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Underground Injection Control Rules

October 29, 2014
(a) These Rules apply to discharges to injection wells.
(b) These Rules are not intended to affect other existing regulations including, but not limited to, the
Vermont Groundwater Protection Rule and Strategy and rules adopted by the Vermont Department of
(c) These Rules do not limit the powers of federal, state or local authorities to control existing or potential
threats to human health or the environment.

Indirect Discharge Rules

April 30, 2003
(a) These rules establish standards and procedures that the Secretary uses in reviewing
permit applications for indirect discharges and in the issuance and administration of
indirect discharge permits under the authority referenced in §14-101 above. These
rules further implement the policies established in the Water Pollution Control Act (10
V.S.A. Chapter 47) and in the Groundwater Protection Act (10 V.S.A., Chapter 48). It
is the purpose of these rules to insure that:
(1) Indirect discharges comply with the provisions of the Vermont Water Quality
Indirect Discharge Rules Page 2
(2) Indirect discharges and associated treatment and disposal systems are designed and
constructed in a manner that will provide reliable protection of the public health,
groundwater, and surface water during operation and maintenance.
(3) New indirect discharges of sewage from systems with a design capacity of 6,500 gpd
or more:
(A) will not significantly alter the aquatic biota in the receiving waters,
(B) will not pose more than a negligible risk to the public health, and
(C) will be consistent with existing and potential beneficial uses of the waters.

Well Driller Licensing Rule

August 29, 2002
The purpose of this rule is to protect public health and the environment by providing for the licensing of water and monitoring well drillers, the recording and reporting of each well drilled, and the closure of abandoned wells. The Water Well Advisory Committee is established as a forum for the well driller industry and other interested parties to advise and assist agency staff on well drilling and groundwater issues.

Source Water Permitting

All Public Water Supply Systems (PCWS, NTNC, TNC, Domestic Bottled/Bulk Water) are required to have a source water permit for any new source, hydrofracturing or deepening of an existing source, or any increase in withdrawal of an existing source.  Applicants for this permit must comply with the Water Supply Rule Chapter 21 and if applying for a Domestic Bottled or Bulk Water Permit, it must also comply with the requirements of the 

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