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Act 64 Brown Bag Lecture

Clean Water Lecture: An Introduction to Act 76

Thursday, August 15, 2019, from 10:30 am - 12:00 pm, in the Winooski Room (M240), National Life Building, Montpelier

Clean water partners and members of the public are invited to learn about the Clean Water Service Delivery Act of 2019 (Act 76/S.96) from Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation staff Neil Kamman, Ethan Swift, and Emily Bird. Act 76 creates a long-term funding source for clean water work and changes how clean water projects are funded, administered, and implemented.

Attend in person (RSVP by email) or online (via Skype for Business). Visit the Clean Water Initiative Lecture Series webpage for additional information and help spread the word on Facebook.


Clean Water Lecture: Lake Score Cards Highlight Restoration Progress and Protection Needs

Thursday,  June 13, 2019, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm in the Winooski Room (M240), National Life Building, Montpelier

Join Leslie Matthews, an Environmental Scientist with the Lakes and Ponds Program, to learn about the Lake Score Card, a user-friendly interface developed by the program to help Vermonters understand overall lake health. Using Google Earth, viewers can select from more than 800 lakes in the state to learn about four key aspects of lake health: nutrients, aquatic invasive species, shoreland and lake habitat, and mercury pollution. Results from the Lake Score Card have prompted more detailed analyses of statewide trends that reveal progress for some lakes, but also concerning trends in our lowest nutrient lakes. This will be the last Clean Water Lecture of the season.

Attend in person (RSVP by email) or online (via Skype for Business). Visit the Clean Water Initiative Lecture Series webpage for additional information and help spread the word on Facebook.


Clean Water Lecture: Stormwater Update: What You Need to Know About the New 3-Acre General Permit

Thursday,  May 9, 2019, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm in the Winooski Room (M240), National Life Building, Montpelier

Stormwater Program Manager Padraic Monks will offer details about the new Stormwater Permitting Rule that went into effect March 15, 2019. The Stormwater Program is now preparing a new general permit that will implement the rule, which will require sites with three or more acres of impervious surfaces that lack a permit that meets the 2002 Stormwater Manual to treat their stormwater runoff. Learn about the timeline for adoption of the new general permit, application requirements, and treatment standards, as well as the use of stormwater impact fees.

Attend in person (RSVP by email) or online (via Skype for Business)Visit the Clean Water Initiative Lecture Series webpage for additional information and help spread the word on Facebook


Clean Water Lecture: WISPr, It’s Louder Than It Sounds: Millions Available for Natural Resources Restoration

Thursday,  April 11, 2019, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm in the Catamount Room (N215), National Life Building, Montpelier

Join Ashley Lucht with DEC’s Water Infrastructure Financing Program to learn about the Water Infrastructure Sponsorship Program or WISPr. Under this new program, up to 10% of a municipality’s clean water loan can be used to implement natural resources restoration projects. A reduced administrative fee over the life of the loan will cover the total value of the sponsored restoration project. Find out how to access this innovative and entirely new funding source for clean water. 

Attend in person (RSVP by email) or online (via Skype for Business). Visit the Clean Water Initiative Lecture Series webpage for additional information and help spread the word on Facebook


Clean Water Lecture: Immerse Yourself in Vermont’s River Basins Through Story Maps and More

Thursday,  March 14, 2019, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm in the Winooski Room (M240), National Life Building, Montpelier

Everyone has a story to tell – so do Vermont’s river basins. Join Basin Planner Danielle Owczarski to learn about Vermont's river basins and their restoration and protection plans through Esri Story Maps. Danielle will also highlight new tools available through the state's online Clean Water Portal and introduce an interactive map in development that will display clean water project opportunities that have been identified and prioritized through the tactical basin planning process.

Attend in person (RSVP by email) or online (via Skype for Business). Visit the Clean Water Initiative Lecture Series webpage for additional information and help spread the word on Facebook


Clean Water Lecture: 2018 Investment Report and Interagency Clean Water Projects Dashboard

Thursday, February 14, 2019, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm in the Winooski Room (M240), National Life Building, Montpelier

Learn about the Vermont Clean Water Initiative 2018 Investment Report and the newly launched Interagency Clean Water Projects Dashboard from Emily Bird, Assistant Manager, and Helen Carr, Operations Coordinator of the Department of Environmental Conservation's Clean Water Initiative Program. Attend in person (RSVP by email) or online (via Skype for Business). Visit the Clean Water Lecture Series webpage for additional information and help spread the word on Facebook


Lake Champlain Restoration Plan Progress Report

Join Kari Dolan, Clean Water Initiative Program Manager, to learn about the State of Vermont's progress completing milestones necessary to clean up Lake Champlain. These milestones are spelled out in the Lake Champlain restoration plan, known as the Phosphorus Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) for Vermont Segments of Lake Champlain accountability framework. Recently, the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation reported to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on the completion of these “Phase 1” milestones. These milestones put the necessary programs in place to reduce phosphorus inputs to Lake Champlain that lead to harmful cyanobacteria blooms. Milestones include updating Vermont’s Required Agricultural Practices, establishing Vermont’s Municipal Roads General Permit, and maintaining funds to support clean water improvement projects. 

The Catamount Room (N215), National Life Building, Montpelier

Online via Skype for Business


Clean Water Initiative Lecture: Restoring Lake Memphremagog

Speaker: Ben Copans, Basin Planner, Department of Environmental Conservation

This presentation is part of the 2017-2018 Clean Water Initiative Lecture Series. Attend online (via Skype for Business) or in person in the Winooski Room (M240), National Life Building, Montpelier. If attending in person, please RSVP by email


Clean Water Initiative Lecture: Stormwater Rule and General Permits Update

The Department of Environmental Conservation is implementing Vermont Clean Water Act requirements to update the stormwater rule, and to adopt general permits to address existing stormwater discharges, including “three-acre impervious surface” sites. Padraic Monks, Stormwater Program Manager, will provide a summary of proposed standards, and the timing and process for adoption of these regulations.

This presentation is part of the 2017-2018 Clean Water Initiative Lecture Series. Attend online (via Skype for Business) or in person in the Winooski Room (M240), National Life Building, Montpelier. If attending in person, please RSVP by email


Clean Water Initiative Lecture: Clean Water Fund Draft Budget and Budget Development Process

Join Clean Water Initiative Program Manager Kari Dolan to learn more about the Clean Water Fund draft budget and budget development process on September 14th, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm, in the Catamount Room at the National Life Building in Montpelier. This presentation is part of the 2017-2018 Clean Water Initiative Lecture Series. Attend online (via Skype for Business) or in person (RSVP by email)

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