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Montpelier - State Offices at National Life complex

LaRosa 2017 Organizational Support Grant reports due

Reports for the pilot year of the LPP Organizational Support Grant are due. 

LPP partner participation has been responsible for translating water testing results into direct, on-the-ground actions. The LPP data have been used in the development of Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) pollution control plans, the identification and remediation of phosphorus pollution hotspots, and the documentation of priority subwatersheds for pollution control actions within VTDEC’s Tactical Basin Plans(TBP). The WMD recognizes the challenges the Partners face in securing funding to support the logistical aspects of water quality monitoring work. The funds awarded under this offering are intended to help fill this gap, for those groups whom are also working with the WMD and other partners in the implementation of “on-the-ground” water quality improvement projects. In 2016, the WMD released its first RFP to provide currently enrolled LPP Partners support in monitoring the effectiveness of water quality improvement practices. With the initial year of monitoring under this grant complete, these reports, which will serve to demonstrate the impact water quality improvement initiatives have on Vermon't waterways, are eagerly awaited. 

Reports should be completed using the templates developed by Kristen Underwood under contract for the DEC. Partners will use whichever of the five available templates relate to the projects they are monitoring and need submit only one final report. 

Reports should be directed to Jim Kellogg

Jim Kellogg - LPP Coordinator
Environmental Scientist
Department of Environmental Conservation
Watershed Management Division-Biomonitoring and Aquatic Studies Section
1 National Life Drive, Main 2
Montpelier, VT 05602-35221
(802) 490-6146


Vermont Citizens Advisory Committee on Lake Champlain Meeting

The Vermont Citizens Advisory Committee on Lake Champlain's Future meets Thursday, January 11th, 5:00 - 7:00 pm at the National Life Campus in Montpelier, Davis Building, Catamount Room (N215) and online via Skype for Business. During this meeting, the committee will be finalizing their 2018 Lake Champlain Action Plan. Members of the public are invted to attend online or in person. Please RSVP by emailing Bethany Sargent.


Clean Water Initiative Lecture: Restoring Lake Memphremagog

Speaker: Ben Copans, Basin Planner, Department of Environmental Conservation

This presentation is part of the 2017-2018 Clean Water Initiative Lecture Series. Attend online (via Skype for Business) or in person in the Winooski Room (M240), National Life Building, Montpelier. If attending in person, please RSVP by email


Clean Water Initiative Lecture: Stormwater Rule and General Permits Update

The Department of Environmental Conservation is implementing Vermont Clean Water Act requirements to update the stormwater rule, and to adopt general permits to address existing stormwater discharges, including “three-acre impervious surface” sites. Padraic Monks, Stormwater Program Manager, will provide a summary of proposed standards, and the timing and process for adoption of these regulations.

This presentation is part of the 2017-2018 Clean Water Initiative Lecture Series. Attend online (via Skype for Business) or in person in the Winooski Room (M240), National Life Building, Montpelier. If attending in person, please RSVP by email


Clean Water Fund Board Meeting

Monday, November 6, 2017, 3:30 - 4:30 pm in the Winooski Room (M240), National Life Building, Montpelier

The Clean Water Fund Board will review the results of the October 2017 public comment period and finalize its FY2019 Clean Water Fund budget recommendation. This meeting is open to the public. Please RSVP by emailing Emily Bird. Visit the Clean Water Fund Budget Process webpage for more information.


Clean Water Fund Board Working Meeting

Friday, October 6, 2017, 2:00 - 3:00 pm in the Catamount Room (N215), National Life Building, Montpelier

The Clean Water Fund Board will review the results of the September 2017 Clean Water Fund public comment period on the final draft FY2019 budget recommendation, and update their budget recommendation as needed. This meeting is open to the public. Please RSVP by emailing Emily Bird.


Clean Water Initiative Lecture: Clean Water Fund Draft Budget and Budget Development Process

Join Clean Water Initiative Program Manager Kari Dolan to learn more about the Clean Water Fund draft budget and budget development process on September 14th, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm, in the Catamount Room at the National Life Building in Montpelier. This presentation is part of the 2017-2018 Clean Water Initiative Lecture Series. Attend online (via Skype for Business) or in person (RSVP by email)


Clean Water Fund Board Meeting

The public is invited to attend the Clean Water Fund Board meeting on Tuesday, September 5th, from 3:00 to 4:30 pm in the Winooski Room (M240), National Life Building, Montpelier. The Clean Water Fund Board will review and vote on the final draft State Fiscal Year 2019 allocations for the 20-day public comment period to be held September 8th - 28th. If you plan to attend, please RSVP by emailing


Clean Water Fund Board Meeting

The public is invited to attend the Clean Water Fund Board meeting on August 23, 2017 from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm in the Catamount Room (N215), National Life Building, Montpelier. The Clean Water Fund Board will be reviewing the results of the July Clean Water Fund public comment period and discussing any adjustments to the SFY 2019 allocations based on those comments. If you plan to attend, please RSVP by emailing



Clean Water Fund Board Meeting

The public is invited to attend the Clean Water Fund Board meeting on June 29, 2017 from 9:00 am to 10:30am in the Catamount Room, National Life Building, Montpelier. The Clean Water Fund Board members, including secretaries of the Agencies of Administration; Agriculture, Food and Markets; Commerce and Community Development; Natural Resources; and Transportation, will be reviewing the Fiscal Year 2019 (July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019) Clean Water Fund draft allocations in preparation for the upcoming 30-day public comment period in July.  

If you plan to attend, please RSVP by emailing

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