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Surface Water Diversion and Transfer Study Group

Surface Water Diversion and Transfer Study Group

Pursuant to Act 173 of 2020 (An act related to surface water diversions) the Agency of Natural Resources has convened a Surface Water Diversion and Transfer Study Group to investigate and make recommendations to the General Assembly regarding the environmental, economic, and recreation impacts of surface water diversions, including the transfer of surface water between watersheds.

Below are supporting documents related to the Study Group and link to meetings, agendas and presentations.

Contact Information

Jeff Crocker, Supervising River Ecologist 


Meeting 6 Recording (September 27, 2021)

Meeting 5 Recording (August 24, 2021)

Meeting 3 Recording (June 21, 2021)

Meeting 2 Recording (May 17, 2021)

Meeting 1 Recording (March 15, 2021)