information and 
registration links

February 9, 2024 2   SSSNNE: Annual Meeting and Back to Basics Workshop Concord, NH Registration Information
February 15 & 16, 2024   4 URI NEOWTP: Innovative & Alternative Technologies online Registration Information
April 10, 2024   2 Onsite Septic Solutions, LLC presenting on Tanks, Pumps, and Pretreatment in person Registration Information
April 11, 2024   4 URI NEOWTP: Innovative & Alternative Technologies in person Registration Information
April 11 & 12, 2024   6

VTC Workshop: Residential Onsite Wastewater Disposal Systems - Preparation for Class A Written Exam

Registration Information
April 15 & 16, 2024   Up to 5 per day based on session attendance GSOWA's 35th Annual Spring Septic System Conference Manchester, NH Registration Information
May 11, 2024 4   VTC Workshop: Advanced Soil Texture and Redoximorphic Features in person Registration Information
May 15, 2024   5 High Strength Waste Design in person Registration Information
May 23 & 24, 2024 4 1 VTC Workshop: Field Description of Soils - VT Preparation of Class A Field Exam Registration Information
May 23, 2024   4 URI NEOWTP: Bottomless Sand Filter (BSF) Design and Installation online Registration Information
June 6 & 7, 2024   6 VTC Workshop: Residential Onsite Wastewater Disposal Systems - Preparation for Class A Written Exam Registration Information
June 10 - 14, 2024 4 1 VTC Workshop: Wetlands Delineation in person  
July 29 & 30, 2024 4 1 VTC Workshop: Field Description of Soils - VT Preparation for Class A Field Exam Registration Information
September 6, 2024   4 VTC Workshop: Alternative and Pressurized Wastewater Disposal Systems -Preparation for Class B Exam Registration Information
September 20, 2024 4   SSSNNE Summer Meeting: Floodplain Soils in person Registration Information
September 30 - October 4, 2024 4 1 VTC Workshop: Wetlands Delineation in person Registration Information
October 18, 2024   3 VTC Workshop: Preparation of Class BW Exam Registration Information
October 17 or 18, 2024 4   Merrimack County Conservation District: Soil Field Day in person Registration Information
November 21, 2024   3 URI NEOWTP: AutoCALCS: Automated Support Materials for Pump Timers, Tanks, BSF Sizing & Buoyancy Calcs in person Registration Information
December 7, 2024 4  

VTC Workshop: Advanced Soil Texture and Redoximorphic Features in person

Registration Information
December 5, 2024   3 URI NEOWTP: Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems Research Updates online Registration Information
Any 3 day scheduled Offering 4 2 NETTCP Soils and Aggregate Inspector Certification Course Registration Information

Previously approved Licensed Designer Continuing Education Courses: 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016