- UST Closure Release Assessment Guidance assists tank
owners/contractor/consultants with UST closure and release assessment requirements.
- Closure Form for tank/piping closure or removal.
- Removing Your Residential Underground Tank summarizes requirements and best management practices when removing fuel oil or kerosene underground (buried) storage tanks.
- Tank removal financial assistance webpage assists homeowners looking for financial assistance with the removal/closure of their home heating oil tank (fuel oil or kerosene).
- Petroleum Cleanup Fund Deductibles
Find a Consultant/Contractor
- Environmental Consultants can perform release assessments during a tank removal/closure to determine if there has been a release of petroleum into the environment from the UST system. This list is maintained by the Sites Manage Section (SMS) of the Waste Management and Prevention Division, not the Storage Tanks Section. Contact the SMS (see below) with questions about this list.
- UST Contractors can remove or close in place an underground storage tank
Contaminated Sites, Releases
For guidance on contamination found during an UST removal, please see the Waste Management and Prevention Division Sites Management Section webpage, or contact the Sites Management Section and ask to speak with a site manager.
Note: to report a release during a tank removal/closure, refer to the Spills Management webpage.
Contact Information
For information on UST system closure or to submit closure forms, or for information related to UST loans, please contact:
Sue Thayer
Storage Tanks Section
Hazardous Materials Program
Waste Management and Prevention Division
Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation
1 National Life Drive – Davis 1
Montpelier, VT 05620-3704