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Wetland restoration is the process of returning a degraded wetland to an approximation of its pre-disturbance condition.  The United States lost over half of its wetlands since European colonization in the early 1600s, and Vermont lost as much as 35 percent.  Until recently, wetlands were seen as obstacles to development, agriculture, and travel, and were systematically drained and altered.  Conversion of wetlands was accepted practice as recently as the 1950s, and was even incentivized by government policies (see the

Conserve and Protect

Wetland conservation and protection is aimed at preventing the loss of wetlands and the functions and values they provide. The United States lost over half of its wetlands since European colonization in the early 1600s, and Vermont lost as much as 35 percent. Until recently, wetlands were seen as obstacles to development, agriculture, and travel, and were systematically drained and altered. Conversion of wetlands was accepted practice as recently as the 1950s, and was even incentivized by government policies.

Hydrophytic Vegetation

Wetland plants, or hydrophytic "water loving" vegetation, are those plants which have adapted to growing in the low-oxygen (anaerobic) conditions associated with prolonged saturation or flooding. These plants have adapted to anaerobic soil conditions by evolving alternative methods of collecting oxygen such as the hypertrophied lenticels in the bark of speckled alder; the hollow stems of rush and grass species; and the air filled cells (aerenchyma) in the roots of cattails.

Wetland Hydrology

Floodplain Forest Wetland.  Trees are seen with some green vegetation near their trunks.  There is standing water almost everywhere.Wetland hydrology refers to the timing and extent of flooding or soil saturation and is considered to be the "driving force" in wetland formation. Rainfall, soil permeability, position in the landscape, surrounding land use, and type of vegetation all influence the hydrology of a wetland.

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